July 8, 2024
Legal and Courtroom

KAREN READ TRIAL: Mistrial Declared, Now What?! #BestGuests Weigh In

Welcome to this breaking news episode of Surviving The Survivor, the podcast that brings you the #bestguests in all of True Crime.

In this episode, we bring on an all-star panel of expert #BestGuests to break down the latest news of Karen Read’s mistrial and what this could mean for her future and the fight for Justice for John O’Keefe.

#BestGuests include:

Judge Jay Blitzman (Retired)

Attorney Chace Hawk

Law & Crime’s Host and Attorney Terri Austin

Attorney Ian Runkle, Host of @RunkleOfTheBailey

Rob D’Amico, Retired FBI Agent and Principal at Sierra One Consulting

#breakingnews #justice #criminaljustice #JusticeforJohnOkeefe #karenread #boston #murdermystery #truecrime #crime_news #truecrimecommunity #truecrimepodcast #crime_news #crimestory #canton #boston #trials #alanjackson #lally #analysis #stsnation



  • @jppalm3944 July 3, 2024

    expert say no car accident? what are you saying?

  • @jppalm3944 July 3, 2024

    No jury going for manslaughter now.

  • @jppalm3944 July 3, 2024

    she has a stellar reputation in Massachusetts! doesn’t say much for Massachusetts judges.
    This judge say that jury form standard?

  • @jppalm3944 July 3, 2024

    she has a stellar reputation in Massachusetts! doesn’t say much for Massachusetts judges.
    This judge say that jury form standard?

  • @jppalm3944 July 3, 2024

    Every Massachusetts lawyer says judge saying purposely confusing Jury form being STANDARD in Massachusetts IS BULL

  • @jppalm3944 July 3, 2024

    They can open the investigation on Ted Kennedy Drowning of a 28 year old woman intern.

  • @Envirolaw64 July 3, 2024

    I just finished listening to the audio of your book and it was so good! Hearing it in your and your Mom’s own voices made it an experience I wasn’t expecting. I highly recommend it!

  • @user-fs1gg4xv3g July 3, 2024

    Loved your book, Jo-el!

  • @toddm149 July 3, 2024

    I think if they do retry this case and don't move it , that it will hang again. I would imagine it will be hard to find a jury that is not biased or has not heard how long this trial is. If I was in the pool for the next few months I'd research this case just to avoid sitting it had I not known the details already because I would think very few would be willing to sit for 10 weeks on a jury!

  • @joyceperciballi295 July 3, 2024

    Well… dear host… take all.comments in not just the ones you like.

  • @joyceperciballi295 July 3, 2024

    Go.through what she has gone through and have a nice face 100%

  • @claudinebraga7105 July 3, 2024

    Chase Hawk, how did KR have a lot to do with it exactly? You said this seconds after saying the injuries did not fit with being hit by a car!! That's the case right there, the injuries were inconsistent with being hit by a car! So what then did she do?

  • @Jenny33333 July 3, 2024

    I heard a person on news yesterday saying she won’t have enough money to have a good case next time. That is not justice when thinking about it like this that is a crime against the defendence in itself

  • @Jenny33333 July 3, 2024

    Judge is right this happens all the time to minorities – she was expected to plea and this is why they went all in after her. Karen was expected to cave and she didn’t. A woman who said no I’m not going to be railroaded and her family and others seeing a railroading said no and luckily had the ability to pay her bail and fight. Maybe others who are being victimised may feel even they can fight back. It could be any one of people who follow this.

  • @Jenny33333 July 3, 2024

    Judge is right this happens all the time to minorities – she was expected to plea and this is why they went all in after her. Karen was expected to cave and she didn’t. A woman who said no I’m not going to be railroaded and her family and others seeing a railroading said no and luckily had the ability to pay her bail and fight. Maybe others who are being victimised may feel even they can fight back. It could be any one of people who follow this.

  • I’m sick of hearing how Karen looks. That’s.the.way.she.looks. Geeeeeez

  • @gitmoholliday5764 July 3, 2024

    the rumours about 10 guilty 2 holds is hysteria pushed by a fakenews pusher that cited another case.

  • Great panel – best guests! Thank you, Joel and Team.

  • @tealemon1465 July 3, 2024

    We need to get some psychologist, psychiatrist, profilers people who can think about and diagnose what is wrong with a group like this, these so-called supporters of a person they’ve never met, know nothing about. They are rabid and rageful. What is going on?

