July 1, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

How China Controls the World’s Money Laundering, Drugs, & Human Trafficking

If you need your dirty drug money washed clean, better call China! CCP-linked triads have a great system for money laundering, routed through casinos and other quasi-legit businesses, that will allow you to keep your hard-earned crime money, without the IRS being the wiser. But China’s corruption in other countries goes much deeper even than that. Drugs, human trafficking and organized crime are some of China’s biggest exports.

This is a highlight from the full episode No. 171 with Sam Cooper:

Read Sam Cooper’s Book, Wilful Blindness: (Updated edition)

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  • @ChinaUnscripted June 28, 2024

    This is a highlight from the full episode No. 171 with Sam Cooper:

  • @bjayyy June 28, 2024

    You did a good job exposing this.
    But nobody will do anything. Chinese bought American media businessman universities, and politicians , and these people will dance to Chinese tune.
    And it's funny you say you can work with Chinese to stop this. Only a naive or stupid person will say yhis.
    Trump was the only person who understood this. But he was taken out with vigorous media propaganda from Chinese friendly media like CNN, Washington post , New York times and all those wokes out there.
    I mean Nyack lives matter in USA muslim lives matter in india, similar protests with same Moses operandi.
    Ofcourse the likes of Greta Thunberg, who was a media celebrity during Trumps time and funnily now out of circulation.
    Chinese are simply toying with US, UK, Germany, Italy France, Australia,. Ofcourse half of money in Swiss banks will be Chinese I guess.
    God save this world

  • @wallaceorin7887 June 28, 2024

    Don't forget The Big Guy's 10%

  • @jadealexander8207 June 28, 2024

    No one will ever stop it either that’s sad !!! God will have to blow the damn world up to fix it !🥺😩

  • @leonpope861 June 28, 2024

    They work together because it deepens their poc
    kets . Deep pockets produce tentacle like influ-
    ence 🤔 📉 📈 🙄

  • @NajwaLaylah June 28, 2024

    China is the Final Boss. Funny thing is, according to PRChina rules for video games, I don't think that such a boss could be depicted in any game the benighted CPC-ridden mainland populace would be allowed to play. O.o

  • @flashback1123 June 28, 2024

    Coke now comes from Peru (no longer Colombia)

  • @neal2180 June 28, 2024

    China Communist party was born to be a criminal gang. The way they think, the way they propaganda, the way they operate, you name it.

  • @richardfan4122 June 28, 2024

    White trashy channel.

  • @flashback1123 June 28, 2024

    Only 4k views in 3 days….. YouTube shouldn't be surpressing this type of report

  • @BuckFiden33 June 28, 2024

    The biggest money seizure in Mexico was from a Chinese guy linked the sinaloa cartel, his mansion that was raided was stacked with money from the floor to the ceiling in all the rooms and hallways.. he had a Mexican citizenship given by the Mexican government prior to his arrest and he claimed all that money was campaign money for the president

  • @brianhusted3909 June 28, 2024

    Drugs are extremely useful when you want to brainwash people or you want to drag a society down into the gutter and demoralize them. They are a weapon to subvert people and countries.

  • The CIA and Banking system has been running the Heroin and Cocaine trade for decades. China controls lab created chemicals like fentynal and methamphetamines

  • @rdallas81 June 28, 2024

    In USA, people are shooting each other in record numbers.
    107,000 dead from overdoses.
    They are smashing businesses open like Jewelry stores and taking whatever they want.
    They are teaching your kids about homosexuality and gender fluidity perversions which is lust and BLASPHEMY with kids at Gay drag shows with signs saying "this will not suck itself"
    We are 7 Trillion in debt.
    The west is setting record temperatures.
    There are droughts AND floods.
    Catastrophic events are coming and they are coming to your house.

    And we think we can involve ourselves in a war in another country?

    Guess what? Its all about to get much worse.
    God is about to do what He warned the world about and it will be absolutely necessary and devastating.

  • @rdallas81 June 28, 2024

    The destruction of USA is happening from the inside and the outside.
    The FUSE is LIT from both ends

  • @rdallas81 June 28, 2024

    You are witnessing the end of the age.

  • @jackiestowe6987 June 28, 2024

    The CCP is the ones selling the chemicals to the Mexican cartels to make Fentanyl and Meth to be smuggled into America by the open southern border, Mexico and by the Canadian border by the Chinese Mafia. How do u destroy a nation? Kill their children or make them drug addicts. China is using “the Opium Wars” on America. Look at how many rich Chinese that have moved into Vancouver, Canada. America is not doing it’s best to control this situation. The President’s policy is drowning America in Fentanyl. There is enough Fentanyl to kill every American in the US right now. American’s need to take the “dragon scales from their eyes and stop buying from China”. The CCP wants the US to be destroyed. We need to stop buying stuff from the country that “wants to drop bombs on our heads”.

  • @ricgl84 June 28, 2024

    What was the book about the Chinese infiltration in Canada?

  • @dreamtower537 June 28, 2024

    West to western world and the rest : is really tough
    West to China🇨🇳: worships every Chinese 'related' stuff, carries on their back
    That's 💩

  • @amerixantrash3620 June 28, 2024

    If half of these claims hold true – holy fk.

  • @secretbassrigs June 28, 2024

    The world's largest organized crime syndicate 👉 CCP occupied government of China

  • @stormtrooper2170 June 28, 2024

    The ccp is the largest loan shark company in the world.. Its not latest news.. it has been happening 20 years ago.. Thanks to america..👈😅
    "BUT WHO GIVE A SHIT..?" 💩😩💩

  • @pampoovey6977 June 28, 2024

    Just think how much worse it will all get if they win. The CCP has without a doubt lost the Mandate of Heaven by getting in bed with Hell.

  • @JLneonhug June 28, 2024

    Take a step back and think realistically- if the CCP have ties to the underground world and market, they won't go away nor go down. Any Western policies or advancements will not conquer CCP as they can deploy another world of disruption from the underground world.

  • @chrisrosenkreuz23 June 28, 2024

    This is some newbie sh|t, I am disappoint. 'The company' is slang for the CIA, you're not gonna come in and tell me that no, the cold war didn't happen and that this moniker has somehow been circumvented and means a totally different thing now. No. It has always meant the CIA. So however you want to fit that into your narrative and explain it away, that's fine, but you're not gonna tell me it's something different than the CIA. Sure, there's lots of companies out there, but there's never been another 'company' and there never will.

  • @TheStanford01 June 28, 2024

    Everything goes back to China!!!!

  • @nonamerequired123 June 28, 2024

    Other quasi legit businesses? You don't launder money with anything other than legal businesses, that would defeat the entire point of money-laundering, which is to take money that was made illegally and make it legal.

  • @kevin_atrok June 28, 2024

    the 3rd Economy. Drugs Terrorism. Lobby groups is more powerful than we like to believe

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