July 7, 2024
Hate Crimes

Where in Europe are LGBTQ Rights Declining?

ILGA-Europe Data – 2020

ILGA Europe Data 2024 –

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Seeing this community grow more every day is an incredible thing. I currently live in Eastern Europe with my boyfriend and observe first hand how much still needs to be done in the fight for our people around the world.

I appreciate you taking the time to watch this video! If you enjoyed and want to stay informed about future developments in LGBTQ Rights across the globe, please subscribing and click the notification bell, leave a like, and if you want to partner with me for a common goal, become a channel member where we can share ideas, get to know one another, and you will have access to additional videos that are not publicly available. I believe this information matters and hope you will become a apart of the Queer Kingdom. Together we can inform and empower our community as we work towards a safer, freer and more open future.




  • @SRM_NZ July 2, 2024

    Simply put…..the root cause to discrimination;

    "Evolution created Humans;
    Human ignorance created 'Worship';
    Worship created Religion;
    Religion created Hatred;
    Hatred created Closets;
    Closets created Second Class Citizens"

  • @Luketom July 2, 2024

    Cries in Welsh 😢🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Yma o Hyd

  • @cemiskar5483 July 2, 2024

    Erdogan going soon ..free Turkey free Europe

  • @kxpenhagen July 2, 2024

    I am French, I can say that we have pretty good acceptance of the Community. I am bi, people are nice to me even after finding out about this 😀

  • @CORRADOCAMERONI July 2, 2024

    I am Italian and I am gay 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 My husband is a US Marine 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🪖♂️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈💞 Gay in Army 🫂🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹😅🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦✌️🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱✌️🥰✨🌞

  • @hermione3muller674 July 2, 2024

    Yes please make a video about the best developments in europe for us. Thank you. Joined your channel today.

  • @BihedAlpalstinians July 2, 2024

    Great content but sad about the UK

  • @BihedAlpalstinians July 2, 2024

    Queer rights are not up for discussion. You either support our right to exist freely and equally and safely or you are a monster. Simple.

  • @MarcosSantos-dj6lk July 2, 2024

    what the heck is happening with the western countries if the new generation don't fight back is gonna become worse than parts of Asia.

  • @top-notch8277 July 2, 2024

    As a french person, i know for a fact that muslim immigration has a lot to do with it, at least in my country .Legally, there is a lot of protection laws but in the streets its diferent

  • @HXSKlmfao July 2, 2024

    of all the countries that would be at the top I would have never thought it to be Malta 🇲🇹

  • @embreis2257 July 2, 2024

    the root problem: almost all our big religions today (maybe with the exception of Buddhism) are incompatible with the concept of basic human rights and civil liberties in a modern western democracy! why?
    because all these religions have some dogmas, tenets, rules, interpretations of ancient scriptures and formed mores and morals over the centuries which caused discrimination against some minorities, made it socially acceptable to discriminate based on some beliefs made centuries ago when despotic kings ruled the land, in total absence of democracy. around 200-230yrs ago, the first countries started to separate state and church. 200yrs later, the minds of many tens of millions of people in Europe are still influenced and formed by mores and morals formulated more by religion rather than the law laid down in constitutions and statutes.
    our constitutions granted equal rights to men and women for decades but women were denied basic equality for the longest time (universal suffrage, equal pay and many more) and still have to fight. queer people are in a similar boat. discrimination was rampant. it got better but we are still far away from equality. religion and nowadays populist politicians are to blame!

  • @resolvanlemmy July 2, 2024

    7:50 seeing my country immediately below Russia scares me quite a lot as an aromantic asexual person, the fact that my country's society still doesn't even tolerate someone transitioning to a different gender or loving someone of the same gender (or multiple, or in my case, none) is just sad, and I think it's only gonna go way more downhill from here. Yes, I am Moroccan.

  • @PhantomQueenOne July 2, 2024

    ANY muslim country, one ruled by dictators, or religious fanaticism is going to be bad.

  • @yurironoue5888 July 2, 2024

    Azerbaijan is the most homophobic and transphobic country in Europe.

