July 9, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Sex Trafficking & Wall Street: The New Partnership

Via America’s Lawyer: While federal lawmakers continue to grill Big Tech over the sharing of content that encourages extremism, what about content that encourages sexual exploitation and human trafficking? Attorney, author, and founder of Runaway Girl Carissa Phelps joins Mike Papantonio to explain how outlets like PornHub often turn a blind eye to child porn and rape scenes shot in hotel rooms well outside of Hollywood. What’s worse – Wall Street firms have played a major role in the growth of these practices.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Big tech has been grilled by lawmakers over how they monitor content shared across social media platforms. But a major missing piece of the conversation is online pornography, which has become a hotbed for sexual exploitation and pure human trafficking. As major forms of federal, platforms are facing federal lawsuits, it’s time to regulate this whole, this whole issue. Seems to be taboo when it comes to Congress taking any real action. I’ve got author and founder of Runaway Girl, Carissa Phelps and by the way, she is my newest law partner. Welcome to the show. Welcome to the law, law firm. You know, I can’t, we really can’t start this without explaining your background. You were trafficked from the time you were 12 years old to about 15.
And in there we, we’re going to be doing interviews from, time after time, of people who’ve been trafficked. We’ve, we’ve interviewed you before. It’s a harrowing story. But after that, you ended up going to UCLA, get an MBA, getting a law degree with a specialty kind of in finances.
I mean, that’s, so that’s what I want to talk about here. You see everybody’s missing the fact that you got MindGeek. Okay. MindGeek is an organization that has PornHub and dozens of other porn sites underneath it. They have a right to do that. First amendment says that’s fine. I’m good with that, myself. The problem with this story is it’s not just about that, is it? Tell us, tell us how they go about getting content, content with trafficked individuals, trafficked women.
So really there’s just no way of monitoring as much content as comes in to that site. So all this content comes in and there are reviewers that aren’t really able to see humanly as much content is come, is coming in. So we’ve had young girls that I’ve sat down with, who were raped and then those videos were posted online, who were unconscious, who were basically assaulted, videoed and then that’s uploaded to the, to the site. Now they have a, a kind of paid platform where they pay content contributors. So everyone’s an amateur pornographer now, and they could post things and get paid back money for it. And how they regulate who else is in the video is very, very, very shady, in terms of what we see online and what they’ve answered too, in terms of other hearings.
Okay. They, they get a deal don’t they? PornHub and MindGeek gets a deal if a trafficker, which they’re well aware. There’s no question in my mind, they know exactly what goes on because they see the numbers. They have a way to file who’s the, who are the people posting this. Trafficker takes five girls, most of the time underage, to a hotel room. They say, do this sex act, do this sex act. They even rape some of these sex trafficked girls in the room. That then is, is sent to PornHub. PornHub under the law has a responsibility to find out, who are these people? What’s going on? Are these traffic, is this being done against their will? It’s not like somebody in LA who is saying, you know, I’m in the porn business, I do this for a living. I’m going to get paid. These people, not only do they get paid, they get victimized and then the trafficker gets paid all of this money. Is that kind of how it works?

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  • @jamesfox2857 June 30, 2024

    As of August 17th, 2023 our company will be known as Aylo. A new name, a vibrant new approach, and a global team = AND = YES THE NAME Aylo IS INDEED ALSO A HEALTH MEDICAL SITE !!! = THIS WORKS AS A CRIMINAL FRONT = LIKE A MAFIA ORGANIZATION !!! = DO NOT BE FOOLED = THIS IS INDEED EXACTLY HOW THE INDUSTRY WORKS !!!!!! = YES .

  • @jamesfox2857 June 30, 2024


  • @jamesfox2857 June 30, 2024

    Bank of Montreal IS ALSO IN ON IT !!!

  • @mor9n243 June 30, 2024

    Realest news

  • @1josephzingg June 30, 2024

    For many years I have been studying the topics of human trafficking and its relationship with pornography. In many areas of the world prostitution is illegal. In regards to pornography, I've heard arguments such as requiring Identification and a credit card to view any pornography but in all of my research I've never heard of the following and I believe it should be considered at the top level of legislation.  Just as many law outlaw the purchase or sale in regards to prostitution, the same applies to pornography as the John, Punter, Buyer, Consumer who purchases pornography is purchasing to view sexual services, the same laws of the land regarding prostitution should apply to pornography (whenever money is transferred, is an act of prostitution). Meaning any sale or purchase of pornography to legally be treated in the same manner as purchasing a prostitute. I've never seen this argument and totally believe that it should be an argument that is added into all discussions regarding future legislation.

  • @cryptowinter3073 June 30, 2024

    Bring them down rescue our children

  • @MS-37 June 30, 2024

    You people who complain about mindgeek are ANTISEMETIC

  • @amandajohnson2168 June 30, 2024

    As a mother of a 12 year old girl, I have never been so scared of the internet and the world as I am now. Human Trafficking is allowed by those who keep their eyes closed to the dangers of the world we live in now. The more aware we are as parents, the safer our children are. The more aware of our surroundings we are, the safer we are as well. Carissa gives a voice to trafficking survivors who would otherwise not be heard, listen to her! We can and should use every piece of information we can to prevent this happening more and more in the future. Protect your children and all of our children by being aware, report sex trafficking, attempts at it, and suspicious acts that could be, we all need to do our parts as good citizens.

  • @bokuwatobi_ June 30, 2024

    I’m glad she seems to be doing well. I hope a lot of good comes her way.

  • @sf6199 June 30, 2024

    Capitalism is a lethal cancer

  • @johnburkhardt7271 June 30, 2024

    Congress doesn't act on anything

  • @theanti-hero3983 June 30, 2024


  • @ariyanadumon4549 June 30, 2024

    By all means, keep actual rape and trafficked people out of Porn. But remember, some of us actually do this because we like it, and we're getting fucked over by the legislation being passed because y'all want to demonize the whole industry, not the bad folks exploiting it.

  • @charlybrownthatsme June 30, 2024

    Not just fine those responsible, but lock them up and throw away the key.

  • @NoWoke2099 June 30, 2024

    Why is Mr. Papatino ok with pornography being legal but not prostitution?

  • @vic5015 June 30, 2024

    If it can be proven that these banks and corporations were involved in human trafficking operations, there need to be very severe penalties. This is not acceptable!

  • @KingUSMCO June 30, 2024

    The problem is when the government infringes on legal porn. After the I murdered asians because of sex addiction excuse we literally have violent extremist trying to control people beating their meat. Contracts the way of the past can actually help us in the future such as consent contracts if you don't see contracts its probably not a legitimate porn shoot.

  • @whateverish4050 June 30, 2024

    Like Papa Johns once said, "The day of reckoning will come. . ."

  • @genjama June 30, 2024

    A Nuanced conversation

  • @mariefinley8435 June 30, 2024

    Such a strong lady, an inspiration to so many young people !!!.I think it’s disgusting how these Criminals get away with such abuse anyone connected to them are just as guilty too !!!. Shame on them all.

  • @angus7282 June 30, 2024

    Hey dummies nothing will happen to them stop kidding yourself

  • @upholdsanity3759 June 30, 2024

    It's happening every damn day. Legalize and regulate.

  • Time for a revolution.

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