July 1, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Identity Theft Protection, Identity Fraud Protection, Identity Gaurd

Americans are outraged at the scale of Identity Theft which are occuring frequently and increasing rapidly. Criminal Gangs are  brazenly stealing  identities of millions of Americans, stealing money from their bank acounts and obtaining new credit cards, state & federal ID’s and filing bogus tax returns in their names. The tax fraud alone is costing American Tax Payers billions of dollars each year.
We wanted to do something about it! so, we along with our partners developed a most secure and comprehensive Identity Theft protection system that every American could easily afford. Right now, we are offering the victims whose identities have  been compromised, at Target®  and other stores across the country, a chance to enroll and get a Million Dollar protection and around the clock (24/7) monitoring service, so they could, once again, start enjoying a stress free lifestyle!
If you don’t want yourself and your family to become the Next Target of Identity Theft, you now have a clear choice! you could get your own Million Dollar protection plan at an extremely affordable price. Join Patriot ID Protection plan today, get the protection you need and the peace of mind you deserve.


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