  • @ljcalhoun July 3, 2024

    They had to go with the frame job because they found all this tail light pieces at the scene in such a suspicious way. Not explaining it by it being planted makes it harder to get reasonable doubt.

  • My FAV channel. Totally off topic, but my sweet mother died 6 days ago, and the outpouring of lovely comments here made me weep. Imagine. People you’ve never met sending love. This speaks VOLUMES abt the “audience “ here. If you still have your mom and dad, hug them w all your heart, and save a huge hug for yourself from me. 🥰🥰🥰

  • @theresaprimo5766 July 3, 2024

    So John must have already been in the house. Again it was a fight between him and Higgins

  • @theresaprimo5766 July 3, 2024

    What about the guy who pulled up behind her and John was not in the car and she was sitting in her car

  • @melanieeaves1786 July 3, 2024

    I guess canone needs to let her prosecutors know that they have to run on the absolute truth. Not stuff that want to make up

  • @whatareuthinking1 July 3, 2024

    Essentially what she's saying is go find someone and pay him off to say the injuries happen from a car accident never mind with the truth that's the American court system

  • @pattyb8718 July 3, 2024

    Also the Judge should never let evidence in with NO Chain of Custody! The police couldn’t even keep a log on where the evidence was than guess what it shouldn’t come in!

  • @SunmoonVR July 3, 2024

    Just because someone doesn’t think the state proved beyond a reasonable doubt that she is guilty doesn’t mean someone is “Pro Karen Read.” I think people dancing around outside are a bit strange. I also think it’s strange for Officer Okeefes family to bring the other people involved in that night with them to court. I would be pissed at all of them. Grown adults running around drinking and driving in a blizzard. They should ALL be embarrassed and ashamed

  • @pattyb8718 July 3, 2024

    It doesn’t help the CW case now that Proctor is fired lol 😂

  • @saraw112 July 3, 2024

    The judge dominated this show!! Nice to hear his POV but he really took over the show. Even when a question was directed at attorneys, Joel went to the judge! Oy vey!! 😮

  • @saraw112 July 3, 2024

    BREAKING NEWS: lead investigator Proctor was just relieved of his duties!!

  • @musicismagic3001 July 3, 2024

    How do we know that Karen Read did not go home and drink more due to her anger. I would…but that is just me.

  • @Babas646 July 3, 2024

    Seriously, what is disappoint this panel is:(

  • @matthewnewton8812 July 3, 2024

    This ex judge has deeply help respect for the btch judge from hell? She’s “not putting her finger on the scale”? Pathetic. Thank god almighty this man isn’t on the bench anymore.

    Edit: Jesus, listen to this man. “Ethically” the prosecutor is entitled to charge her the maximum that he can find evidence to demonstrate??? So if he can cobble together some unrelated meaningless nonsense and use it to make it look like somebody had a motive when the two have nothing to do with one another, he’s “ethically entitled to” try and put that person in prison forever even if he doesn’t really believe in what he’s doing? Umm, no. I think he means “legally” that’s permissible, which I’m sure is true, because our legal system sucks. Ethically, however, HE SHOULD NOT BE CHARGING HER or anybody else with one scintilla more than he actually BELIEVES they have done. This man has spent so long as a judge he’s forgotten what the word “ethical” means. The phrase “ethically entitled to” is oxymoronic. “Ethically” assumes a maximum, “entitled to” assumes a minimum.

    The DA brought the second degree murder charge so that he could introduce the bullsht voicemail messages and the crap about Aruba, with the purposes of smearing her character and hoping they’d convict on the so called “lower” charge (which is not really “lower”, just because it carries a lesser sentence; from a philosophical perspective these things are parallel, not “included” within one another).

  • Why are people not outraged that there was never an investigation?? John Okeefs family should bring angry about that

  • @mikec42 July 3, 2024

    Until someone can come up with a plausible collision scenario that would result in the damage to Karen Read's SUV and the injuries on John O'Keefe's body, i dont see how they can even charge her with anything other than DWI.

  • @bronhutchins4249 July 3, 2024

    Great guests and excellent discussion. Hopefully, the truth eventually comes out.

  • @patriciarusso1857 July 3, 2024

    I’m no attorney but when the FBI comes on the stand saying this was not caused by a vehicle. At what point do you admit they are covering up something

  • @breannaburney4178 July 3, 2024

    My favorite guest was Ian!

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