July 7, 2024
Hate Crimes

Most Controversial Psychological Experiments You've Never Heard Of

Discover the shocking history behind the Robber’s Cave Experiment! Uncover how researchers manipulated young boys into conflict and cooperation, revealing dark truths about human behavior and psychological ethics.

Into The Shadows:
Today I Found Out:
Highlight History:
Brain Blaze:
Casual Criminalist:
Decoding the Unknown:



  • @treydezellem27 June 19, 2024

    The robbers cave just further emphasizes that psychological studies and practice is just fake. The second shows people are not willing just think for themselves. The little Albert experiment is just dumb, why do we need a study for this? And again, the research is just fake. The kentler experiment again shows the evil of the psychology field and how our society has just been built on lies and forced research results, same as Kinsey and Money.

    We need to stop this kind of field, it’s worthless and rarely, if ever, has produced a meaningful result. Aristotle understood the human psyche better than we do because of people like in these experiments. Just read him and you’ll be good

  • @robsquared2 June 19, 2024

    If you want a deep dive into the kentler one behind the bastards has a multi part series on it.

  • @ZomBeeNature June 19, 2024

    I have heard of the Little Albert experiment but I don't think I understood what it was about at the time. Psychological studies seem to be made by psychotic researchers…

  • @itsjimmm June 19, 2024

    Why the s*t*y ai generated images?

  • @vonneely1977 June 19, 2024

    #1 is basically every American "reality" show, yes?

  • @espurr3496 June 19, 2024

    The Ai art feels a bit tacky

  • @Faidrs June 19, 2024

    I love it how Simon gets visibly enraged while speaking about the last "experiment". Stays cool, no commentary like in a Casual Criminalist, but we can see he is almost about to explode. I just love seeing things like this. Shows kindness. Anger can be a a sign of great morals too.

  • @chichi9851 June 19, 2024

    I was taken aback, wondering why there was a food truck there. 😂 Popcorn! Fried Dough! Sausage!

  • @ignitionfrn2223 June 19, 2024

    0:45 – Chapter 1 – Robber's cave experiment

    5:25 – Chapter 2 – Hofling hospital experiment

    7:40 – Chapter 3 – Little albert experiment

    11:25 – Chapter 4 – Kentler experiment

  • @AnotherWriter815 June 19, 2024

    Please stop using ai "art" it's so unsettling

  • @drjonbear7517 June 19, 2024

    Kentler…what in the utter actual f!?

  • @4362mont June 19, 2024

    Until I hear that you've stopped using AI images, I'll just read the transcript.

  • @4362mont June 19, 2024

    Transhumanism to try to give subjects "superhuman IQ" are going to be ugly on steroids.

  • @meysamha June 19, 2024

    You never heard of, We do

  • @George-ph5pz June 19, 2024

    The statute of limitations needs to be repealed and monsters like these need to be dragged into court.

  • @genome616 June 19, 2024

    This experiment is been played out by left wing politics across the western world and has for yrs with their divide and conquer strategy, first it was racial and now that isn't working anymore they are using gender politics and the gay communities, inventing new terms and stirring up logical and sensible ppl then when elections come they claim to be sympathetic to these divided groups for which they themselves created.
    Has anyone noticed the rise of the LGBTQ is exactly in line with the divide it creates and has anyone noticed who is playing the political sympathy card to try get the younger generation votes, lie I said its all about creating that divide by indoctrinating the young the reaping the rewards at the ballot box.

  • @juanpablorvvv June 19, 2024

    Your research and topics are incredible amazing, but it’s difficult to understand you. Why you always talk like if you were in a hurry? As a respectful suggestion, you should make your videos more friendly, visual and narrate them more gently or engaging, not like reading a list of facts as fast as possible ❤

  • @kkloikok June 19, 2024

    You need to chill with the fucking AI generated cringe fest

  • @lotusblossomclinic June 19, 2024

    How did you recognize these were AI images. I completely missed it.

  • @meh7348 June 19, 2024

    Humans….this sort of shit is why I wouldn't shed a tear if we were exterminated.

  • @aquarianmajo June 19, 2024

    we’ve all begged you stop using AI images on multiple videos and channels but yet you ignore and would rather push out low quality content just so you can beat the algorithm…. for the long time fans, we’ll always love you but i think it’s becoming clear to us what road you’ve started heading down.

  • @guthriem73 June 19, 2024

    Germans are always up to some weird stuff

  • @lo-keyloki9986 June 19, 2024

    Please don't use AI images it really lowers the quality of these videos as if you can't be bothered to get a real picture why should we believe you've researched a damn thing?

  • @augiegirl1 June 19, 2024

    I am DEATHLY afraid of heights, & this likely is the result of a specific childhood experience. After a swimming lesson, while my mom talked to the teacher, my brother & I were playing a game: my brother started climbing the ladder of the high (3-meter) diving board at the same time that I headed toward the low (1-meter) diving board, & we’d see which of us could reach the end of the board & jump into the pool first. One time, unfortunately, my brother fell from the 4th (of 5) steps of the high diving board to the concrete below. Because the game has been my idea, my fear of heights likely stems from me blaming myself for my brother falling, even though he wasn't hurt; he only lost consciousness for maybe 10-15 seconds. Since my brother doesn't share my fear of heights (he’ll jump off the 10-METER platform at the pool), it’s likely his short blackout erased his memory of the fall.

  • @nickmiller8131 June 19, 2024

    This video is like 60% AI generated

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