July 7, 2024
Hate Crimes

DrDisrespect is Innocent? The Truth Will Shock You!

Is DrDisrespect Innocent? The Truth Will Shock You! Explore the intriguing question of whether the controversial streamer DrDisrespect could potentially be innocent. Dive into the details and evidence surrounding this mystery to uncover the shocking truth. Watch now to discover the unexpected twists and turns in this compelling investigation.



  • @RecencyBiasRadio July 1, 2024

    I think he’s being railroaded to an extent- but he still shouldn’t have even entertained the idea of texting anyone underaged.

  • @Lawrenze-b9n July 1, 2024

    Look at all these soft a*s defending their dream boyfriend. Makes me want to puke.

  • @Lawrenze-b9n July 1, 2024

    If you think Doc is an Alpha male, you’re the beta male my dude lmao which I believe you are

  • @sintwo0one July 1, 2024

    You controlled a minor in Texas to harass Driftor? Stfu

  • @RichardPortis July 1, 2024

    Innocent until proven guilty.

  • @ron8256 July 1, 2024

    Something is up that’s for sure. It’s funny how all of his so called friends left him tho. Don’t know what’s going on but it is crazy

  • @anthonylevi July 1, 2024

    He's Jesus, dude.

  • @forbros3190 July 1, 2024

    nah wild if you still support a pedo he still messaged case closed

  • @danramirez8553 July 1, 2024

    Fucking loving your videos eight thoughts, sometimes I just come here and hit the play all button on your video and just binge watch all your stuff.
    litterally the funniest guy on this whole platform. I can sometimes tell you don't give a shit about 90% of the stuff you're talking about, but the sheer level of ADHD rants and hilarious metaphors bro. Never fucking change Cock of Gold.

  • @BeeBanna032 July 1, 2024

    age of consent is a factor if the minor is from another state. they take the minors side over the adults. I found out that many other state laws vary and there is a ton of laws they bring into these cases including online laws. depending on the severity of the claims and evidence. sexting means different things state to state however illegal to even message minors in sexual ways. it's not illegal to talk to a minor. for legal reasons you shouldn't. when the settlement was done both parties admitted lack of guilt meaning they settled out of court. so imo what they found inappropriate and considered sexting may have not been the case at all, so they had no legal ground to go to court. everything that we are learning is from 2017 to 2020 before the new bill passed in 2022 where nick mercs learned the difference between freedom of speech and hate speech on gender. new child laws and so forth came with that bill. overall, it's not uncommon for inappropriate things to be said to a 16 to 18 year old since these are legal ages to be considered mature enough to talk about it. depending on the level of what was said is a moral thing some people hold that above all.

  • @Tearpt July 1, 2024

    So funny thing the boys that now say doc is the most horrible person in the world are still streaming on a platform that knew about this and kept silence all this time?
    Not to talk about that cody guy that started all this and was baiting people to sell show tickets to hes shitty band.
    And all of this sources with the “trust me bro” all and all the only one that actually told something relevant was doc, the former employees are all so sus are any of them at twitch?

  • @LakkThereof July 1, 2024

    Got burned by jumping on the hate bandwagon a bit too early… won't be the last time either, I'm sure.

  • @runman85 July 1, 2024

    He had messages with a MtF…. Its over for Dr

  • @jawnjawnson525 July 1, 2024

    I mean he already admitted it. What else is there to find out?

  • @solarsailcraftx July 1, 2024

    Who's to say he wasn't baited by an attractive, flirty, 17yo who initiated the conversation to begin with? Maybe even, dare I say, an actual "plant" put in place by somebody who wanted him gone…

  • @0bserver50 July 1, 2024

    There's something you're missing.

    The alphabet gang is sympathetic to PDF files.

    There's a possibility the girl was of the age of consent.

    Twitch paid out because they didn't want to be held responsible for not having age restrictions preventing this type of situation.

    There's no way Doc went out of his way to pursue any of this.

    But he also didn't stop it.

    Simply put, you can't expect grown men to show up at Twitch con to shake your hand when they have to keep their daughter locked up at home using a VPN because you might want to start "messaging" them.

    He couldn't control him self and act like a responsible adult.

    While it may not have been categorized as criminal, it's grossly unacceptable and he deserves everything he's getting.

    After all, he's riding off into the sunset with millions of dollars for playing video games.

  • @carlthomas99 July 1, 2024

    The Transmission blew, it needed a partnership.

