July 2, 2024
Sex Crimes

Pastor Robert Morris is 1000X WORSE Than Everyone Thought!



  • @JA-1WAY June 27, 2024

    There is therefore NO condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Quit throwing stones Nick! Robt Morris is a Godly repentant man. He tells on himself and let's us know he is totally over any obsession and stronghold. There is no sin that God will not make a way of escape- and Robert Morris took the way of escape- God's Way, total repentant heart and remorse and hate of the sin. God Bless and continue to protect Robert Morris from all the wolves. Protect him Lord from the snares and attack from the enemy. And shame for shame on all those throwing rocks as if they've never themselves fallen into any sin. Please respond in kind NJ or I will unsubscribe in a second! I've listened to many of your videos but this time I totally disagree with you slamming Pastor Robert Morris. Please think deeply and give this man of God the respect due him. "Cindy" is a manipulative user. She may have been touched by him but then she continued the 4 years and she is angry he did not leave his wife. She waited 25 yrs to go to the church and demand money for therapy. Then 35 yrs after Pastor Robt resigned she gets in the mix saying he should have been terminated. I doubt she is even a born again believer. She is vindictive, revengeful and unforgiving. She is going after money but pretending that's not a motive and she is elaborating details to twist and make people believe she is the victim. Robert Morris is the victim because she never let him go. He did not hurt her or assault her. It was consensual. Period. In Jesus name be careful of who you accuse without knowing all the facts. Quit playing God. God knows our hearts. You are being misled by this story but like I said I listen to you before and liked your opinions. I'm just so disappointed in your smearing this man now. Please repent. Please look further. And please apologize. I know you got it in you. God help us all. Amen

  • @barbarastorey6962 June 27, 2024

    A pedifile can not be reformed. They have been turned over to a reprobate mind. He should never be allowed around children and should go to jail in order for children to be safe from him. He is full of excuses and lies about Gods word. I’m disgusted and sickened. If they don’t make an example out of him this will mushroom into horrible sin by others and himself. 😮😢May God have mercy on his soul.

  • @TheonlyLadytee212 June 27, 2024

    I've watched many sermons by Robert and in one, he admitted to being a liar. Even in this sermon he's highlighting, he's blaming his grandfather for his actions as a younger person.

  • @anap.117 June 27, 2024

    Where do we draw the line? People can say “well he repented from his sin” but it’s also turning himself into the authorities for what he did. I pray that God exposes everyone who has been doing wicked things like this, especially those hurting children.

  • @komlat253 June 27, 2024

    Haha the same people upset a gay people all the time about what they can't control, will blame a girl for what a pedo can control? What ? Why is it that so many people in this space like to shift the blame of a man's sexuality on a girl for any reason? They say ( well what was she wearing) 😂nice

  • @terrik3465 June 27, 2024

    Not only should he have been removed as a pastor way back when it started, but he should have had charges pressed against him. Just telling him to go get a different job isn’t going to fix the problem. There still are little girls available for him to abuse. And if they don’t stop the abuse and make serious changes in their lives, the abuse will just continue to get worse. What gave him pleasure at the beginning will soon require more to get him satisfied. It doesn’t just stop there, it’s a spiraling downhill activity. He absolutely should not be allowed around any children – either sex. The damage that gets done to the victims will alter their lives forever. Heartbreaking/devastating for the abused & disgusting that he’s still preaching.

  • @roxannewinegar5940 June 27, 2024

    Nope he should never be allowed to minister or even be in a church near children. Never

  • @annrawlings8842 June 27, 2024

    I myself was repeatedly molested as a child. Later, at age 20, I was raped at gunpoint. In both of these cases, there is nothing on this earth that could be done to these men that would make up for what they did to me. There is only one thing that will make it okay: if I see them in heaven.
    I'm not saying that what they did is okay; it's not. It has left me with scars, but thankfully Theophostic Prayer has healed me of so much. But to say it's unforgivable is to condemn all of us. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. It sounds like he repented and accepted counseling and correction. Why bring it up now??
    Maybe calling her a "young lady" was deceptive, but I and others have been called "young lady" when we were 12 and when we were 72.
    We all need to repent. If we think we don't, we are hypocrites.

