July 7, 2024
Sex Crimes

Overwatch Controversy, FGC Diversity, SSB Sexual Assault? Tekken 7 Update + More!

Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 breaks sales records at play asia

Tim Schafer gives Anita 30k cash donation, for her next project

Blizzard removes Tracer pose to avoid offending anyone

A mothers response to Tracers pose has her thread deleted for no reason

Square Enix gave Star Ocean 5’s Miki bigger panties in fear of western criticism

Capcom makes Alex for free in SFV, until zenny shop is available

FGC Diversity

More FGC diversity

MacD Sexual Assault Allegations

Killer Instinct Season 3 adds single player mode and new characters

KOF98 now backwards compatible for XB1

Tekken 7 updates, tournaments and released date rumored to be late 2016

Bandai Namco considering releasing Tekken 7 PC version of game

Guilty Gear Revelator preorder includes 20 playable characters in demo

Harvard team caught cheating in Heroes of the dorm

GTA 6 is in development

GTA Tokyo was almost a reality

New RE CG movie called Resident Evil Vendetta

Ratchet & Clank movie release date

Link’s Awakening Marin coming to Hyrule Warriors as DLC

Video Game HOF reveals finalists for May induction



  • @TheBengalDragon June 29, 2024

    as for sexual assault,  actual PHYSICAL sexual assault is a very serious thing. Fictional (mental perhaps) or cyber assault is just that, a fiction, and should be treated as such. not real.

  • @woooweee June 29, 2024

    Literally they got upset at the statue of david pose.
    The fucking logo of the Mary Sue is the same pose.
    Sjw's are just cancer.

  • @S1lentMC June 29, 2024

    That rhythm game is called Mai Mai, its online in most of Asia. It plays alot like Persona 4 Dancing, except that its actually hard. I dig all the game music it has.

  • will this finally teach people how dumb kickstarters are??

  • @BoolXor June 29, 2024

    I predicted she would have her project capped off by her friends with money. It really shows the Privilege Narrative to be absolutely false since The Amazing Atheist had almost no coverage whatsoever and is outpacing her in Contributors. The money doesn't even matter at this point; because the long list of contributors will speak clearly enough for how appealing the project truly is. The point of crowdfunding is not to make money; but to raise awareness through capital gains from the public. The money itself is competence to the possible success of the project, while Anita on the other hand, makes it clear that she is only doing it for the money with her juvenile jeering on twitter.
    I'm waiting for her to release some Luke warm shit about Ada Lovelace, it would make my day to have rip her shit project to pieces.

  • @OfficialBioDevil June 29, 2024

    I'm absolutely puzzled as to why these companies will listen to these people and change for them immediately but won't listen to their actual consumers.

  • @malibutaa June 29, 2024

    Another RE movie with Leon? What the hell. I want to see Jill and/or Chris.

  • @SuperDeluxe80 June 29, 2024

    funny how game devs listen to the 20 people who hate everything, yet ignore the millions who actually buy their shit and not fix the broken buggy games they release.

  • @MerlautZone June 29, 2024

    I'd rly like a GTA-like game set in Tokyo. I love Sleeping Dogs, but that doesn't count, for me, since it's Hong Kong, I want Japan.

  • @MerlautZone June 29, 2024

    12:52 Noo, Japanese gamers, we're all fam, don't be like that! 😮

  • @Akhos June 29, 2024

    Hey Event, correction on the whole Alex thing. The Zenny part of the shop they wanted to take more time to ensure that it was working properly, so that won't be available until later down the line. So Alex is free until the Zenny part shop is available, as well as any future DLC characters that are released before that point. Once the Zenny is ready, you'll have to acquire them with either Fight Money or Zenny.

    We don't know how long that'll be though, but my estimate would probably be a couple months given what they said about future DLC characters also being free, and those are being released monthly.

