July 8, 2024
Hate Crimes

Let’s Talk About the Israel-Palestine Conflict | The Daily Show

Tensions between Israel and Palestine escalate, resulting in numerous deaths and injuries. Here’s a look at the nuances of the conflict. #DailyShow #Israel #Palestine

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Trevor Noah and The Daily Show correspondents tackle the biggest stories in news, politics and pop culture.

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  • @chrispoe8404 June 29, 2024

    Again, there is NO PLACE called Palestine. Education is always touted, but never shown.

  • @bribengal1968 June 29, 2024

    This is false. Obama got the nobel prize for fixing this.

  • @DAJJAL_666 June 29, 2024

    and why Islamic country think of this is religious war? I have saw thousand of new,they still think this is religious conflict…why?

  • @RedCulture49 June 29, 2024

    Ask indigenous people who was shut off from the world and now are less in numbers then any ethnic group. Doesn’t matter who is right in American Eyes. America just want cheap gas prices and free to be dumb.

  • @kingace6186 June 29, 2024

    I watched this back in 2021 as it aired. It's depressingly unsurprising how accurate Trevor Noah's statements still are.

  • @mayamunoz8693 June 29, 2024

    his stance may have cost him his job

  • @tedkatzlipoka7965 June 29, 2024

    The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Listen and obey (your chief) even if an Ethiopian whose head is like a raisin were made your chief."

    حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ بَشَّارٍ، حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى، حَدَّثَنَا شُعْبَةُ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنِي أَبُو التَّيَّاحِ، عَنْ أَنَسٍ، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏ "‏ اسْمَعُوا وَأَطِيعُوا، وَإِنِ اسْتُعْمِلَ حَبَشِيٌّ كَأَنَّ رَأْسَهُ زَبِيبَةٌ ‏"‏‏.‏

    Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 693

    In-book reference : Book 10, Hadith 88

    USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 1, Book 11, Hadith 662

  • @6SEA9 June 29, 2024

    Free Palestine

  • @robertidenya1432 June 29, 2024

    Untill your brother takes out your eye. The Hamas took 1500 lives and maimed over 6000 people. Is that a pinch to the nuts?

  • @altheaclark9166 June 29, 2024

    Hamas didn't exist in 1948, so who were Israel fighting during the Nakbah

  • @noradaniels1250 June 29, 2024

    Underated video 😢

  • @Iris-vo5gd June 29, 2024

    Are fck kidding me?! Did you actually see what they did during October 7th?!?! Cause from what i understand, they dont show it over there!! Do you FCK even know what they did to our innocent civilians in Israel?!?!🤬 You have a responsibility as a public figure to be informed add not promote hate which is unjust!!🤬

  • @samirzedan6396 June 29, 2024

    * The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories. London: Oneworld Publications. 2017.
    * Ten Myths About Israel. New York: Verso. 2017.
    * (with Noam Chomsky) On Palestine. Chicago: Haymarket Books. 2015.
    * The Idea of Israel: A History of Power and Knowledge. New York: Verso. 2014.
    * "The Boycott Will Work: An Israeli Perspective" in Audrea Lim (ed.) The Case for Sanctions Against Israel. London & Brooklyn, NY: Verso. 2012.
    * The Forgotten Palestinians: A History of the Palestinians in Israel. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 2011.
    * (with Noam Chomsky) Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on Israel's War Against the Palestinians (Hamish Hamilton, 2010).
    * Out of the Frame: The Struggle for Academic Freedom in Israel. London: Pluto Press. 2010.
    * The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian Dynasty: The Husaynis, 1700–1948. London: Saqi Books. 2010.
    * The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (London and New York: Oneworld, 2006).
    * The Modern Middle East (London and New York: Routledge, 2005).
    * A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples (Cambridge University Press, 2004),
    * (With Jamil Hilal). Parlare Con il Nemico, Narrazioni palestinesi e israeliane a confronto (Milano: Bollati Boringhieri, 2004).
    * The Aristocracy: The Husaynis; A Political Biography (Jerusalem: Mossad Byalik, (Hebrew), 2003).
    * The Israel-Palestine Question (London and New York: Routledge, 1999; 2006).
    * (with M. Maoz). History From Within: Politics and Ideas in Middle East (London and New York: Tauris, 1997).
    * (with J. Nevo). Jordan in the Middle East: The Making of a Pivotal State (London: Frank Cass, 1994).
    * The Making of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1947–1951 (London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 1992; 1994).
    * Britain and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1948–1951 (London: St. Antony's College Series, Macmillan Press; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988).
    After causing the deaths of thousands and displacing 750,000 people to the West Bank and Gaza in 1948, and occupying Gaza and West Bank in 1967. The Jews and the Arabs lived together before Ashkenazi Zionists came to Palestine. The problem has grown bigger with each passing year and needs to be solved as soon as possible. Either grant all Palestinians Israeli citizenship or allow them to have their own state.

  • @AntonioCleophas June 29, 2024

    The Devil is a Muslim ☪️ because the level of evil is unreal

  • @battleofrash777 June 29, 2024

    stop talking about 7th october 2024.. .. say this in 2021

  • @battleofrash777 June 29, 2024

    now its worse…. the worst seems to come near future

  • @salmaawwad7767 June 29, 2024

    Thank you for your honest logic

  • @TheDrewb666 June 29, 2024

    the daily show isn't talking about this now, why not?

  • He falls into the fallacy of thinking that it is a complex problem, it is not. He starts the point about "who started it" without finishing it, the nakba is the only relevant answer to this questions. And the Palestinians have been oppressed since. Shame on him for his silence on the issue

  • @Doodle238 June 29, 2024

    You know in 2018 president of isreal send money to Hamas leaders through Qatar. And we everyone know that hamas millitary is not strong enough to defend gaza. But still they throw rockets on isreal. Do you think is it because of protection of gaza?. No. it's because of they triggering the emotion of isreali soldiers to attack gaza .That means Hamas leaders are puppet of isreali higher officials.