  • @ivankolinic5679 July 2, 2024

    This coincides with another phenomenon, the rise of the right, now this isnt the truth in all countries, in norway the right loves lgbt people, but right wing parties are really anti lgbt, also, right wing parties tend to strip away womens rights to

  • @joycelinlgbtq July 2, 2024

    Must disagree with the recommendation given here for UK citizens. Labour are NOT the best option we have to reverse declining trans rights. There is a growing anti-trans movement within Labour that cannot be ignored. It depends on which constituency one lives in to best oust the Conservatives, but know that I will vote Lib Dem because they tactically have the best chance here where I live to do that. Ideally, I would vote Greens who have the actual best policies, but it's too important to me to end Tory leadership.

  • @OrcKiller-s7z July 2, 2024

    So glad I found this channel fuck yeah! This is the kind of logical, fierce, LGBTQ content that we need more of. You are willing to stand up for us and call that evil in the world what it is. LGBTQ rights are not up for discussion.

  • I am Greenlandic, and the LGBTQ community has many rights within the Greenlandic legal system. However, based on experiences of mine and some others I've met, Greenlanders are generally not accepting towards those within the LGBTQ community, especially in the smaller towns. It can get quite threatening sometimes, unfortunately

  • @QueenieCrownmore July 2, 2024

    I always learn new and useful information QK, thank you. ❤

  • @Bazroshan July 2, 2024

    Georgia is atrocious. Gay men are put into unlawful prisons and tortured. Following release, they are in danger of being taken to the forest at night and killed by their own families at the suggestion of the police.

  • @JeroenHuijsinga July 2, 2024

    Much more important than laws is the acceptance of lgbtii+'s by the general public. It's not clear how this is reflected in the data collected because I only see markers about law. I observe that in some countries, queer rights are in balance with general acceptance (most north and northwestern European states), while in others there is a gap. For example, I think Greece is much more conservative than it appears through its legislation while Italy is much less conservative in the public realm. Acceptance – among other markers – is reflected through violence against lgbti+, which has risen in most states but especially in northwestern Europe. In a country like the Netherlands, it's not considered safe anymore for lgbti+ to walk hand in hand or kiss in public in some areas, while this was not the case several years ago. Bullying in school, at work and by neighbors is a common thing. You can have as many laws and freedoms as you want but it this means that lgbti+ still don't feel safe in school, at work, in places of worship or even in their own family, all this legislation is useless. An important marker for me personally is the number of lgbti+ that are in the closet. I sense that also in countries that are considered to be very liberal, a substantial number of people remain closeted for all kind of reasons, but mostly because they sense high levels of conservatism around them. To my surprise, this includes liberal, progressive, secular circles.

  • @guney2811 July 2, 2024

    As a trans woman living in Türkiye, it sucks here, i have gotten into multiple fights just because i am gay, some people can get killed in those fights. This country is terrible for LGBTQ+ people (but there are a lot of safe places for queer people in here, but sadly most of it is in Istanbul, and i live very far from that)

  • @gianpizzaofficials July 2, 2024

    I live in italy, wich has 25% of lgbt rights, and i'm still happy

  • @IslamIshmal July 2, 2024

    Sadly a lot of my people from Syria have contributed heavily to the increase in homophobia in Europe. I know that in my Arab community in Manchester being LGBTQ is basically a death sentence and it is frightening and is likely one cause of right wing surges across in reaction to our presence. I wish we would assimilate instead trying to destroy the countries we move to……

  • @Mark-nu3us July 2, 2024

    It's always religion, because religion says that make believe trumps reality, truth, reason, rationality, logic, and science, what you BELIEVE is more important than anything else, even if it is actively causing harm to people, yourself, even those close to you who you say to love… There's NEVER a reason to hate on the LGBT+ community besides religious reasons, none.

  • @LaQuifea July 2, 2024

    ❤ 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

  • @LaQuifea July 2, 2024

    Love to Ukraine 🇺🇦 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ I am sure after the war if they survive there will be huge improvements for our community!

  • @k.williamjones3978 July 2, 2024

    I am dismayed that Sweden is lower than the other Scandinavian nations. What I have read before is that Sweden is behind other progressive European nations in trans rights. Is this the reason, or are there other factors?

