July 8, 2024
Hate Crimes

Hate crimes soared the week after Trump's election victory

It seems like tensions that arose during the long 2016 presidential campaign may have boiled over after the results came in. The week following Donald Trump’s victory the country saw a spike in race-related crimes, according to some shocking statistics.



  • @Starrpuddinz June 29, 2024

    From all of the “snowflakes” that know where to get their unbiased news – WINTER IS COMING. It’s sickening all of the rebuttals I’ve seen from the racist, blind scumbags trying to defend this shenanigans. You’re no brother of mine, you are lost.

  • Wow!!! What happened to the Post!?? They are taking their facts from that Southern poverty law Center?????? Huh!!??

  • @greathornedowl1783 June 29, 2024

    The alt right snow flakes are triggered by reality as usual.

  • @jasonwhitfield5517 June 29, 2024

    Let's build a wall and a boat people!!

  • @Thoralmir June 29, 2024

    Yeah, I'm just going to go right out and say it: most of this was faked by liberals. I'm probably going to get my comment deleted, blocked from commenting, and possibly reported for disagreeing with the narrative, but I just gotta stand up and deny falsehoods when I see them.
    Yes, bigotry WAS a deciding factor in Trump's victory and Hillary's lost, but it was mostly the bigotry of the Left. Nobody likes to be called immoral, but if you honestly can't be bothered to stop and reexamine your side, that's just stubborn arrogance.

  • @Supreme56Animation June 29, 2024

    "Daily lynching"? Really? This is why I'm a liberal

  • @Supreme56Animation June 29, 2024

    Dear America,Fuck you, you racist piece of shit. Sincerely, California

  • @theylied1776 June 29, 2024

    Welcome to Trump's America! Sorry America, the Neo-Nazis won this round.

  • @OakInch June 29, 2024

    So you have video of a black guy spay painting anti-black remarks. A bunch of black and libtard students claiming they didn't know they were in a fake hate group on the internet when they got busted. That lets you know who is spray painting all the nonsense, probably everywhere. Libtards are always pretending to be attacked. And all through this, not one actual violent act verified or one Trump supporting suspect. Libtards lost. This is their retarded response.

  • @ZeroPointZap June 29, 2024

    I would personally deem this FAKE NEWS since NONE of us are NAZIs nor did we perpetrate anything of this sort… This is a certified FALSE FLAG and you feel for it. I feel sorry for you. Find out who REALLY did this and THEN you have a fucking "story"…. @ RUPERT MURDOCH

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