  • @greatexploits5899 June 27, 2024

    Sure I don't mean anything wrong at ALL But who are you. Do you have to Explain ALL This. ALL these details are not necessary.

    YES! Pastors, Christian Leaders Learning and Growing Christians.

    Why are you Twisting and Judging?
    Pondering? What is your Real Purpose in ALL this. Most of us Christians No this is Wrong.

    I can't understand why you are doing
    This. Pastor Morris was making his Confession.

    Sir if you were not there don't make assumptions. It seems like you are making a mockery out of Ministers.

    Christians and ALL THAT are Godly we must Learn the Word of GOD on this matters and others past History
    Ministers. We all must know and those that don't know it was terribly Wrong in his past or IF it was lately.

    It Does Not mean Pastors Or anyone for that matter can't be Restored. We ALL Know that during that time Pastor Morris should have been put in Prison for sexually Violating a Minor.

    Christians should discern if this Video is Created for the Purpose of destroying Christians and Pastors But should be a LEARNING in Sin and UNRIGHTEOUS. Discernment is so IMPORTANT when making Videos like these.

    Where is the GRACE for Healing?
    The Bible speaks much on How GOD hates sin But ALSO Speaks of His Mercy, LOVE and GRACE to Restore a man or Women from sin.

    I do not see much SPIRITUAL Learning about this Video except okay Pastors and Christians we see and caught everything you did.

    Let's get REAL SPIRITUAL Guidance
    in this. This Person that has made this Video and like others are not Helping whatsoever.

  • @Yeshua--Hamashiach June 27, 2024

    Preach it brother! Tell it like it is. Robert Morris had and has no conscious towards God and had NO business being in ministry – period!

  • @alicialucadean June 27, 2024

    For everyone in the comments: forgiveness/repentance does not equal restoration. If this man had stolen someone’s retirement he’d have been arrested and never given access to someone’s retirement again. Molest a child for four years? Aw. It’s fine. You can spend the next 30 years surrounded by children and families.

  • @tarae5380 June 27, 2024

    There are many preachers like that. And there's a special place in hell for them if they dont change. But on the off chance that a preacher does get saved and changes his life around, and then publicly confesses and repent, God will accept his repentance. When evil people have a life-changing experience with God, their testimonials are usually pretty deep, such as his, and other ppl like him can now receive salvation.

  • Glory be to God🙏🏽 This pastor is fake he’s not a true man of God he should not be on the pulpit preaching the word of God. Abuse a 12 years old and he was married while he was in ministry who knows how many other children he had abused and afraid to talk.
    Matthew 18:6 – But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Every false and fake pastors and prophets will be exposed God want His church clean from sins🙏🏽 Ephesians 5:11-14 New Living Translation (NLT)
    Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret. But their evil intentions will be exposed when the light shines on them, for the light makes everything visible.

  • Hello Nick. I very rarely comment but I wanted you to know that you completely missed the point Morris tried to make that would help prevent satan from using some other men the way he used Morris. You are however spreading Cindy’s horrific experience for all the world to hear and possibly awakening something in men that should not be kindled. I have found your content useful from time to time but will no longer watch you as it appears you are using this content for your own benefit. You didn’t bother to show Morris telling how the root of bitterness opened the door to this demon and how he warned people not to let this happen. Take a good look at the plank in your own sight. I pray God give you Wisdom and Discernment. Have a glorious day.

  • @rexbeavers6746 June 27, 2024

    The parents and elders should have prosecuted him then and there. Whatever they did instead resulted in him being a famous pastor. I blame her parents and whomever convinced them to let him go

  • @rexbeavers6746 June 27, 2024

    I hear him blaming the women for ‘stirring up the man’s appetite’ and making that the excuse for his sick crime 😒

  • @delsielopez3073 June 27, 2024

    Morris is a deceiver! Dont let his words foul you. Thats what Satan does! True Pastors do not molest children. Morris talks like he is not guilty! In time I hope he TRULY REPENTS AND GETS HELP! We have a forgiveing God for sure! But he needs to get into another business and spend time in jail and study himself to show approval unto God all mighty.! Let God judge him, he's the only one that knows the secrets of our heart. May God continue to have mercy on Mr. Morris. God bless all TRUE BELIEVERS.

