July 4, 2024
Sex Crimes

60+ Journalism Profs Demand Investigation into Controversial NYT Article Alleging Oct. 7 Mass Rape

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A group of more than 60 journalism professors has written to The New York Times calling on the paper to commission an independent review of its report that members of Hamas committed widespread sexual violence on October 7. Numerous media outlets, as well as some of the paper’s own staff, have raised questions about the December 28 article headlined “Screams Without Words,” reported in part by a freelance Israeli journalist who had liked multiple posts on social media advocating for violence against Palestinians. The Times has even published subsequent reporting undercutting some of the key elements of the article, which was used by Israeli leaders and Western allies as justification for the brutal military campaign in Gaza that had already killed tens of thousands of Palestinians up to that point. “It was very troubling to professors of journalism to see such a shoddy article be published without a retraction or an investigation,” says Rutgers media studies professor Deepa Kumar, one of the signatories, author of Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire. She also says that as an academic, she is troubled by the mainstream media’s depiction of student encampments as places of hate and violence. “For those of us who have been to these encampments, we know that the atmosphere there is peaceful until the police show up and start to create chaos. … These are fantastic spaces of learning.”


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  • @sonyjoseph5426 June 16, 2024

    Let's not forget the intercept copied the GRAYZONE who exposed the NYT the story first

  • @susancarlin9639 June 16, 2024

    The 2 teen girls not sexually assaulted are dead. Murdered. You 2 women speaking here are sick

  • @Orion_Ivliev June 16, 2024

    But in fact rape had occured there. Denying it and calling it resistance is part of the problem. Extremism is the problem.

  • @vg65526 June 16, 2024

    Ms. Kumar as a representative of journalism and on-the/ground reporting appears proud to give her biased opinion rather than fact, she begins by describing a letter she wrote with other journalist to the NYT. She works with prideful ease to discredit another journalist, whom she claims is not worthy of the title of journalist. They did not attend J-School, whether this is an accurate assessment I cannot speak on. As a consumer of news/journalism I will speak on the lack of skill Ms. Kumar demonstrates in her opinions as fact. There is a scant amount of self awareness she has for her obvious shortcomings, she is far from an unbiased journalist. She speaks to others errors in reporting, while reveling in her own interpretations rather than reporting facts. She is no historian, nor does she have the credentials or responsibility of a historian. She does however need to take seriously the responsibility of keeping a lid on her own beliefs and opinions. She applauds herself as a journalist, professor and author; and thus implies her expertise on the current war in the Middle East. None of her titles or tenures excuse her clear lack of professional and ethical standards. Ms. Kumar speaks her opinion under the guise of a journalist. She tarnishes her profession and the many individual journalists that work tirelessly to get out of their own way, often with great sacrifice, to report with out bias and opinion. I greatly respect these professionals.

    Ms. Kumar describes the encampments in university property as peaceful centers of learning and social justice. She does not mention the various incidents of Jew hatred, and civil rights violations that have occurred. She describes herself as an 'activist.' What kind of journalism school doesn't call this out as inappropriate and contradictory? Working toward teaching and modeling the highest standards of accurate and unbiased reporting appears to have little priority for Ms. Kumar. Often young adults simply drink the Kool-Aid and are then praised for ignorance by adults. These adults could and often are models, not of opinion, but rather of thoughtful and consistent dialogue with self inquiry. Ms. Kumar would do well by her profession to teach and model the skills and values involved critical thinking to eager minds as their brains develop and they quest for more understanding and knowledge.

    The respect I once had for Democracy NOW! and Amy Goodman has sadly dwindled over the past few years. I am compelled to watch simply to bear witness to the downfall of good reporting and of course democracy. The unabashed praise and starry eyed attention Ms. Goodman has toward her guests is skin crawling to say the least. And, of course this is my own bias, opinion, self-awareness with which I own.

    Please forgive any grammatical errors of this comment as writing and expressing comments on a small device is challenging. There is no teleprompter here.

  • @steveisaak4320 June 16, 2024

    Look an echo chamber…. Maybe you should get more sources, this IS NO a NEWS ORGANIZATION, it is propaganda and they lie all the time….

  • @cliffkilpatrick7430 June 16, 2024

    I'm quite sure that when the smoke clears on this latest war that there will be plenty of deceptions uncovered on both sides of the conflict. Finding the truth while the war is still in full swing is pretty difficult.

  • @markojotic June 16, 2024

    This is sick, they're arguing that it's not as bad as the article claimed. It's still multiple war crimes.

  • @bradfordleak June 16, 2024

    Free the hostages

  • @mikemcchesney2555 June 16, 2024

    Geee. Sounds a lot like "RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA!"