    They also gave us Ryu's and Chun-li's story mode costumes for free and that's permanent, so there's that too. Though that would have been a lot better if they gave us a costume choice, not everyone uses Ryu or Chun…

  • @thorff1 June 29, 2024

    I laughed way too hard when I read ふぁああああああく がいじん. Honestly Imagining that being screamed made my day. Seriously though fuck censorship.

  • @dantevic June 29, 2024

    thank god i dont live in the U.S. for if i did i might of murdered everyone who supports anita.i dont condon murder but just hearing people support her like blind bats , makes me so bad.

  • @DryCereal4 June 29, 2024

    People were complementing leffen because he used to be the most disgustingly cancerous person in the smash community. He got banned from every tournament in the country of Sweden for a year because of shit like collusion, threats, bullying, physical violence, etc. Look up "evidence.zip" for more info on that.

    That shit was just a few years ago. He's been cleaning up his act since then, and the fact that he can go from shit like that to speaking out against others is a huge improvement.

  • Event,
    The Zenny store did not open today. The fight money shop did, not Zenny.
    You made a mistake there.

  • @Anon9729X June 29, 2024

    When will these damn SJW bitches get a life and stop bitching about stuff that are not that important.

  • @MasterChris666 June 29, 2024

    i hate the gaming world

  • @MisterMultiplayer June 29, 2024

    Hey Event, if you get the chance. Can you check your Youtube messages/inbox?

  • @Playeressence June 29, 2024

    Eventually nobody will give a damn about Anita's dumb ass.

  • @BlackTiger001 June 29, 2024

    Wait Danny o'dwyer is the guy from game spot right. the same guy who does the point? the self same guy who joked at the end of his breaking up with assassin's creed video saying he was banging gta the whole time anyway. as much as the his response to a pose pissed me off, a tame pose at that, I'm far more pissed at blizzard. If the pose is too much for his child like sensibilities then too bad. Just because you find Tracer titillating doesn't mean you need to cry foul for everyone.

    don't consort with foreigners. Damn! Them words jump out. Japanese hate taking it back to old school xenophobic days.

  • @AkumetsuRecords June 29, 2024

    Can't blame some japanese people on that, i mean it does suck if they think all foreigners are ok with this BS (a weird BS which doesn't CHANGE ANYTHING…the panties are still there unless idk we Westerns are only ok with BIG panties?!) and the UN thing though it kinda feels like the same feminist over here. Not all feminist are like the fake ones who think they're ones but since they throw that word around to title themselves, it gives actual ones a bad name (which is why i just call them idiots~).
    Still Companies just stop caring, unless they KNOW for sure that not doing something 1 or few people whine about means NOONE buying their product because i rather not have the reason good games not coming over cause it be OFFENSIVE to westerns.

    Oh Capcom will you say what you really mean~ I know companies like making up some BS excuse on their dumb decisions but i love how Capcom says this and then do something that completely ruins it or idk same with Overwatch (that guy's comment…made my head hurt) can't show butts or it being touched somehow IDK human bodies are gross eww~.

    Tim i loved your games…why and wow i'm sorta suprised stuff like that is happening in the SSB community…really need to address some stuff more than others cause wow that's sad and disgusting.

  • @Frocobo June 29, 2024

    Starting to think the industry needs to crash and burn. Start afresh at enthusiast level.

  • @bonifidehustla June 29, 2024

    If you say anything bad or negative about SJWs or Anita on neogaf. Your banned no questions asked. lol. Bad thing is so many companies think neogaf represents the whole gaming community. Matter of fact I got banned for calling somebody out on that bullshit on the Blizzard game. I'm like you can complain about a post but not murdering in game

    You notice them SJWS can only attack fake characters. They will never attack a real woman because that woman will get on them. You notice they dont say shit about all the sexy shit on TV.

  • @happyanzu1 June 29, 2024

    I don't blame them for being mad. I'd be mad too. which I'm already am.

  • @jameshampton4772 June 29, 2024

    Great video Event as always, main these SJWs groups pretty much complain about anything about  gaming makes you wonder what if they watch anime or read comic books or manga are they going to bitch about that too I wonder!?

