July 2, 2024
Legal and Courtroom

Real Lawyer Reacts: ANOTHER Sarah Boone Letter – She WILL NOT Represent Herself

#lawyeryouknow #sarahboone #suitcasemurder

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  • @michellesayers5346 June 30, 2024

    I knew she would always rep herself, its going to be a complete circus when she does

  • @Mari-go5hc June 30, 2024

    Eight lawyers all these letters. Its rather obvious Miss Thing does not see that this is the same shit, different day! She just doesn't seem to get it. She murdered a man, that's why shes where shes at! I honestly think this woman believes she is going to win this case and walk out of court with thousands of fans cheering for her as she revels in her freedom! I bet she'll want to write a made for TV movie which she can star in. Wasn't she told this is her last lawyer and if she gets rid of this one she'll have to represent herself? I may be thinking of another case. Poor Poor Sarah, If only people would believe she didnt mean to lock him in a suitcase and then pass out, leaving him to die. She said several times "It was a good day, they had a good day!"

  • @Bunjil22 June 30, 2024

    She certainly is bizarre. He has a history of domestic violence, if she would just shut up and be represented, she would likely be able to get a decent manslaughter deal.

  • Sarah's still trying desperately to get a bail hearing while everyone else is preparing for the trial. Her priorities are backward, bail was never an option for her anyway. 😄

  • @drea1976 June 30, 2024

    I have a question… would all of her letters not be entered into public records if she just CC'd her attorney in all of them? Also, I'm not sure if body cam footage and interrogations should be released to the public before a trial… but in the same breath, that goes against The Freedom of Information Act. Oof!

  • @citygirl729 June 30, 2024

    Her witness list? What witness? He is no longer witb us because you wouldn't let him out of the suitcase!

  • @that_goth_bitch3899 June 30, 2024

    She's completely wasting her time with this shit. No judge on the planet is gonna sit down and read all that shit. It's 56 fucking pages for Christ sake. They don't even read all of most letters that are sent to them let alone one that's this long. They might skim it a little. They might have someone else read it and then summarize it back to them just to make sure there isn't anything important in the letter but no judge is gonna sit down and read all that shit. She seems to think she is far more important and more of a priority than she is. Judges have hundreds of cases they have to deal with in any given week. They're not gonna sit down and fuck around with some rambling ass bullshit letter that is nothing but bitching, nonsense, lies, and random definitions and weird shit that makes no sense. What's going on here is Sara's never been told "no". So now that she's encountered it she has no clue how to handle it. She will not accept the fact that she's gonna do some prison time no matter what they argue or ask for or present. She filmed her self committing the crime and laughing about it. She talked to the cops… She lied and lied… She did everything you shouldn't ever do if you wanna win a case lol. She needs to accept the fact that she's fucked. Best case she can get would be maybe parole after 25 years or something.but she won't accept that. She won't accept anything other than her walking free without a moment of jail or prison time.

  • @yellowmellow7814 June 30, 2024

    Yea i believe the host is wrong on this story..we know public offenders truly do not care

  • @Dragonfly5455 June 30, 2024

    Do you think that Boone is setting every attorney up to fail so, when she is convicted, she can blame her defense team?? We she will never accept that her situation is her fault. Is challenges her narcissism

  • @dburress78 June 30, 2024

    The narcissism is so obvious with this woman. She sounds like Trump and his ridiculous defenses.

  • @AfterTheRain_Beth June 30, 2024

    She likes to make the point that "I DIDN'T FIRE ANY OF MY ATTORNEYS". So that if she has to go pro-se by forfeiture and screws up, she can claim unfair trial at appeal. I don't think she'll get much traction from appellate court tho'. They can see the whole trial record.

    She's a classic narcissist. When she says she wants her lawyers to be nice to her what she means is, treat me like your equal, not like a murderer in jail awaiting trial. I'm an important, intelligent person, not a criminal like everyone else in the jail.

  • @AfterTheRain_Beth June 30, 2024

    The court of public opinion doesn't really matter does it? The public don't have to take 'beyond reasonable doubt' into account. And you'd make sure your jury pool has not seen the pre-trial footage. But Sarah is far too concerned with how 'the world' sees her. Rehabilitating her reputation in the eyes of the world is not the purpose of her trial; but being the narcissist she is, it's very much a priority to her. But not to her lawyer, and I think that's probably a point of contention with her.