  • @lisatowe778 June 16, 2024

    It’s time for government to release the October 7 tapes the world can receive an education and not be such willing slaves

  • @junipers-tarot June 16, 2024

    what claims exactly? which ones have been debunked? you mean hamas DIDN"T rape anyone on oct 7th? no one? maybe she couldn't find the evidence because the victims were killed or still held hostage? wow, democracy now, eh?
    so people cannot use the terms mass rape in an article, but this lady can say it never happened at all?
    such a clear example of how both sides can be very wrong.

  • @lisatowe778 June 16, 2024

    Oh my word. Hamas commits atrocities and videotapes themselves and holocaust deniers come out of the wood work.
    Gotta be an idiot these days to believe a cord to open a garage door is a noose but October 7 didn’t happen.
    How dumbed down can people get? Zero knowledge of history

  • @user-ny1ji3vw6y June 16, 2024

    These so-called journalism professors are a joke. Don't be fooled… they don't know anything about good journalism … they advocate putting forth their agenda through endoctrinated young minds. Shameful.

  • @Didleeios88 June 16, 2024

    metoo except for jew. Shame on you. Believe the victims.

  • Well over a dozen journalists viewed the work in progress by Hamas from body cams.
    You are despicable buddies to one of the most wretched tribes on our planet. What has happened to your support for a clean environment?

  • @jackiejones690 June 16, 2024

    So do we believe our eyes and ears with what we saw from the gopro cameras and heard . What alot of bullshite this is just pro Hamas propaganda. I dont trust any of you 😮

  • @thaanx8203 June 16, 2024

    We all know how unbiased university professors are.

  • @brian78045 June 16, 2024

    The Marxist Appropriation of Palestine/Palestinian

    In agitating in favor of the appropriation of the Palestinian Jewish Homeland nationality, one is identifying with this Marxist appropriation. The Palestinian nationality became effective in 1923, which is the year of the Mandate for Palestine's legal creation. This new nationality was created for the occupants of the new territory, which included Jews, Muslims, Christians, and Druze, additionally Marxist, atheist and agnostic residents. Before Palestine was created by the League of Nations, the area was called Syria, in which all residents identified. This is why before World War I there is no reference to the Ottoman Palestinians in any scholarly work, including encyclopedias, and that includes Encyclopedia Britannica, where the Druze and Alawites of Syria are mentioned. This is why states were created for those two religious ethnic groups, * but none created for the Palestinians, because the Palestinians didn't exist until 1923.

    Then came the 1960s, where the Marxist co-opted institutions of the West, in league with their Marxist colonial comrades in the Arab world, concocted a new strategy to defeat Israel: Appropriate the defunct Palestinian nationality,** and give it to those living in Gaza, the West Bank, and refugees of Jordan. This is where George Orwell's 1949 novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, comes into play, the novel based on the personal experiences of Orwell with Marxists, where Marxists deposit inconvenient facts into the memory hole, where the definition of words are altered to influence behavior supported by the Marxist establishment. Hence we get the aggrieved Palestinians whose land was stolen by the evil Jews.

    This is why we witness no disruptions of society by Marxist sociopath agitators for the over 800,000 Muslims murdered in the last decade in Syria and Yemen, and why there's zero demonstrations outside Chinese embassies, where in China a real genocide of Muslims is currently under way. This is why zero Chinese students studying abroad haven't been harassed by the Marxist demonstrators in the West. This is why Chinese students feel safe at their universities, because the objective of the Marxist sociopaths is to follow Marx's 1843 directive for the "abolition of religion" and the destruction of those civilizations "whose spiritual aroma is religion"***
    * Jabal al-Druze, and the Alawite State.

    ** In 1948 Palestine was changed to Israel because the term Palestine is an insult to Jews, the name given to Judea/Galilee by the Romans as punishment for the Second Jewish Revolt (132 – 135 AD), the name being the classical Roman translation for Philistine, the Philistines being classical Israel's arch enemy.

    * Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Karl Marx (1843)

    "The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion."


    "The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions."


    "It is, therefore, the task of history, once the other-world of truth has vanished, to establish the truth of this world."

    Now you know what Marxists are referring to when they utter the phrase, "The Struggle"…

    "The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion."

  • @sallymenezes June 16, 2024

    Deepa Kumar is an embarrassment, have you gone to Israel like DMurray and several others?

  • @AT-ytinvasive June 16, 2024

    60 paid sheep.

  • @antonyhoward2759 June 16, 2024

    Are we saying the Hamas attack videos were fake?

  • @studlord9970 June 16, 2024

    NYT : Hamas attacked a peaceful concert killing and raping hundreds of innocent civilians.
    Hamas : Hey! There wasn't that much rape! Quit lying!

