July 6, 2024
Hate Crimes

Have the Police Lost Common Sense? The Politicisation of Policing in the UK.

This time on #NCFCounterCulture we discuss the politicization of policing in the UK. Has the police’s support for politically active groups such as BLM & Stonewall, its double standards / selective policing of different protests and its controversial recording of “non-crime hate incidents”, eroded public trust and confidence?

What should we make of last week’s news that the Home Secretary Priti Patel wants the police to stop recording these “non-hate crime incidents” over fears that the College of Policing’s policy is blighting employment prospects and curbing free speech.

Joining Peter Whittle to discuss these and many other policing issues are:

* Harry Miller of the “Fair Cop” campaign group, which campaigns against attempts to criminialise individuals for expressing opinions that do not contravene any laws. Harry achieved national fame after he was investigated by police for posting a poem on Twitter.

A “cohesion officer” from Humberside Police telephoned Harry and told him that, while his tweets had not broken any laws, he should “check his thinking” and not engage in political debate on Twitter “because some people don’t like it”. The officer cited 30 ‘potentially offensive tweets’, but the police have so far refused to identify the tweets they deem to be offensive. Although no crime was committed, sharing the poem online was recorded as a hate incident.

* Rafe Heydel-Mankoo of the New Culture Forum. Historian and commentator.

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  • @davidwalker5054 June 30, 2024

    Talking about common sense. I had to go to a police station to collect some items that had confiscated ( and this is where common sense comes into play ) they refused to hand over my passport until I produced photographic identification to prove my identity I don't think that police station holds the record for crime solving

  • @ericboxer3053 June 30, 2024

    there's no police by consent..it is woke sharia enforcement

  • @h.j7469 June 30, 2024

    Not relevant so much to the discussion, but reading about the police response in New York to the Son of Sam Case and their refusal to deal with allegations (so obvious) of other accomplices, shows the police have to be accountable for their actions.

  • @natashalion8028 June 30, 2024

    Reverse engineering…. it's Black Mirror. Because there are soo many corrupt, wonk's, that do need guidlines and have no common sense. Eg Detective Paul Algood, NONCE. No moral integrity to begin with.

  • @natashalion8028 June 30, 2024

    Women on average get 15 years for murder and men get 3 : Just an eg of the weighted scales in favour !? How come trans-women don't get 15 years for rape or murder ?

  • @martinkennedy5675 June 30, 2024

    Can I report the bile that was heaped on me because I voted for Brexit as a hate crime?

  • @kevinbillington9773 June 30, 2024

    Human rights act signed by Blair, so his mrs could make a packet.

  • @misiasert1348 June 30, 2024

    College of police is part of a wider agenda to infantalise society & create needy babies that need to be instructed in every facet of life,forever.
    Apart from the fact the section of society police most support, are calling for their defunding & detest police authority the most!!

  • @marionalice3588 June 30, 2024

    Brilliant discussion of truth. Thank you for keeping us sane. Always good to see my favourite, Rafe Heydel-Mankoo

  • @Patrick-vh5nr June 30, 2024

    ‘Protected characteristics’ is anti equality. It’s vile leftist nonsense and has no place in a western democracy. We are all to be treated as equal in a democracy this idea is a perversion.

  • @Patrick-vh5nr June 30, 2024

    We must get rid of ALL hate crime law. ALL OF IT! You cannot legislate emotion.

  • Fascinating discussion. Really shocked that police induction ceremony was changed to include an oath to uphold human rights. On the surface so banal yet with such deep-reaching effects in practice. Does no one ever think these things through?

  • I wonder whether Europe’s different approach to personal freedoms hasn’t infected UK policing during our EU membership?

    Our traditional, common law approach where everything is permitted unless it is expressly forbidden is diametrically opposite to the European (Code Napoleon) view where nothing is allowed unless it is specifically regulated for.

  • @nicolabenjamin9575 June 30, 2024

    Absolutely we’ve digressed to Keystone cops 👮🏾‍♀️ with a lengthy list of what they don’t do…!

  • @r1bew42 June 30, 2024

    In the words of Buford T Justice….'That's nothing but good old fashioned Communism".

