July 7, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Anneke Lucas: Former sex slave reveals horrors of abuse (Most Viewed Moments)


Anneke Lucas claims she was raped, tortured with a fish hook and almost stabbed to death after being sold into aristocratic pedophile ring at the age of six. She has never gone to police with her claims because she said she was scared into silence after watching kids getting killed by sadistic members as a “warning” to others.

Her family’s cleaning lady “abused and groomed her” before colluding with a relative to pimp her out to the exclusive club for drug-fueled orgies. Her mom sold her into pimps as well. Anneke Lucas survived some of the worst atrocities known to humankind before the age of 12.

Anneke Lucas is an advocate for survivors of sexual abuse and sex trafficking, who shares her healing journey from surviving sadistic, child sex slavery and elite satanic ritual abuse, to thriving and giving back to her community through her healing work with prisons, and global talks.

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  • @oldmoose25 June 20, 2024

    I cant grasp how much evil exsist in this world, reading through the comments made me realize how common it really is and i cant explain how bad i feel for all the people who had to go through this. It also made me realize how incredblly lucky i am, to have been born in a loving family in a wealthy country and to be surrounded be truly good people all my life, this kind of evil just seems so far away from me, yet i know it is still so near me.

  • @andreearey1954 June 20, 2024

    Both sexes are raped, we live in a predatorial narcissistic realm, the divine males and females are continually raped in any ways, shapes and forms by apex predator "gods" and "goddesses".

  • @angelamichael1328 June 20, 2024

    Anneke oozes this serenity , she is so brave and full of dignity. God bless you, Anneke for your work helping out other victims.

  • @Donna-xl8ib June 20, 2024

    She got a patreon , 😂😂😂

  • @alinaa6950 June 20, 2024

    were her parents prosecuted for all this?

  • @moimeme1640 June 20, 2024

    thank you for speaking out. i'm so happy you're doing this bcs if we remain quite, it becomes a stigma that perpetuates public misunderstanding, shame and self-blame of the victim. i was raped at 23. i never kept quite, spoke to my friends, many were men back then, and it helped. i saw a psychologist at the time and she was amazed at how quickly i started healing. i told her it was bcs i was angry – angry that if it was a person with little sense of self, i may have taken my own life. also bcs my friends all wanted to protect me, i never hid what happened, and did not blame myself, i absolutely have no feelings of guilt. then again i was not your age.

  • @j.j.9538 June 20, 2024

    Politicians and rich people don't have an amazing brain or anything like that. It's quite the opposite.

  • C'est le bandit Hamers qui l'a aidée, c'est sa plus belle action

  • @godsfrontline5599 June 20, 2024


  • @ronenkolton3339 June 20, 2024


  • @wealthspeakss June 20, 2024

    This story has really helped me to understand how I can share my story publicly. I’m a victim of sexual abuse and sex trafficking and I’m trying to find my voice. The care system put me at risk and I want people to hear the dangers of this world even professionals.

  • @StevJame June 20, 2024

    … very familiar nightmare of mine!

  • @etcet-Era June 20, 2024

    As a person who has experienced sexual abuse, I think I can empathise with you. At least a little. As a man, I want to appologize on behalf of my gender as a whole. Im sorry to you and every other victim of this kind of abuse.
    But thats too much for one apology.
    I cannot speak for every man, and certainly do not want to make a blanket statement that would discretdit any group with these sick people who commit these trangressions. We are – for the most part, caring, good willed individuals.
    I am horrifyed that I am regarded with these monsters because of my sex. And again I want to say I am so sorry.

  • @girlfriday9939 June 20, 2024

    Were noone arrested???

  • @realtruth529 June 20, 2024

    Sending lots of light and love to Anneke Lucas and all others who needs healing. Huge respect for her.

  • @DistrictWitch June 20, 2024

    What a legend of a woman.

  • @KironManuelCards June 20, 2024

    I am going to tell you what goes on in schools and colleges in Asia. We cannot enter any school or college easily unless we become slaves forever. We cannot leave and cannot get jobs. Please attend to this matter

  • @d.b.6240 June 20, 2024

    what evidence is offered, what names can be shared, what locations? it seems just another fairy tale for grift.

  • @ebb2421 June 20, 2024

    "Expendable children" from the very people tasked to protect us! Evil thrives in darkness and shadows, shine your light.

  • @suzannehorton3146 June 20, 2024

    Unfortunately, someone who is in power or even parents have the power over their vulnerable kids and they can hurt them, and that just plain disturbing and evil. ..Its like the saying.. would you do the right thing if someone wasn't looking..and that really says alot about who you are… taking advantage or abusing someone because you have the power..doesn't even make you a human being anymore.. the man anneke was talking about who looks like gorilla ..he had everything so why is he doing this… well, i guess he was abused and now he has become an abuser..but the man could have seek help instead of continuing the abuse..so their is no excuse for his horrific behaviour…

  • @lauriescott6564 June 20, 2024

    who are these world leader fuckers?makes me think here you have been paid to forget NAMES?..this enables them to continue!

  • @beakytwitch7905 June 20, 2024

    One of the really scary things, is witnessing how such horror stories prime ordinary people to become witch hunting weapons who can show extreme cruelty towards a person they have been told is a "paedophile". The witch hunters include police officers too.
    It is a feature of witch hunting that the target cannot be considered as possibly innocent and inoffensive. The intent is not to rehabilitate but to destroy or at least wreck the target for life.
    I was on the receiving end of such witch hunting.
    Eventually I went forward to police to give my witness testimony against 3 staff who had been sexually abusing children at my boarding school, and two contemporary adults who I knew to be active paedophiles who were right then running youth clubs in the city I was living in.
    The police were indignant that I testify against a Christian woman, and they trashed my witness testimony and turned the interview into an interrogation. Then not having anything definite against me they trotted out the police SOP guaranteed to get-em-all witch-pricking question "Answer yes or no, could you sexually abuse a child again in the future.". (Naive people think that if the plods ask a question like that then I had to be guilty..)
    In fact I never got to mentioning the contemporary club-operating abusers because the police totally alienated me against testifying. They do not know the difference between justice and witch hunting, or how the action of witch hunting operates to harm the innocent and to actively protect the real perps.
    Also note that British Intelligence sent agents into the Children of God sex cult to study their techniques to use themselves. Honey-trapping and compromising people into sex with children in our extreme prejudice witch hunting society, is a guaranteed way to keep the servants of the ruling elites loyal and obedient…

  • @Greyblue07 June 20, 2024

    Yoga opens up doors for demons into your life.
    Each pose in yoga is worship to a different "God" –
    You are in sin of idolatry –

  • @tolinhnguyen79 June 20, 2024

    My heart goes out for you Annake. You make us feel stronger. Thank you.

  • @georgiakritikos4955 June 20, 2024

    Kritikos vs DeRosa #ES10W2432WD

    Salem Probate Judges recruit
    children into Satanic ATHIESTS churches?
    Salem Massachusetts & Boston Massachusetts, GAL ASSISTED

    1 PADDEN
    2 ULWICK
    3 KAPLAN
    4 BLACK
    8 SOUR
    12 ALBANY
    13 S.1131

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