July 2, 2024
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TRUTH about “Hanoi” Jane Fonda – Forgotten History

During WW1 and WW2 America’s celebrities such as sports figures, actors and musicians joined the war effort supporting the troops overseas and most even enlisted in the military to serve in whatever capacity they could. During the Korean War, a few celebrities still served especially athletes although there was not the enthusiasm for the support as in prior conflicts. But Vietnam was completely different. Many celebrities actually condemned the military fighting the war as well as the government and presidents in office. But one actress took it to another level and she should have been tried for treason according to some. Who is Jane Fonda? Written and Hosted by Colin D. Heaton. Forgotten History is a 10th Legion Pictures Production.
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  • @ChrisTedoni June 29, 2024

    You can feel how you want about any war or conflict, but the second you put the soldiers of your own country at greater risk of harm by siding with the other side, you’ve embraced evil. Those soldiers had no real choice in the matter. They didn’t want to be there, they didn’t want to kill other people (obviously there are outliers who were going to do horrible things) and telling them that they should give themselves over to become POWs is the kind of thinking you wouldn’t even expect from the most ideologically regressive people around, but there she is and even today, we have people who would side with even the more horrible people alive if the winds told them to.

  • @richardmardis2492 June 29, 2024

    I use to be very critical of soldiers killing babies and being a disgrace to my US Army- but l learn to shut the F**k up, because I wasn’t there.
    …and another thing-
    Communism is an economy not an ideology.
    We fought the Vietnamese who loved us wanted to be like us, just because we were so stupid not know the difference.
    …and another thing-
    You got your lieutenant Calley who shot and killed women and children and babies- he got 3 months.
    While a young dumb ass movie star wore an helmet and sat on a gun, and said some ignorant things.
    You guys praise Calley as a hero, and condemn Fonda as a traitor.
    Who has done more harm to America….

  • @johndawes8296 June 29, 2024


  • @daviefingpancakes June 29, 2024

    You knew Bud Day? Goddamn. Absolutely one of the greats, it took me literal years to track down a copy of his book in the days before internet stuff. The one O'Grady totally didn't steal the title of his book from, anyway.

  • @geridannels1701 June 29, 2024

    I cant stand the Communist family known as the Fonda's. How my brother, a Veteran of the Vietnam war/conflict. He told me she was a trator and hated Jane Fonda along with his brothers in arms

  • @schweizer1940 June 29, 2024

    As a disabled Veteran, Jane I will never forget, I will never forgive!!

  • @pe7143 June 29, 2024

    I read the accounts by POWs who witnessed her turn over the list with prisoner ID numbers to the guards that the POWs entrusted her to give to US authorities. She can by forgiven only by God. She’s a disgusting traitor. Moreover, my uncle, my Dad’s kid brother, was 101st Airborne (Korea/Vietnam), a decorated combat vet in two wars, as was my Dad a decorated combat vet in WW2, was building infrastructure in a village and along with a cache of small arms, found medical supplies with this message to the VC/NVA; ‘With love from the students and staff at UC Berkeley’…

  • @greggable2408 June 29, 2024

    Trump should indict her for treason when he gets reelected in 2024!

  • @Irisheddy June 29, 2024

    Maybe she should have avoided going by having a doctor saying she had "bone spurs" and call anyone who went to Vietnam "Losers and Suckers"

  • @davecarwell5584 June 29, 2024

    My opinion is that she committed treason.

  • @royskuderin2386 June 29, 2024

    Served in an Air Rescue unit in the U.S. Air Force back then and the anguish and misery she caused was unforgiveable. She deserved to be imprisoned for the damage she did.

  • @richardorta8960 June 29, 2024

    Met a Nam Vet who said he would host a party the day she dies.

  • @Joe_Goofball June 29, 2024

    In my opinion, Fonda IS a traitor…

  • @jimjones9239 June 29, 2024

    Jane Fonda in the 1970s was no different than the university students today. They are all naive, feeble minded ripe for indoctrination and manipulation. We see them chanting BLM rallies promoting social justice which has enabled a rash of theft, violence by blacks, defunding the police. We see pro-Palestine University take overs and violent anti Jew clashes that support the radical Muslim armed groups Hamas, Hezbollah, PIJ that rejoiced when 3000+ Americans were murdered by the Saudis during 9/11. All in the name to create a ruckus to the flavor of the day. These fools are intent in destroying the system that protects them and provides their way of life. They don't seem to understand what death to America means like chickens for KFC.

  • @servicewerx6768 June 29, 2024

    Ya dont see that sickening old bag nakid nowadays!!

  • @MatthewMoore-fv2iw June 29, 2024

    Sorry warmongers We had no right being there!