  • @SuperCocacolakid June 27, 2024

    Great job Nick . This pastor is sick & the “church” is full of sin & scandal

  • @JMcMac4t June 27, 2024

    No repenting from pedophillia.

  • @kathrynbraun2073 June 27, 2024

    37-42 years ago!!
    You know NOTHING of this
    and you have no evidence he’s done anything similar since

  • @kathrynbraun2073 June 27, 2024

    God forgave him—who are you to tell God he’s wrong?!

  • @kathrynbraun2073 June 27, 2024

    Ummm it’s common courtesy to say something like, “excuse me” when burping in a video

  • @kathrynbraun2073 June 27, 2024

    So sad you are looking to profit off this

  • @janettegarcia4521 June 27, 2024

    Thank you Nick! You are 💯 on point. I’m so tired of hearing it was a moral failure where he can just repent and go back into ministry. This man can NEVER be a pastor again to lead women, children, families etc ever again… I have no doubt he has molested others. Let’s pray they come forward.

  • @mariofigueroa9851 June 27, 2024

    I can't judge a man that is exposing his sin openly in front of a crowd

  • @Siddylynn June 27, 2024

    The first time if the family was with him I wonder why the wife was not in the room. Maybe staying in another room with the child, I guess.

  • @jansparks2473 June 27, 2024

    Pastors have incredible presurre He has no sex. It was not right. As someone who suffered from physical, emotional and verbal abuse. I was also molested at the age of 3 and stripped naked in front of both parents while being examined by a doctor. I tried to cover up my private parts. I believe that is the only time that Pastor Morris did this. With these kinds of guesses from your response, copy cats will surely others will "saying" he did this to me for money. There are people who do lie money. You are a assuming sir.

    Forgiveness needs to start by Cindy or a bitter root.

  • @Proverbs--tx6yr June 27, 2024

    Listen carefully and objectively, until we are truly saved and understand what that means, we are capable of almost anything because we are subjects of this devil's domain. If there are limitations to salvation then we are not serving or talking about the same Jesus…there is no unforgivable sin that His blood doesn't cover except blaspheming the Holy Spirit. We must not access a person through our carnal mind no matter how vile the sin, but ask ourselves what would Jesus do…Im aware of Luke 17 scripture so don't use that to defend the truth of what sin His blood doesn't cover. There isn't one, thank God🤲✝️

  • @larryparson9609 June 27, 2024

    Such things shouldn’t even be mentioned

  • @jovitasanchez9648 June 27, 2024

    No, he should of never returned because he continued to live in his lie. Praying for healing for Cindy and the church.

  • @imakroesen6128 June 27, 2024

    It is never the child fault. It was the pastor fault. The child was just a child he harmed. He is a pedophile.

  • @imakroesen6128 June 27, 2024

    God told him to leave because he was a pedophile and he wanted to step down and never go back.

  • @imakroesen6128 June 27, 2024

    Sounds like he was telling on himself, and he never stopped sinning. He went after little girls. It sounds like he has battled this his whole life.

  • @annettehudson3980 June 27, 2024

    And who were his friends he was talking about ( other preachers?)

  • @joelwest1537 June 27, 2024

    He done this repeatedly not with just one Woman but I think with many other victims that need come Forward as Well.

  • @MarciConley-gn9gk June 27, 2024

    They make the "Fallen leader" a hero for no longer being tempted and the "fallen leader" Needs gentleness. HA! He and his wife should be charged for child abuse.