  • @renchii1002 June 29, 2024

    My heart only goes to all the children and innocent people being insanely affected by this ridiculous war which started because of greed for land… It's very heart breaking

  • Ur always amazing! Great points to think on! Unfortunately the situation is too much politicized… and even on social media u barely can talk about this and about Palestine because u will be shut u down… the error here most people are doin is thinkin all of this started on the 7th October and u did a GREAT JOB goin back to history! Greetings from Italy (one of the nations politically pro Israel with a lots of pro Palestine citizens)

  • @JayDeeOfficialx June 29, 2024

    Give The Palestinians the land that they deserve! and shyt will stop, why dafcuk would JEWS GET 60% AND PALESTINIANS 40%????

  • Would you just keep your joking business going on, and leave intellect affairs for academics and knowledgeable people??

  • @DOMGonzales-ud5pq June 29, 2024

    🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱💪 Mess around and find out. Palestine is killing ppl. Israel must protect themselves!

  • @user-bz4ru4yg1f June 29, 2024

    Who cares when they burn their fingers, they must have the basic knowledge of the properties of fire, it hurts. Then there is no point in whining. Don't transgress In the name of dogma or gods. Palestinian are breaking out of a prison. TWO STATE SOLUTION , whether you like it or not , else you will destroy your self. Get over it and stop being a loser. You have lost your identity. Get a life Israel and live in the real world, you dont live in a vacuum. Stop hiding behind the apron of US. You are being used by the US , realize it.

  • @SeemoreDunkan June 29, 2024

    2:14 Well when u mention death of children it boils peoples blood..
    Palestinians PUT children in front of rockets that just fired into Israel to MAKE U SAY IT.


  • @user-rp1cv9dz3y June 29, 2024

    You start in 1948 when the Israelis forced 700,000 Palestinian Arabs from their homes.

  • @revealer007 June 29, 2024

    Nice effort to try and play both sides at the beginning but then your "I hate Israel" bias comes through loud and clear. Get informed! Contempt before full investigation keeps a person in everlasting ignorance.

  • @miguelj.ramirez2708 June 29, 2024

    Trevor in my opinion is always fair no matter the issue.

  • @TheBighobby June 29, 2024

    free gaza

  • @FredoLua June 29, 2024

    It becomes way easier when you defend Izzy for western interests and materialistic vs moral values.

  • @KamalikaMukherjee81 June 29, 2024

    If your opponent is weaker than you, how hard should you retaliate….after 3 years, these words are almost prophetic. Gave me goosebumps.

  • @ShakirShakir-yf7ge June 29, 2024

    Travor tried to put his point but very guarded.

    I think it's not difficult to find out what's going on.

    Just send people with camera to record day to day routine in Israel occupied Palestine OR go through any 30 day random cctv footage ( Palestine has most number of (Israeli) cctv in the world.
    It will not be hard to find what's going on there…!!
    They hv even face tagged the entire population,so they can target anyone using technology…that's clear when u see the proportion of kids being slaughtered.

    If u hv doubt still, then u r simply biased

  • @nkhiuyitfdx June 29, 2024

    To me, it seems that Jewish people wanted their own state after the atrocities of WW2, got it, and immediately started genociding and forcibly exiling Palestinian people, doing exactly what was done to them to a whole different group of people. And I think people defend Israel because of its history of the holocaust but ultimately what they are doing to Palestine is evil, and the fact that they too were oppressed only to start immediately oppressing other people is extra evil.

  • @TheGrandy123 June 29, 2024

    What has he done and said if he knew what it is happening today…34000 civilians killed including 15000 children, Journalists, humanitarian aids,…houses destroyed, hospitals, schools, even graveyards…

  • @natebookout1353 June 29, 2024

    I don't think anything Jon Stewart's done this year is as powerful as this video was 3 years ago.

  • @mr.turdlybird4387 June 29, 2024

    this did not start october 7

  • @user-yu7ig1vu2j June 29, 2024


  • @magnushovenberg1534 June 29, 2024

    Used to accept and agree everything you said until now.
    Hamas elected by the people of Gaza.
    Gaza broght this on their own,!

  • ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @andreaslamers9535 June 29, 2024

    if it helps, there was peace talk, and there was a solution, Israel Prime Minister Rabin, a terrorist, he fought against the English, he talked with Arafat, and he was killed, by a Jewish right-wing, because Rabin was anti-Semitic, the Israel Prime minister who fought for the state Israel, there are still Palestine who are waiting for the talks goes on, and right wings in power in Israel who think a 2 state solution is against the promise of their great invisible friend

  • @maximum7904 June 29, 2024

    But Palastine is stolen land from Arabs and handed over to Israel

  • @agentorange8888 June 29, 2024

    I admire Trevor so much. He has presented a thoughtful, nuanced reflection on a very difficult situation. Well done.

  • Sending love to 🇵🇸🇺🇦
    Shame on you 🇷🇺🇮🇱

    Btw it’s no coincidence, over 20% of Israelis are of Russian descent l!!!

  • @w3debugger June 29, 2024

    IMHO comedians should be running govt and politicians should be jobless.

  • @AstrobumTV June 29, 2024

    These Palestinians have ancestry that been through the most genocides in human histories.

    From genocides of ancient civilizations to all 8 Crusades, to the wars in modern history.

    What makes Zionists think the Palestinians gonna leave and run after they've survived the worst genocides human ever experienced in the ancient world?

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