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9/11: George Bush breaks down his very public initial reaction – BBC

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Watch the BBC first on iPlayer 👉 September 11 attacks: President George Bush Finds Out About the Attack on the South Tower

On September 11th 2001, the United States came under attack. The George Bush administration describe the morning that changed the world forever.

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9/11: Inside the President’s War Room | Streaming now | BBC iPlayer

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  • @juanolivo8845 July 5, 2024

    He already knew, monster

  • @JustSavwill July 5, 2024

    RIP all the Americans and to the troops who’ve died throughout these years in the Middle East.

  • @michaelbradley3448 July 5, 2024

    I was in my 3rd grade classroom. Normal day until my teacher got word about the first plane from the principal. They wheeled a tv into the room and put the news on. While the adults were speculating if it was an attack or accident we all witnessed the second plane crash live as it unfolded. That tragic day is burned into my memory forever.

  • @user-lc9bc9st3i July 5, 2024

    Isnt it amazing that it was publicly known he was going to be there for weeks & yet they didnt aim for him 🤔

  • @user-lc9bc9st3i July 5, 2024

    Lets not forget bush said he saw the 1st plane hit & thought "what a terrible pilot"

  • @seancudd8756 July 5, 2024

    I was at work just weeks before I was set to go to fort Benning for basic training and it’s also the first time I ever heard the name osama bin Laden

  • @Goozo612 July 5, 2024

    I remember when a ventriloquist dummy was running down Church Street on 9/11 and a witch was shouting at the police 🏃🧙

  • @erikdirks July 5, 2024

    Hey George………..You said, "Protect the American people from harm"? You didn't. Full of sh*t and we know it. You started wars just like daddy. You are weak and we know you………..got it? We know your number Bush and it is not 999!

  • @WaterKoon July 5, 2024

    2001-2005 Illuminati-Masonic alliance vs Jesuit-Bone alliance, same as Today. Jesuit Al Qaeda carried the 911 attack with support from Bone Taliban, against USA ruled Masonic name Bush. Bush retaliated with the support from Illuminati name Rodham Hillary, Bush also invaded Iraq ruled by Jesuit name Saddam Hussein, in order to capture some important items from Iraq Museum. The main purpose of 911 attack was find an excuse to invade Iraq, that was secret cooperation of Illuminati name Laden and Bush.

  • @pareanoapicard8079 July 5, 2024


  • @johnmoore3926 July 5, 2024

    No matter what people said, the man felt pain.

  • @vsnozberry July 5, 2024

    Good lord, i thought people were crazy on fb and instagram but this is another level. I remember having a hatred for W back then. And it is because people like Michael Moore and the like tugged at our heartstrings and created this whole persona for W and it stuck. Everyone made fun of him just like people are now making fun of Biden. And made fun of Obama and Trump. Its every term, same shit.
    Now that im older and have a bit more sense and rationality and im less idealistic, i clearly see that being a president is not an effective or a likeable career choice and they will always be the scapegoat for all bad things that happen even though its usually a much more nuanced situation. I wouldn't be president if i was given a billion a year from the government. Hell to the no.
    I believe W did what many us would do. Imagine being in that position in that classroom and everyone is finding out thats snapping your photo.
    I remember Mr Moore telling us young kids that he obviously knew what was happening and just didnt care. So that's what i thought for years. But if there is one thing that Trump taught me, you cannot believe anything you read or see on any form of media. I saw Trump say so many shocking lies and he has so far gotten by with ripping apart our already fractured and fragile society. Now we do not trust anything or anyone. He did that to us during covid ffs. We were already scared because why wouldnt you be scared. A disease we have never seen or had before and left and right our families and friends are in the hospitals and dying. Who the heck would not be scared. I was still working in the hospital setting as a respiratory therapist and it scared the shit outta what i saw.
    People getting lung transplants or kidney transplants or having to live with oxygen and couldn't walk without panting and turning pale and blue lipped.
    We've been through soooooo much in America since 1999. The school shootings, waco, oklahoma, 911, the financial crisis, covid, etc.
    We are very injured and i hope someday we can recover but idk what its gonna take. 😢

  • condolezza rice talking about the first plane hitting like someone accidentally spilled their coffee on the carpet "whoops that's a weird little accident huh? Thousands of people have just died that's kinda strange huh?" and george w bush still to this day looks like he had no sense of urgency or concern when he gets the news his country is under attack. Terrorists could literally be about to storm into that classroom and shoot everybody and he's just sitting there, like oh yes let's not panic the kids even if there's a nuclear warhead headed right for the school, let's not do anything, there's thousands of people dying currently and america is panicking, but let's just sit here and not rush to make sure america is safe and try my best to help stop the attacks as president. That's why this president and this administration is looked back on in history as a complete joke.

  • @GigaXiJingPing007 July 5, 2024

    02:40 – A second hot dog has crashed into Mayor Big Macs House.

  • Back 2001, I was only eight years old and when this was on the news. I thought it was a scene from a movie.

  • @wilhelmvos2175 July 5, 2024


  • @CreAnt. July 5, 2024

    For a couple of minutes that little office in that little school became the headquarters of the greatest military power in history

  • @David_brent July 5, 2024

    They seem to cut out when bush says he was sitting outside the classroom watching the second plane hit on tv….pure lies

  • @mikea3273 July 5, 2024

    Let's be honest, the terrorists that day won, American has never been the same.

  • @atticustay1 July 5, 2024

    These people are war criminals

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