Miles Oliver Hudson, a 20-year-old Instagram influencer with 700,000 followers, is facing reckless driving charges after allegedly posting videos of himself driving around Seattle at speeds of 107mph. He often posted videos of himself revving his loud engine and racing through the city late at night. A police report revealed that he reached this speed on 4th Avenue and was identified due to a Reddit page with complaints about his driving. Hudson was stopped by an officer who questioned why he didn’t go to a racetrack instead, to which Hudson responded by mentioning his social media following and the income he makes from filming his videos.
Seattle Police reported that Hudson filmed himself in a parking garage before entering his Dodge Charger Hellcat SRT and driving onto the street where he revved his engine and appeared to race two other drivers. The videos show the speedometer hitting triple digits and have led to numerous complaints from residents about the noise from Hudson’s vehicle exhaust. Hudson defended his actions by claiming that his car is loud regardless of his speed, and that people are more bothered by a young Black man with a nice car than the noise he makes. He is currently facing two misdemeanour counts of reckless driving in Seattle.
Hudson is scheduled for an arraignment in Seattle Municipal Court on April 9. He has been charged with reckless driving and several other traffic infractions in Seattle. Hudson’s posts on social media reveal his disregard for speed limits and safety while driving, leading to concerns from both residents and law enforcement. Despite facing legal issues, Hudson seems determined to continue making videos of himself driving recklessly and sees this as a potential career opportunity. His Instagram following has allowed his videos to reach a wide audience, but his actions have also sparked criticism and legal consequences.
The case of Miles Oliver Hudson highlights the dangers of reckless driving and the impact of social media on people’s behavior. His disregard for speed limits and safety regulations, captured in videos posted online, have led to charges of reckless driving and multiple traffic infractions. Hudson’s fame as an Instagram influencer with a large following has brought attention to his reckless driving habits, with many questioning the consequences of his actions. The legal proceedings he faces serve as a warning to others who may be tempted to engage in similar behavior and post it on social media platforms for publicity.
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I cant believe people are glorifying this reckless behavior! Wheres the common sense?
Should we admire his bravery or condemn his recklessness? Lets discuss!
I mean, if hes gonna risk his life, at least make it interesting, right?
Are you serious? Risking ones life should never be seen as entertainment. Its reckless and irresponsible to suggest that someone should make their life-threatening actions interesting. Life is precious and should be treated with respect, not turned into a spectacle for others amusement.
Should we admire his bravery or condemn his recklessness? Lets discuss!
Bravery or recklessness, its a fine line. Lets not glorify foolishness under the guise of courage. Actions have consequences, and putting oneself in harms way unnecessarily is not commendable. Lets have a real discussion about responsibility and the true meaning of bravery.
Is it really that big of a deal? Everyone does stupid stuff sometimes.
Just because everyone does stupid stuff sometimes doesnt make it acceptable. We should hold ourselves accountable for our actions and strive to do better. Excusing irresponsible behavior only perpetuates a lack of accountability in society.
I mean, if hes gonna risk his life, at least record it in landscape mode.
Who cares about the orientation of the video when someones life is at stake? Prioritize human safety over the format of a recording. Lets show some compassion and empathy rather than nitpicking trivial details. Life is more valuable than the way a video is filmed.
This is insane! Who even needs to race on the streets these days?
This guy is not only reckless but also setting a dangerous example. Unacceptable behavior!
I cant believe he did that! Should we celebrate or condemn his recklessness?
Who cares about speed limits when you can get those adrenaline rushes? 🚗💨
Its not just about adrenaline rushes, its about safety. Speed limits are in place to protect everyone on the road, including yourself. Reckless driving puts lives at risk and can have serious consequences. Think beyond the thrill and consider the impact of your actions.
Should we praise or condemn his reckless behavior for the thrill?
Is this guy for real? Endangering lives for likes is just ridiculous.
Is risking lives for social media fame really worth it though?
Absolutely not. Putting lives in danger for a few likes and shares is selfish and reckless. People need to prioritize real values over virtual validation. Its time to rethink our priorities and stop glorifying dangerous behavior for the sake of social media fame.
Is risking lives for social media fame worth it? Lets discuss.
Is this the new trend for social media influencers? Reckless behavior for likes?
Should we glorify dangerous behavior for social media fame?
Shouldnt we focus on safety rather than glorifying risky behavior?
Is this the new norm? Reckless behavior for likes is concerning.
Should we glamourize dangerous behavior for social media fame?
Isnt endangering lives for likes just plain idiotic? Whats wrong with people nowadays?
Is risking lives for social media fame worth it? Lets discuss.
Absolutely not worth it. Risking lives for fleeting online validation is irresponsible and selfish. Real fame comes from meaningful contributions, not endangering oneself and others for a few likes. Lets prioritize human safety over social media stunts.
Is this guy for real?! Endangering lives for likes? Unbelievable!