  • @bernardedwards8461 June 30, 2024

    Can you lose something you never had? The police have been covering up for crooked politicians for as far back as anyone can remember. The Robert Boothby – Tom Driberg – Kray brothers scandal, Westminster paedophile scandal, Jeremy Thorpe scandal etc. A couple of years ago the BBC aired a documentary by investigative journalist Tom Mangold on the Thorpe affair, which clearly revealed that the would-be killers had confessed everything, but all they were charged with was shooting Scott's dog, as any more serious charges would have revealed what Thorpe and some of his friends had been doing. As with the Boothby, Driberg, Kray affair, the police were told to lay off, and they did, thus perverting the course of justice. The police never denied it.

  • @jenniferbate9682 June 30, 2024

    Actually, it was the police of the 1950’s when we had Dixon of Dock Green and our bobbies on bicycles… you had so many police walking on the streets and we felt safer…. I wonder why?? Thanks for this great podcast Peter. You always look so immaculate too.

  • @CrystalJ7 June 30, 2024

    I miss Dixon of Dock Green 🙁

  • @derrickfield8957 June 30, 2024

    This will come back to haunt the police. Once trust is lost it is not an easy task to regain it.

  • @Louiseskybunker June 30, 2024

    The banks and the media are stuck in their perverted 1933 Theatre… to agitate the public so that old religious sexual predators try to hide their vile deeds.

  • @jagman84 June 30, 2024

    If it is true that the fines for Covid regulation breaches are going to a private company run by Police officers, The motivation to hand out such penalties must be high. This has all the signs of a Common Purpose/Hand of Blair operation. Judging from his recent comments on lockdowns, he is behind most of our current societal ills.

  • @hermitny3852 June 30, 2024


  • @WilliamJohnwon1522 June 30, 2024

    Some crimes are likely to be true like Heath's. Let's not mix that up that with the madness of hate crime. There was a lot of victims accusations that matched, that's why Heath would have been questioned, had he been alive. Mike Veale was last of the real policemen.

  • @crulove June 30, 2024

    Harry Miller is a seriously impressive speaker. The way he purs forward a clear, reasonable but forceful argument is exquisite. I actually think there is a future for him in politics. He speaks for all those ordinary citizens who are perplexed but the utter insanity pursued by the new establishment. I can imagine him utterly skewering some hapless Labour MP during a debate.

  • Another wonderful video. Everyone in the UK needs to stand up against these "thought" police.

  • @redjacc7581 June 30, 2024

    many years ago policing in the uk changed. The change was the removal of discretionary powers : the freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation. This was removed from policing which is why the police come across as

  • @staffoeberg June 30, 2024

    Stay Sane.

  • @andrewfinney2791 June 30, 2024

    They have lost all respect,

  • @terryallen8911 June 30, 2024

    Kevin Bloody Wilson on political correctness; If its political, there's a f*cking good chance it aint correct!

  • @cecilefox9136 June 30, 2024

    I don't like the municipal police force in Pamplona,Spain where I live at all!

  • @stevenmoore3130 June 30, 2024

    Student Trot and anti nation Globalist Tony Blair, when in the drivers cab of the British train, introduced many things like expanded university access, Supreme court, devolution, College of policing and much more, thereby setting our train on an automatic and exponentially accelerating drive toward national destruction and an ultimate "globalist" world soviet.

  • @EeezyNoow June 30, 2024

    Great discussion.

  • @stevenmoore3130 June 30, 2024

    The police have traditionally, and keenly, always recruited from the Military. As an ex Cavalryman I know many fellow veterans who went on to serve with distinction in the police.

    However, post Steven Lawrence, all this changed as the lawrence issue was used as the catalyst for revolutionary change in British policing.

    Change enforced under Blair and influenced by Stonewall.

    I have no doubt that the demand that all Police must know come from university is a revolutionary influenced drive to ensure that British policing is devoid of any ex Military.

    The reason?

    After military service, most if not all veterans are imbued with a deep love of our nation and the crown, an attribute along with any vestige elitism that Blaireit "Globalism" is intent on totally irradiating from Britsh society.

  • @Nick-vl7df June 30, 2024

    As an older guy I think the problem is. It used to be a calling being a police officer now it's a good woke career. Well paid.
    And if you tick the right boxes your go a long way . Regardless of how you deal with the public. I wonder how often Dicks talks to the normal public without a couple of minders.
    Cheers. Ps Harry's a good man.