  • @thedemonhunter414 July 1, 2024

    i wanted to add also this is not a defense for doc but it sounds like doc did nothing wrong i mean come on fr if yall don't know the gov reads every message on every platform well your just stuck in pony land if anything was said wrong or doc's end the feds would of saw it and would of been arrested not only that if the to court case was settled and the judge said there was no wrong doing (AKA twitched settled because they had no holding case on doc) on doc's end then outside the fact of doc talking to a minor doc still wouldn't of done anything wrong because if he did the gov or the state would of pick back up the charges again in which i am sure then have and have seen the messages and saw no wrong doing which would also mean the gov and the state would have no holding on doc this is just facts

  • @Sinz_-fl9nj July 1, 2024

    It's probably going to back fire on Twitch for not reporting everything depending on what was said.

  • Lol 8nmins to say he's either my guilty or not, stating the obvious haha

  • @pullingguard5435 July 1, 2024

    I was one of your biggest fans, and I was hoping you would return to YouTube But you have really turned out to be POS. did you forget the way people treated you when you got banned? Now you have to wear a mask to hide your identity like a coward because you can’t accept your actions yet you immediately pile on somebody that hasn’t been proven guilty of anything.

  • @PEVE182 July 1, 2024

    Let’s hope this is the beginning of the end for twitch!

  • @koenignero July 1, 2024

    Why are you a Russia servant?

  • @pascallvsq9 July 1, 2024

    Great video my guy i hope doc not guilty and that only a ban train from blue air people.

  • @fernandochapa1433 July 1, 2024

    Doc himself said that no crimes where committed and the conversations were sometimes inappropriate, which first of all an Inappropriate conversation isn’t necessarily a sexual one and I’m pretty sure if he sexted with a minor he would’ve been charged. Idk man something’s fishy here and I’ll be the first to say that if Doc did the worst possible scenario he deserves to be cancelled, but if we are going there then twitch should be deeply investigated for letting a potential predator go freely and protected

  • @jamieshort8000 July 1, 2024

    Honestly probably could be due to some type of entrapment set up by an ex twitch employee which would explain why doc got paid out

  • @kevindeanwriter367 July 1, 2024

    Any decent audience doesn't want you to say that admitting to talking to minors inappropriately might not be that big of a deal, like what you said.

  • @kevindeanwriter367 July 1, 2024

    Doc: I had inappropriate messages with a minor

    Ghost Of Eight: Ah, it might not be that bad, probably a witch-hunt.

    Interesting hill to die on.

  • @kevindeanwriter367 July 1, 2024

    Explain how messaging a minor inappropriately could look any worse than MESSAGING A MINOR INAPPROPRIATELY, because you claim that it might not actually be that bad. I'll wait…

  • @kevindeanwriter367 July 1, 2024

    Who brainwashed Doc to admit being inappropriate with a minor, remind us.

  • @kevindeanwriter367 July 1, 2024

    Defending being inappropriate with minors, what a hill to choose to die on. A creeper thing to do and yet you downplayed it and factually defended Doc on twitter, after he admitted to doing it. What is it with adults trying to be against something whilst also defending it?

  • @Tyler-jx6mr July 1, 2024

    How do you even still play cod. It’s making fun of the military now. Why support that

  • @Mini_dr_disrespect July 1, 2024

    Boycott twitch

  • @dgshort7816 July 1, 2024

    Me to scared peple

  • @ilumana6084 July 1, 2024

    This whole situation fells like a trojan horse. No one has the chat logs and have been going on here say ser say. This was investigated and settled years ago. Lets remember it was Dr Disrespect who sued Twitch. And Won and got paid. Honestly this all fells like a bigger scheme to get a lot of content creators caught up in a defamations lawsuits with the main to quell those who would be the voice's for the "leave the kids alone". Doesn't help that after Dr Disrespect was cancelled the shift was immediately moved to Nick Merck's. And he has been banned.

  • @Pes._ July 1, 2024

    "Yeah I do know the reason why now, I've known for months now. The reason why and I'll just say this right now champs. There's a reason why, We're sueing the fuck out of them. Okay! I don't know how else to put it, the amount of damages and and you just don't… — …. no.. no.. um…" ep island a big one

  • @mrmayhem713 July 1, 2024

    This Dr Disrespect Drama is like a Nightmare Man ❤❤❤

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