  • @404Yaiba June 29, 2024

    The arcade I regularly attend on the weekend has a tremendous amount of families and kids that come there to have fun. Some of them are very young and are into fighting games. When there are kids around, the pro players and myself try to handle ourselves in an orderly fashion and just have fun, if the kids ask how to do specific moves, we tell them or show them, and all of the other things of that nature. The FGC has to lead by example, especially for kids who want to be apart of the FGC and support it. The FGC has a lot of work to do and definitely, as you said yourself, Event, a lot of cleaning up to do. Kids are easy to change, and if they see the kind of atrocities that have been going on within the FGC, they'll think its okay to do, and its not. I love the FGC, but I do not support most of the negativity that has been shown within the community, and I usually dont condone said actions.

    As for SFV, capcom should take note of Killer Instinct and how the game is being developed. Hell, it even transitioned between two companies and the game was still being developed well, and online mode is almost flawless. KI has been on point since its initial reveal, and its been amazing how the KI community sticks together to keep their game alive. Good example Capcom should follow with their game.

    And then there is HipHopGamer. I'd like to challenge him to 3rd Strike, a much more tougher game than SFV. If he's good as he says he is, then he shouldn't have any problem with playing me in 3rd Strike on PS3. But I dont think it will work out, he might have dentist appointment in June, so he might duck me. HELL, His new name should be Duck Dodgers for all I know.

    Damn I miss the old days of gaming. The 90's and early 2000's were good years.

     Keep up the good work, Event.

  • @TheNeoSkyte June 29, 2024

    That Japanese arcade game is MaiMai you can see gameplay footage of that game all over youtube and honestly that's not even the hardest song. Man I miss the arcade.

  • @Gamemasta14 June 29, 2024

    YOOOOOO, that arcade game is called Maimai. That game is fucking sick, played the shit out of it when I was in Japan last year.

  • @ZevianAlter June 29, 2024

    Event sf5 characters are all free by choice for you either pay in game money or real money.

  • @Imoenn June 29, 2024

    Most of the reason I listen to you is you're the only guy who seems to pick up on the positive stories, I don't know how you get them but no one ever talks about it. It's just as you say "This big release is out!"

    I get the feeling things will have to get worse before they get better and when we see more SJW influence censor games, it's another nail in the coffin, you see it as nations pitted against each other, I see it as an Alliance waiting to happen, hell, GamerGate have been working on this for some time.

  • @1000Shadowx June 29, 2024


  • @Johnniebbro June 29, 2024

    speaking on mk news Ed boon big news that came out today ESL season 3…. yea…. no mk mac no kp3 that was the big news smh

  • @drsc June 29, 2024

    YO FOR REAL THOUGH! Event should get an award, b. He's puttin in that work and been puttin in work for the gaming world since Day 1. Give this nigga a trophy with mad hot bitches all around him! YOUTUBE NATION!

  • @9b8ll June 29, 2024

    it's funny that DOA is making bank off of Controversy on the end. I think Overwatch is doing the same thing to be honest. I also find it hilarious that the same people that complained about tracers Pose, Now saying that you are acting Like an SJW/SJC and bitching Now!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! They really need an Damn Mirror!!


    They say that it's not censorship but when it comes to Steven Universe Gay Removal all hell breaks loose! Hypocrisy at it's finest and Blizzard is making it worst and the guy compared that to rape made me mad! Not only that but the OP from that Blizz board that uses his daughter is sickening! Parent of the year, that OP is!!

    It wasn't really the pose Removal but that statement, the Drama and the Hypocrisy? So Next time when that kill off a gay character or any strong person that the PC/SJC really like, do the Same by Laughing and troll at the Bastards back! Not happy, don't give them money! That goes for anybody though! Speak UP, Don't Shut UP in these cases!!

    If the game is moddable you bet some modders will put it back regardless, Just like R.Mika butt slap XD

  • @Vespidia June 29, 2024

    Why can't people just make games the way they want to.

    You can't please everyone, there's always going to be something that offends someone.

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