  • @KGSpradleyAuthor June 29, 2024

    Korea was the first UN action and nobody saw a reason to fight for some unusual global group. Everything since then has been a UN or NATO fight. Nationalism is not a bad thing and is crucial for a society to have. Some of those French intellectuals were found to have tortured captured French soldiers in Vietnam. I would encourage you to deep dive on that for a future episode.

  • @AuntieMamie June 29, 2024

    A traitor to our ciuntry

  • @servicewerx6768 June 29, 2024

    Im still not fonda. Hanoi jane!!!🤨😡😠😠😡😤😡😠😡

  • @NancyJohnson-kq2rf June 29, 2024

    NOTE: using my wife’s pad. I do firmly believe Jane Fonda should be in prison. She betrayed the U.S. She is and was a traitor. $$$$$$$ and the Deep State kept her from prosecution. They wanted to paint a “pretty” picture. When we “officially” entered the “conflict”, not war, soldiers were not allowed to be soldiers. Why we lost the “conflict, due to politics. “F” Jane Fonda. Sorry Henry.

  • @stanhagaman924 June 29, 2024

    And yet she walks free?? Money and fame carry a big stick!!

  • @craigdamage June 29, 2024

    Robert McNamara admitted that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident was completely staged. He also on camera admitted the entire Vietnam War debacle was a "pointless mistake" which cost 56,000 American lives. Only a fucking clueless imbecile channels their rage and vitriol to some dumb actor who protested this idiotic war. This is why this shit happens. The actual architects of illegal and immoral wars remain unscathed while morons scream "treason" against the people who oppose war. This crap will never end. Fonda admitted she made a "huge mistake" as did McNamara but why is only Fonda the one people are still butthurt about?

  • @adamramsey5787 June 29, 2024

    Jane Fonda, and The Left, they create a wound in the US, and that wound will only be healed when justice is done. There has been a Jane Fonda Legacy. When Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, during the Surge in Iraq, stated "This War is Over," that is the Jane Fonda Legacy. Treason is giving aid and comfort to enemies, and this can be done through propaganda, mass media, and the words someone is speaking. There is a correct way to be against a war. Giving aid and comfort to enemies by looking to derail a war, hurt morale, give morale to the enemy….that is treason.

  • @longtabsigo June 29, 2024

    §2381. Treason
    Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
    (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
    Historical and Revision Notes
    Based on title 18, U.S.C., 1940 ed., §§1, 2 (Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §§1, 2, 35 Stat. 1088).
    Section consolidates sections 1 and 2 of title 18, U.S.C., 1940 ed.

  • @user-ci2mn1oy3w June 29, 2024

    treason is only for DECLARED wars. the US couldlnt get the votes in congress to declare war on Vietnam, so Jane was right. We should never have gone there. Nam and the stupid war on poverty, space race, etc. destroyed our country

  • @willforan5836 June 29, 2024

    She was a Communist then. She's a Communist now. What more truth do you need

  • @vegasblt June 29, 2024

    I grew up in San Francisco during the 60s. I completely defend the right of free speech and protest. What Jane did was neither. When she went to North Vietnam that crossed a line. I to this day will not watch anything with her in it. They had Hanoi Jane Urinal stickers, I think the should come back in vogue.

  • @josephsmith6944 June 29, 2024

    Jane Fonda was the Classic " Useful Idiot" that Karl Marx had Predicted. While I Agree with the Anger and Bitterness of Mist Veterans, I'm Curious as to Why there is so much muted Silence about the Cowards like Trump that used Phony Doctors Excuses to Avoid Military Induction in the Vietnam War ?😮

  • @jyy9624 June 29, 2024

    Christ you live and you learn – she was just the most high profile member of countless dissidents who thought the war was an imperial exercise. Im sure they all feel different now

  • If you want to hate her for what she did so be it. But the Vietnam war was a shameful part of our history and a waste of many fine young men. Shame on Johnson and Westmoreland

  • @itsmeagain8518 June 29, 2024

    Thank you media for condoning and protecting an individual who went beyond protesting to taking actions that were definitely against our country. I have no respect for Jane Fonda and I believe she will have to live with her actions and take them to her grave. People like her and our main stream media were the main cause of us pulling out of a war that we were actually winning. (see 'Scramble the Seawolves full version) to see the view from the men who were actually there.

  • @billstapleton1084 June 29, 2024

    As a Vietnam vet, I believe Jane Fonda should have been arrested as soon as she put foot back in the States. She should have been charged with Treason and when found guilty sentenced to life in prison.

  • @carlosmoreno8283 June 29, 2024

    She is a traitor oki i joined the marines drafted in the early 70 ok we knew that we were fighting communism ok I still remember the best training in the world ok I got there me and my brother and I ok semper Fidelis. They thought me patriotism ok

  • May her portrait always adorn a Urinal.

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