  • @randomfan792 June 30, 2024

    I tried but I can’t. What a bunch of nonsense

  • @josiemoe June 30, 2024

    Can you go over the most recent decision in the case dated June 28th? I heard that the court found that Sarah had forfeited her right to court-appointed counsel and now has to either hire an attorney or represent herself.

  • @user-qi4de3fz3l June 30, 2024

    At first I thought Sara was just a mean drunk but unless she has unlimited access to toilet wine I’m beginning to think that she’s just out of her mind! She’s getting worse.

  • @mattpower4671 June 30, 2024

    Would you represent her?

  • @lunaarcane5334 June 30, 2024

    I have only been following this debacle recently, but it seems like Boone wants an attorney that will kiss her butt, tell her they believe her and that yes, the defense she wants to put in front of the court is perfect and doesn't need tk be altered or adjusted for strategy.

  • @talan123 June 30, 2024

    Today: She will be representing herself.

  • @jmmcgee3509 June 30, 2024

    Question: How likely is it the judge will keep or limit cameras in the courtroom for this?

  • @susantownsend8397 June 30, 2024

    She wants a lawyer who will say, there there sweetie it’s all going to be okay you did nothing wrong and I’ll get you off scott free. Not going to happen.

  • @Missauthentic716 June 30, 2024

    The attorney has no problem, the judge does… attorney has record of conduct… as does Sarah Boone…lol

  • @bethscott4330 June 30, 2024

    Sarah is insufferable

  • If this was written to a judge, how are we privileged to see it? Does anything that's written to a judge by an inmate in public domain? AND at what point does reason take hold and the court says enough is enough and this case goes to trial? This is outrageous. What state is this hot mess happening in?

  • @4thpdespanolo June 30, 2024

    Sarah really believes she committed the perfect crime 🤣

  • @4thpdespanolo June 30, 2024

    Oh yea she will represent herself!

  • @ConsciousExpression June 30, 2024

    12:34 – but isn't she admitting to jury tampering?

  • @jcaseyjones2829 June 30, 2024

    Maybe go over the text once before recording? I couldn't get through five minutes of your stuttering.

  • @jenniferharris61 June 30, 2024

    Sarah doesn’t want to go to jail—plain and simple.

  • @YamiNoSensei13 June 30, 2024

    I feel like I've lost millions of brain cells just listening to her word salad

  • @wd5739 June 30, 2024

    she THOUGHT she wouldn't represent herself lol

  • @greenman6141 June 30, 2024

    Boone says ONE correct thing in her opus.
    "My plastered….interview".
    I DO believe THAT.
    There is no chance that she didn't have one or ten "stiffeners" before she headed off to the cop shop to find out how to get "the engagement ring" off Jorge's dead body.
    Someone with that degree of alcoholism would have been well soused before doing anything, let alone something that she was probably concerned about.

  • @greenman6141 June 30, 2024

    Five days after this was posted, the upshot…the judge wrote a carefully detailed order explaining why
    1. she will get no further public defenders
    2. the trial will not be delayed, EVEN if she PAYS for a new attorney
    3. he, wonderfully, listed the years, months and days, that the case has been ongoing. Good to see he has a sense of humour. I doubt it'll make Boone crack a smile.

    More seriously…her writing is so strange. The sentences start off looking as though they're intended to make a point, but then they drift off into streams of adjectives and lose all meaning. It is as though we're seeing how her brain works, or rather, fails to work.
    She cannot concentrate for even a sentence's worth of time. Her thoughts always fall into weird paranoia and delusions of grandeur with victimhood thrown in and incoherent strings of words.
    Her letters could make a case for mental illness.

  • @user-ub4df7ez8f June 30, 2024

    17:27 that's why you use "knife hands" 🫲🫱 😅

  • @saurianwatcher4437 June 30, 2024

    11:35 Wait a second, is she admitting that these letters are an attempt to bias the Jury Pool prior to selection? I'm definitely no lawyer, but i feel like half the reason her lawyers have been trying to shut her up is likely because she's saying stuff like this.

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