July 7, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Minnesota GOP wants Sen. Mitchell burglary arrest investigated after filing complaint over ethics

After Minnesota Senator Nicole Mitchell was charged with burglary earlier this week, Minnesota Republicans have filed an ethics complaint seeking an investigation into what happened and whether she should continue to serve in her position – a potentially majority-deciding seat.

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  • @redangel6206 June 23, 2024

    Get her out of there, shes obviosly has a disturbing dark side, anybody else would still be in jail.

  • @mattanderson861 June 23, 2024

    Sen. Mitchell, DFLer’s, and all Libs, have shame.

  • At some point the people of this country are going to take back their country. That’s what happens when government acts the way they have been acting. Ps. That would be a very ugly bad day.

  • Our whole government is full of corrupt criminals!!!!

  • @user-fg3cl9si5z June 23, 2024

    Immediately remove from office and prison

  • @89volvowithlazers June 23, 2024

    Steps moms can drive you crazy just sayin especially when the step mom has your dad's stuff. It can be understood from my perspective cuz dad's stuff is dad's stuff. I understand it completely step moms get old and senile and your dad's stuff is thisclose to be destroyed. Idk she had a key to me I understand and I am in all black now too. Black hoodie and black jeans dont go by what cops say they are not your friends.

  • @m.rg.5860 June 23, 2024

    Democrats will do anything they can to keep this criminal in office and maintain power. Democrats are Evil.

  • @LostlnTheWoods June 23, 2024

    Persons of felonious nature, i.e. those who would butglarize their OWN family, are not, and cannot be trusted to be objective and moral. This was extremely immoral and SELF SERVING which are attributes we refute outside of prison. She should go to prison.

  • @aymenmisawi1978 June 23, 2024

    Thank you so much for cleaning up MN state from corruption & corrupt scum! Keep it up if you truly wanna terminate corruption from MN?! I'm offering you my services & assistance free & voluntarily at any time of your request, as I believe that I've some authentic info that would be useful for you in conducting reliable investigations that might lead to full disclosure of the corruption iceberg?!
    I think the ongoing U.S. media's mass propaganda & the current American extreme political polarization have made many law enforcement agents politicized &/or ideologized which has negatively impacted their professionalism concerning credibility & unbias in particular! Perhaps the law enforcement agents' ideological principles or beliefs have been taken advantage of by some conflicting parties to make them blindly lean & biased toward one side against the other side of the conflict due to being trapped in manipulating system malicious games & gaslighting plots maneuvers?!
    I'm talking about my personal experience of more than a decade with various law enforcement agencies, in states' cities police departments & county sheriff's offices & regional FBI offices; I've dozens of official reports & docs that support the validity of my allegations. The problem is that they only listen to each other, thus they only believe each other?! What makes the matter even worse is the sacred Silence Code!

  • @candykane4271 June 23, 2024

    We have Deonte in St. Paul and a MN Senator both Burglarizing…

  • @user-bm4ic4kx2w June 23, 2024

    Just let her go

  • @jersmith1486 June 23, 2024

    Mitchell Gate, Ash Gate, some type of gate.

  • @floydblue1783 June 23, 2024

    She is a criminal, she acted and dressed as a criminal, criminals cannot serve in government 🤔😡
    If she had a door key, why sneak in through a window 🤨
    She even admitted she did something wrong, time to remove her from office 😤

  • @muhlenberg2608 June 23, 2024

    Democrats never face consequences, not even when caught red-handed.

  • @hansonfamily4977 June 23, 2024

    It's shouldn't just be the GOP. It should be everyone.

  • @jaygro1371 June 23, 2024

    Facts: left her home in Woodbury at 1 am, drove 3 1/2 hrs to commit a crime. Had 3 hours to think about her CHOICES & ACTIONS. Broke into a home, stole a laptop. She isn’t any better then John Thompson. At least he dindt commit 1st degree burglary. But because she’s a blonde hair, blue eyed women from the suburbs she won’t face consequences.

  • @BrentLackner-iu4vn June 23, 2024

    Relax kids, she is gonna walk.
    Plus she has important work to take away gun rights,
    Burglar lives matter, the new BLM

  • Trying to take down a politician because she back her dead father's ashes is pretty low, even for Republicans.

  • @bbryant2485 June 23, 2024

    If she was a Republican, democrats would be asking for the death penalty.

  • @JamesWoodson071 June 23, 2024


  • @JamesWoodson071 June 23, 2024

    she’s a female democrat, so she’ll likely become Governor of her scummy blue state after conviction

  • @myrrhavm June 23, 2024

    Anyone else would be fired the very day. To democrats, someone in all black with a black sock over a flashlight in someone’s basement uninvited even though she knows the person is perfectly normal.
    Definitely two different methods of applying justice in their country.

  • @jazz5132 June 23, 2024

    She needs to go bye, bye.

  • @Harley57 June 23, 2024

    So, did she find her father’s ashes in the basement?

  • @DumbCarGuy June 23, 2024

    So you let all the blax steal, burglarize, sell drugs and carry illegal guns and you let them all off scott free and and with a cashless bail. So why isn't Nicole being given the same soft on crime treatment as all the others? Thats not fair at all.

  • @winsbeyond8295 June 23, 2024

    Looks like two different people. I remember watching her do the weather on tv. Didn't know shes a corrupted politician now……

  • @jerrythompson7744 June 23, 2024

    Nixon only ask who killed JFK

  • @jerrythompson7744 June 23, 2024

    we know what they would do to Trump

  • @bswogger4656 June 23, 2024

    Rest of the country’s people have consequences.

  • @ChaplainDeanna June 23, 2024

    Aren’t there enough thieves in government?

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