  • @moviemaestro800 July 2, 2024

    On the one hand, it is a relief to see that there weren't as many nations in Europe declining as it's been looking like lately (especially shocking to hear that even Poland and Hungary have net improved since 2020), but it nonetheless is troubling that decline is happening at all anywhere, let alone in nations that have been exemplars of pushing freedom forward in my lifetime. Goodness knows, even Canucks like me are losing validity in being so smug about our own supposed superiority on this front, since whatever affects the US inevitably spreads over here too, and that includes weaponizing anti-queer culture-war nonsense gifted to the uneducated and disaffected, and thus enabling politicians to cut back on rights and freedoms for no reason other than to consolidate power.

  • @WaizLazar July 2, 2024

    Because so many islamist come to Europe check out all research fact Muslim immigrant are the reason behind that and so idiot said queer for Palestine but in reality there is no single county recognize lbgt right #queer not for Palestine # and Israel is the only country which recognize lbgt right

  • @luisfilipe2023 July 2, 2024

    Actual title: where in Europe are becoming more based

  • This is why we need pride month

  • @larryyyz4028 July 2, 2024

    I would like to know where the Vatican City ranks with LGBTQ rights, since it is a country itself.

  • @jdmaldonado814 July 2, 2024

    While a decline of LGBTQ rights in any country is bad, it's particularly upsetting that the UK went so far down. Hopefully things start to look up after their election next week.

  • @wellardsmith3629 July 2, 2024

    Everything in the UK is going g backwards and becoming harder. Our living standards and rights are falling rapidly.

  • @regginslavechicken July 2, 2024

    Great video! I learned a lot that will inform my future travel choices!

  • @princestevenii.772 July 2, 2024

    The regimes of Russia, Serbia, Azerbaijan and Turkey are not at all surprising with the lack of freedoms even for non queer people. It is sad that the UK, the place with marriage equality has gotten worse at queer rights.

  • @banannafannafo July 2, 2024

    I bet like 40 out of the 50 USA have seen declines over the past four years. Europe is in much better shape than we are, not including Russia, turkey etc obviously.

  • @AngelCakez2006 July 2, 2024

    As a transman living in the UK. It sucks here when it comes to trans rights here. And the worst part is it wasn't as bad as it was now. I swear my country is evolving backwards

  • @DaaNigster July 2, 2024

    Soon all the muslim immigrants and Russia brainwashed orthodox and slavs are together going to destroy the western world and forms of human rights. I use to feel in Europe but not any more. No where feels safe any more. Thailand, Nepal, Taiwan and soon Japan are on the right track and have few christians and muslims so maybe parts of Asia will eventually be a haven for our community.

  • @ThatBernie July 2, 2024

    Thank you for the valuable information, I look forward to the follow-up about countries that saw improvements

  • @SupernovaCentral July 2, 2024

    Thank you for a very informative video. Your hard work is much appreciated 🙏

  • @andreimircea2254 July 2, 2024

    As a Romanian, I can feel that 19% whenever I visit back now that I am no longer staying in the closet. Living in the Netherlands has been the best thing ever when it comes to being at peace for being gay. I no longer feel the shame I felt back when I was in Romania when it comes to trying to explore my sexuality. And since leaving the closet I also began being discriminated by my fellow countrymen and countrywomen.


  • @suevialania July 2, 2024

    Not declining in Europe, Glbt rigths! Well some kind of immigrants don' t accept, because.of their religion and culture!😢And Caucasia (Arménia, Georgia, Azerbeijan), is in Western Ásia, as well Turkey ( ONLY Trácia/Istambul is part of Europa! Israel is liberal!

  • @BlksarSlvs July 2, 2024

    Excellent video, I learned a lot!

  • @petrstanik7597 July 2, 2024

    That rainbow index seems totally out of the reality. I know reality of post-communists countries, only in Czechia and Slovenia you can live openly gay without problems with society and family. Yet Czechia numbers are like worse than LGBT shit-holes like Kosovo, Moldova or Georgia? Who with correct mental health would move from Prague to Kishinev to get higher LGBT recognition? Lol. Even difference between living in Czechia and Slovakia is huge, it's not so long 2 gay guys were shot by some politics maniac in Bratislava. Slovakia gays and lesbians are running to live in CZ yet also Slovakia has also higher points? You can't even have prides in 90% of those eastern countries without being attacked yet there is totally peaceful and big Prague Pride for so long time. These numbers does not reflect the reality being gay in those countries at all. At all.

  • @Kostas_2023 July 2, 2024

    Well done, Greece!

  • @KrishaKrashaa July 2, 2024

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