  • @Nick-vl7df June 30, 2024

    Prity Patel claimed she believes in free speech
    Maybe she should inform the Nottingham police or BBC over the Alex Bellfield attack by police and encouraged by the BBC. Doesn't that really show how she feels about free speech. What happened to inclusivity when you need a university degree to be a basic plod.

  • @Ubu987 June 30, 2024

    "Guidance" is a Managerialist term. Since the '90s, there has been a coup by a caste of drone-like imbeciles who wish to rule absolutely, following oversimplified, cartoon-like, ideologies, which are filtered down to individual drones as 'guidance,' which is pursued as an iron-clad, unyielding law to be obeyed to the letter.

  • @tonyprynne3945 June 30, 2024

    Making it an explicit requirement that new police recruits have a degree is a very bad idea.   It is important that the policed (i.e. all of us) see the police as potentially one of us.   Many in society see a degree is a badge of elitism.    It will exacerbate the divisions in society.   And it is sad to cut the profession off from those are not academic.   One of my oldest friends was a copper who joined in the 1970s, and one of the best you could meet.   But he never had the opportunity to tudy past “O” level.   And your comments, Harry, are a sad indictment of our universities.   Time was when the most valuable thing a university education conveyed was the ability to think critically.

  • @andyjarman4958 June 30, 2024

    Critical Constructivism – helping police reach their arrest quotient all across the UK.

  • @andyjarman4958 June 30, 2024

    It is the stated intention of Critical Theory to demolish the cultural consensus within society.

    Cultural constructivism maintains all meaning and opinions have been constructed to maintain the power of those in control of the establishment of values and meaning.

    Critical Constructivism aims to dismantle this 'power base' embodied in social norms by turning society on its head (disabusing people of their 'false consciousness' as Engels would have put it).

    This has profound implications for the man on the upstairs of the Clapham Omnibus.

    If such a person's opinion is woke he cannot be relied upon to give a reasonable view on a matter.

    If woke, the opinion of the reasonable man would be intentionally irrational and aimed at defying common law.

    Critical Constructivism is a solvent designed to pull apart the cohesion that is formed by common understanding.

    Hence Critical Constructivism requires the Woke to accept 2+2=5.

  • @harryfoster6374 June 30, 2024

    it is plainly clear that the private Collage of policing needs to be shut down ASAP.

  • @meanbush5048 June 30, 2024

    The conservatives could repeal every one of Blair's laws and decisions if they wanted to, they have the majority, but they don't, why, because they have literally become a second Labour party themselves.

  • @philipsmale4721 June 30, 2024

    Great programme.😃.also liked reading the comments.😆

  • @johnleckieWATP June 30, 2024

    The internet has caused these problems, well Facebook, Twitter and the like we would have been better off without them.

  • @patrickwhite3127 June 30, 2024

    Embrace common purpose. Lose common sense.

  • @eileenthompson5958 June 30, 2024

    Sad to say, we are dealing with people ( in this case the Police Force) who have been brainwashed into cult-like behaviour and are totally unaware of it! It’s all the more dangerous and damaging to society because of the position of power and authority they are in. This is the result when belief in God and His precious Law is disregarded and abandoned ….

  • @boriss.861 June 30, 2024

    So what do we do when up against 5 little words that resonate so loudly in a large community:- The Man and The Book!

  • @paxolefeece6520 June 30, 2024

    The law is an ass.

  • @normalwisdom4048 June 30, 2024

    The Police have shifted into civil society, away from criminal, THEY SIMPLY DON'T HAVE A LEGAL MANDATE, this is why the courts are not upholding fines etc.🤓

  • @DanSirGalahad June 30, 2024

    I have ZERO confidence in the police, the judiciary or the country anymore. It’s a completely rotten, Marxist state and I do not see any Hope from anywhere

  • @davidmccullough7977 June 30, 2024

    It's the career path that ensures the type of leadership! Middle ranking officers can't, won't, progress without demonstrating unquestioning adherence to the prevailing orthodoxy. You would be far more fearful if you saw up close what passes for wisdom in the modern police force. Just saying 🤬

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