July 7, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Insider Trading Runs RAMPANT In Congress

Both Republican and Democratic lawmakers have outperformed the stock market on a ridiculous level, again raising ethical questions about the motivations of our legislators. Politicians have been outperforming the average stock trader and the market since at least the early 90s, making it easy to believe that insider trading runs rampant in Congress. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks. Watch LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET.

Read more HERE:

“BREAKING NEWS I have just released the full trading report on politicians in 2021. In short, many beat the market. They traded more than ever before. And they made numerous unusually timed trades, resulting in huge gains. Read it here:


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  • @exdemocrat9038 July 2, 2024

    For once I finally agree 100% with TYT.

  • @rohankurian5641 July 2, 2024

    Its like #trump buys #Nike and THAN asks all of his minions to buy Nike…😅

    He would benefit from first mover advantage and everyone who bought would be at the politicians Mercy when they sell…

    But what happened during #covid by purdue was terrible!!

  • @fjb5894 July 2, 2024

    $200 fine for Congress if caught. No loss of job, no jail time, but what happens to others that are caught? Prison! Shafts up exit holes! US government deserves a war to eliminate the corruption.

  • @fjb5894 July 2, 2024

    The fine is only $200, therefore why not! Drink a beer and get caught driving it’s about $6k. Congress makes millions and they pay $200 when caught.

  • @felixthecat4536 July 2, 2024

    Unfair crock of shit. Bunch of hypocrite corporate whores running The Good Ole Divided States of America.

  • @iLLMaSTa35 July 2, 2024

    When are we grabbing the pitchforks??? It is not a "free market" when the rules are rigged in ones favor. America is one of the least free nations, the working class is crippled by corporate rule.

  • @MrAmaury5000 July 2, 2024

    And federal judges, this is why nothing gets done about big tech because the people big tech sit in front of in most hearings are one of their biggest investors

  • @rolandsmith4394 July 2, 2024

    Nan Pelosi should put together a bipartisan "select committee" to investigate John ossoff.

  • @chadwickbowen8927 July 2, 2024

    We give politicians there power to screw us all

  • @tomconverse7862 July 2, 2024

    I forsee three possible outcomes for the "United" States of America. 1. Fascism takes over and democracy is destroyed. 2. The status quo. In other words, the oligarchy grows stronger and we become another China. The elite will rule. Congress will become the next/new CCP in the west. 3. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE REVOLT! January 6th was a precursor of things to come. The military will intervene but will refuse to fire upon the American people and take their side because they actually follow the constitution. It will be the closest thing to a civil war. In conclusion, this outright corruption can only last so long before something finally gives. Money in politics are destroying this country. So, in some form or fashion, a revolution is coming! Get ready.

  • @craigmatthews7131 July 2, 2024

    Well yeah why wouldn't it? No stimulus for poor but hey let's line our pockets and rub it in average peoples face more!! One thing good the orange asshole did was open everyone's eyes to how corrupt all the government is…….HATE THEM ALL!!!!!!

  • @AlisonCasilli July 2, 2024

    Oh look…our elected officials are dishonest money grubbing asshats. Who woulda thunk it.

  • @flora-wz4ox July 2, 2024

    It is worse than insider trading. They pass, do not pass or delay passage of legislation that effect the stocks they have interest in.

    They are essentially the same as War Profiteers. Despicable people with unethical practices.

  • this is really bad, considering there are plenty of people in prison now with a life sentence for the same misconduct

  • @alirE2904 July 2, 2024

    The govrrnment is ran by an oligadarchy.

  • @pharaohbubbles1547 July 2, 2024

    The US Govt is basically Gotham City

  • Anonymous July 2, 2024

    I am so sick and tired of the corruption in our government it makes me want to puke. Politicians just commit felonies right in the open now because they have gotten away with it for so long they no longer fear getting caught because why should they be? It is disgusting and infuriating on a daily basis I am thinking that while everyone is worried and talking about a civil war when it is a revolution that is needed and start with a clean slate with laws forbidding outside money

  • @smuvgentleman July 2, 2024

    A lesson played out in the movie 'The Terminal'
    If a country's government is overthrown, all legal federal notes and tender is worthless. So if you were a billionaire, your money means nothing. (If stocked in overseas or crypto money, what good would it do in your current country?)

    So if a person have the power to make laws to prevent government downfall, but neglecting their responsibilities that answer the people they represent for personal financial gain, does work against the administration they're supposed to represent and can result in a collapse.

  • @rayturp6742 July 2, 2024

    They need to be investigated for it just as anyone would be. Charged and jailed if found to be true. No one is above the law?

  • @thomasdelvin3683 July 2, 2024

    the money thiefs cover up for the sex freeks, thay are all in the same sewer

  • @lenurban July 2, 2024

    I guess anything goes if you're in congress.

  • @EnraEnerato July 2, 2024

    Just reading this list gives you pretty much teh "who is who" of US politics, doesn't it? I mean you get Pelosi, Mitch MC Connel and many more and besides all the other shit the majority of members of both parties pull, this list would be yet another reason to set their pants on fire, one reason from a VEEEEERY looooooong list of reasons mind you?

  • @numchucklee4279 July 2, 2024

    pelosi is a robot skelator working for corporate murica

  • @troyroberts7364 July 2, 2024

    No matter what side you are on, I’m sure we’re all on the same side in this case. Who knew literal walking skeleton Nancy Pelosi knew more than the Motley Fool? Weird

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