July 8, 2024
Sex Crimes

Abuse survivors react to Catholic Diocese of San Diego's bankruptcy

Survivors of sex abuse in the Catholic church called out the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego after it filed for bankruptcy in federal court today.

Reaction came in response to the diocese’s need to pay out more than $500 million in claims from people who say they were sexually abused.

“Sheer and utter disappointment, this is the second time that they are now trying to use the bankruptcy system to silence survivors, to make sure that their crimes stay hidden,” said Joelle Casteix, a sex abuse survivor.




  • @TIGRESSA73 June 21, 2024

    If they're filing bankruptcy, the victims should hit the VATICAN because all ROMAN CATHOLIC churches all over the world send a percentage of their collections to them!!!

    They're filthy rich!! No excuse!! Most of these priest are either perverts or gay sexual abusers! I worked for the RC church for 21 years and it was disgusting!!

  • @jaminova_1969 June 21, 2024

    Funny, the church didn't seem to have a problem funding the "hate campaign" against same sex marriage. From my POV, lying and covering up the sexual abuse of children is a far greater sin than two consenting adults who love each other. I'm not sure why there is even any issue from the conservative right-wing, other than sheer deflection by ostracizing and demonizing innocent people including adolescents.

  • @temens June 21, 2024

    Meanwhile, the Vatican sits on 15 billion

  • @ThinkTwice2222 June 21, 2024

    Creating a child safety department and making her the President of it with a big salary would've been a better move, Christ is King ✝️

  • @temens June 21, 2024

    If you look at the financial filings for the San Diego Diocese, they're quite low on funds. As far as I can tell, they have no significant investments in stocks or mutual funds. They may have some money from insurance that could cover some of the claims, but even that wouldn't get them close to what each of the 457 cases would normally settle for. My guess is that most of the insurance reserves from the time of the abuse (30-50 years ago) is long gone with all the lawsuits from 2002. I have a case against the OC Diocese and their situation seems a little more stable. Time will tell where each diocese will land once the dust settles. My heart goes out to all 457 victims of the SD Diocese. You fought so hard and have waited so long.

  • @vancouverwatcher June 21, 2024

    Satan infiltrated the church. But I go to the church for the Lord Jesus not the priests.

  • @smckay6438 June 21, 2024

    Take all the churches ASSETS!

  • @maestoso47 June 21, 2024

    So the church doesn’t believe in personal responsibility. Claiming bankruptcy is how businesses mitigate punishment.

  • @jmassey7125 June 21, 2024

    The Catholic Church is evil and its parishioners should be ashamed to be part of an organization that has allowed its priest to molest children for more than 100 years, millions of young people's lives ruined in the name of cult religion, the Church is going to molest their victims again by filing for bankruptcy, how can anyone still believe in the Catholic Church

  • @cittiavaticano June 21, 2024

    no one should be settling for money. they all need to be prosecuted and proved true and people and entities punished. otherwise honesty is suspect.

  • @pierceaero3005 June 21, 2024

    Why can't they sue Rome? God can't be sued. Atheists ordained to abuse do not believe any God Church or State will stop them. Playing God exposes them where they assume none exists to do so. Bankruptcy is just atheists maneuvering where they believe no God will. Ask the abused why no God prevented their abuse. They disprove God one child at a time.

  • @JedimillerReturns June 21, 2024

    Another karen

  • @MrJuvefrank June 21, 2024

    The Cath O'Lick church is pro-creation. If its members get pregnant by any means possible, more Cath O'Licks are born and that's the goal. In some parts of Utah, they expect their members to buy Fords instead of any other vehicle because the Ford dealership is owned by Cath O'Licks. I don't like a religion that expects its congregation to have junk in their yard, their garage, or their driveway.

  • @terin1862 June 21, 2024

    I'm confused…is the Catholic church a business?

  • @mims4085 June 21, 2024

    I would like to know what they would find to be a fair resolution.

  • @rosedelgado611 June 21, 2024

    The devil trying to destroy the Catholic Church. His #1 enemy!

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