July 6, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Are Politicians Getting RICHER with Insider Trading?

In 2012, members of Congress voted to police themselves by passing the STOCK Act, a bill that prevented members of Congress from doing insider trading. That was admirable, but there are still plenty of ways to get around the new law. Watch this episode of America Uncovered to find out how many politicians have been prosecuted under the STOCK Act, why many want to ban Congress members from owning individual stock, and what the chances of that happening are.





  • @AmericaUncovered June 22, 2024

    We’re terrible at playing the stock market, which is why we have to ask viewers like you for support to make this show happen. If you haven’t already joined us on Patreon, head over to https://www.patreon.com/americauncovered

  • @Avitod3651 June 22, 2024

    Gonna fail

  • @thecreepers3478 June 22, 2024

    "Show me a man who gets rich in politics and I will show you a crook"- Harry Truman

  • @josephlawndale6065 June 22, 2024

    "Can lawmakers police themselves?"

    Of course they can't, and they won't – why would they?

  • @doorran June 22, 2024

    it's worse than insider trade… they make decision themselves that influence the market.

  • @LL-dh7vp June 22, 2024

    Bills will obviously fail unless someone gets exposed big-time to force them into it somehow, like were voting against it would get them voted out

  • @markroc June 22, 2024

    It's funny how her advertisements on Facebook show her as such a positive, inspiring, saint who is here for the American people. In truth, her husband and pelosi herself are using the system that they rigged to become 50 millionaires at the expense of the everyday American. Let's go pelosi

  • @tomcastle8578 June 22, 2024

    It’s illegal unless it’s the people were supposed to be representing us are the ones profiting from

  • @riskyrudy5614 June 22, 2024

    You forgot to mention they own millions of $AMC !

  • @juliacoy-ybarra7953 June 22, 2024

    No lawmakers cannot police themselves, which is this a big concern. LIMIT TERMS FOR ALL THESE YOYO'S. It's time. Our whole system is corrupt starting with the Supreme Court.

  • @LaGrandeBayou June 22, 2024

    Pelosis son has also become a millionaire…
    Same corruption same family

  • @vokysweet9268 June 22, 2024

    Glad to see that American politicians got more dirts or as much dirts as Gina's.

  • @imoreviews8611 June 22, 2024

    The two are one and the same.

  • @Hunger_Strike_Guy June 22, 2024

    … again, watch the movie "distinguished gentlemen"

  • @Hunger_Strike_Guy June 22, 2024

    If Pelosis' husband divorces her or dies then she profits! Cough cough

  • @longarmsgiraffe0955 June 22, 2024

    I'm quite sure that in the next few months politicians will draft and pass bills for terms limits and and make it easier to enforce penalties for insider trading. I'm also quite sure I'm lying

  • @shelly7902 June 22, 2024

    corruption at there best United Swamp of america.

  • @MrCryptoChris June 22, 2024

    Yeah they are spying on everyone, could it be to see trends, to steal ideas, to not allow ideas. They make the rules to suit them. Insider trading is a huge problem, so is blackmail, extortion, theft, $ laundering human trafficking which is why they spy on everyone.

  • @nicknomski8399 June 22, 2024

    That politicians were buying stocks in companies making vaxxes, tests, masks etc is the least surprising thing imaginable

  • @Easteast68 June 22, 2024

    Like what I always have been saying. POLITICIANS ARE NOTHING BUT THE CANCER OF THE WORLD. They are less then scammers and the Mofia cause at least most of the scammers and mafia own up to it. How about the politicians? Always a BS excuse and NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE.

  • @Easteast68 June 22, 2024

    OFCOURSESE those corrupted arse holes aren’t held accountable for anything

  • @robertklaassen2628 June 22, 2024

    Yes, I believe so !… they should not have any connection to the stock market whatsoever!

  • @Daosx89 June 22, 2024

    I bet they can trade in after hrs or pre-market hrs when the common people have no access to

  • Liberal Crackdowns are around the corner.



  • @eazyrider6122 June 22, 2024

    Of course they are!

  • @bigd1643 June 22, 2024


  • @kumikoOG June 22, 2024

    Whole process democracy transcends western style democracy, Mao style socialist control said the New York Times, incompetent complained foreign policy.

  • @zemjuewz4091 June 22, 2024

    They will fail. Why would they give up having THE edge. All the while using tax payers dollars as their salary, give or take a few bribes and or kickbacks, to make themselves more wealthy. Further squeezing the American people they allegedly represent. All members of the senate and congress, your fired. Go home.

  • @loverofbeers June 22, 2024

    Take Nancy's vodka away.

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