  • @crusader_2028 June 16, 2024

    Even tho the Quran directly calls for the raping of captive..oh I'm sorry forced marriage (that can be cancelled by the husband)… Name one female in the United States military that wasn't raped when captured for more than 24 hrs ..I'll name 5 for your one! Dim-wit-cracy now…get a better dawahist for Islam!

  • @robertburdoff1789 June 16, 2024

    still no progress with getting an investigation or retraction??

  • @babygonewrong June 16, 2024

    Lol what.. it didnt follow the right script?

  • @goodeye6373 June 16, 2024

    Funny that the National Inquirer has more journalistic integrity than the NYT.

  • @devastatn June 16, 2024

    Democracy now is going the way of holocaust deniers. Blaming the victims. EFN pathetic…

  • @gingerdude7040 June 16, 2024

    This woman's biases are pretty clear.

  • @TheMauf June 16, 2024

    Absolutely hold “journalists” to account! But……for any of you out there that have access to the dark web or knows someone who does……a quick search for footage taken by Hamas on that day will stop you in your tracks.

  • @johnny316b June 16, 2024

    so, you've established rape isn't as atrocious as murder, very liberal of ya's. oh ! stop the lying, said THE MEDIA

  • People should stop buying the NYT now a rag paper, not interested in the truth, why? Also a Big Big Question Ask your SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES why when they are sworn into office not only do they swear allegiance to the U.S but also to Israel. One black woman about 5 years ago who said she wasn't swearing allegiance to Israel only to U.S. because she is a representative for U.S., was told that anything she tried to introduce will be blocked. I wish l could remember this black woman senator's name. Have we become the United States of Israel

  • @user-zc9ce6dd2v June 16, 2024

    Thanks for the information. Who would think that Jews in Israel would repeat the behavior of the Nazis? And that SO many people would enable them.

  • @robertferreiro3466 June 16, 2024

    Go and do your own work…

  • @jimprier326 June 16, 2024

    disgusting propaganda. For shame!

  • @guessundheit6494 June 16, 2024

    THIS is what blood libel looks like, used to dehumanize and commit war crimes.

  • @oldstudent2587 June 16, 2024

    Interesting that you write a letter demanding the retraction of the article, and the ICC Office of the Prosecutor has just asked for arrest warrants against Hamas leaders, alleging, among other things, "rape and other acts of sexual violence." I guess idiots like Jeremy Scahill outrank the ICC? Ms. Kumar also pushes the false theory that Hamas and IDF should have different levels of accountability, which is just not part of any international humanitarian law whatsoever.

  • @tonguepetals June 16, 2024

    Israel was telling the world what THEY were doing. Interesting how they suddenly found those three hostages that I’m sure the idf killed themselves. I’m sure that’s where America learned to do the same and blame muslims.

  • @hippopond1 June 16, 2024

    The NYT should have an independent investigation if it has nothing to fear. Otherwise they invite wide-spread suspicion.

  • @charlesparker4481 June 16, 2024

    Actually this is what Zionist do. They admitted to it on videos and laughing about raping young girls.

  • @jameslim1837 June 16, 2024

    Where did NYT journalists got their degree?

  • @retrofedora7061 June 16, 2024

    "Every i3roel's accusation, is a confession"

  • @nomorewar4189 June 16, 2024

    Who cancelled the Haavara agreement?

  • @revpgesqredux June 16, 2024

    What a joke!! 1300 years of murder or convert, of submit dhimmi or convert, of facist ultimatums from a retrograde, crudely legalistic evil ideology and false religion, and you all think NYT being corrupt covers up the primarily problematic and harmful I slam issue? Get rekt … Y'all aren't Democracy Now, you're MoTyranny now.

  • @proTruth-wf1mw June 16, 2024

    Most media outlets in the Western world, spanning both the left and right, have collaborated in a prolonged and strategic campaign associated with the Zionist movement. The aim of this campaign is to depict Muslims, Islam, and specifically Palestinians as terrorists and savages, with the intention of isolating them and instilling fear among the world societies. The wicked plan is to encourage the rejection and disdain of Muslims, ultimately leaving them marginalized, intimidated and alone. However, Gaza laid bare the true nature of these media depictions. It has revealed the hollowness of the proclaimed commitment to democracy, empty slogans, and purported defense of human rights. The question arises: Who, then, embodies savagery in this genocidal campaign on the Palestinians. Thank you Democracy Now for your professional and ethics of journalism.

  • @jade1ucas June 16, 2024

    NYT is run by zionists, no surprise there, they can make all kind of stuff to make zionists look like the good guys.

  • @martinchagnon1119 June 16, 2024

    I remember a sionist who killed the prime minister of Isra- hell
    In 1995
    Mr .Rabin because he was too soft on palestiniens.

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