  • @hopegoldsmith5159 June 27, 2024


  • @hopegoldsmith5159 June 27, 2024


  • @carolcynova3805 June 27, 2024

    1) Morris is a pedophile, and the timeline verifies both the pedophilia and the criminality-as well as the fraud he perpetrated on the gospel of Grace and forgiveness.

    2) Morris was a Pastor when the abuse of the little girl began.
    He was married with a child of his own.
    His wife furthered the fraud.
    The victim was 12.
    A church girl

    He groomed the girl's family, took advantage of the family's money and influence, and then went after the girl – aged 12.
    He was almost 22.
    This is premeditated pedophilia.

    The abuse lasted
    almost 5 yr

  • What makes you think he was with MAJORITY under aged girls… his sin could've been for just women PERIOD!
    What gives YOU the right to judge this man, oh, perfect one???

  • No matter the good you've done, the people you've served and helped, or even your true repentance since your past sins, you're still deemed to hell in the eyes of self-righteous people. I'm praying for the lady, her parents, and Robert Morris.
    I'm not in any way justifying his behavior at 20 years old, but we all have sinned and come short. Sin is sin no matter what it is!! What the beams they're huge logs!!! Listen to the message you can hear the repentance and sorrow.

  • @AWDTH1111 June 27, 2024

    If you're at 26:38, skip to 27:01 if you don't want to hear over 20 seconds of silence.

  • @corazonfoote4602 June 27, 2024

    He deserve Prison time not in the ministry.

  • Most interesting during the panel discussion was Morris didn't use the word repentance at all.

  • @hvee2309 June 27, 2024

    Seasoned women should teach youth girls and seasoned men should teach youth boys. Its a no brainer. Youth groups are headed by novices and generations leave church with bad memories. Yes its true the tge popular kids have fond memories of youth camp.

  • @CC-yq3jh June 27, 2024

    He NEVER should’ve been in the pulpit.

    Deceptive, Misleading, Pedo, Predator, Ra****.

    He was 21- an ADULT
    She was 12 – a CHILD

  • @sammyp1556 June 27, 2024

    As a member of the Gateway Church, I am reading many comments who are condemning our church! Pastor Robert has resigned and the pastor does not make a church so please do not picket outside our church. Please do not condemn us for wanting to keep our church member relationships and our church! I am very mad at Pastor Robert just like all you and as a victim of sexual abuse as a child it grieves me that he predated on a child, but please do not lump me with his sins!

  • Sometimes our Lord uses broken vessels. I hope and pray that he is still not into those ungodly behaviors.

  • @suehudgins1970 June 27, 2024

    It makes me crazy how quickly Christians. And I'm only assuming the comments come from Christians, fall out of truth. I have numerous concerns. 1. This incident was 30 (+) years ago. Why now? 2. I could perceive from this that repentance has taken place 3. Did he ever go back to this girl and deal with it? 4. We all have sin and UGLINESS in our past. It's called living in darkness. It's why we need a Savior. .5.What about scriptural discipline discipline? 6. What about the glory of God and division (not to mention condemnation) in the church? 7. Who is ministering to this woman and what are her motivations? I don't at all condone his behavior. It was, however a lifetime ago. She may be truly damaged, or she may be in need of her own repentance for many possible reasons. 8. What stand is this church taking? As a public ministry, I think a public conversation should transpire. Everything should be done decently and in order. If repentance has occured or does, we are commanded to forgive. This woman also has had the same time to forgive. We are also required to pray for those who fail and fall. I don't think anyone has enough info to judge at this point, and it saddens me and grieves the Father that we are not better equipped nor spiritually mature enough to do everything it takes to preserve the Lord's name! We are at war with perversion and immorality and should KNOW how to hold our ground. I don't know about her, but he has been considered a brother. I don't personally follow him, but that is irrelevant. WE are not to leave the wounded on the side of the road to bleed to death. He also should not, for publicity sake, be cowering off to hide, IF that is what he's done. GOD HAS SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT GOSSIPS AND SPREADING DIVISION! WAKE UP, church!!

  • @dennisdatu6464 June 27, 2024

    He said he looked for vulnerable girls. Is it possible that he had other victims?

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