July 8, 2024
Sex Crimes

Bhole Baba: The Controversial Godman Behind a Deadly Stampede

Bhole Baba, a self-proclaimed spiritual leader in India, has become the center of a national tragedy. A stampede at one of his religious gatherings in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, claimed the lives of over 120 people, mostly women. While Bhole Baba has denied responsibility, citing “anti-social elements” for the chaos, his history of controversial satsangs and a past involving allegations of sexual assault has fueled scrutiny. This video delves into the life and influence of Bhole Baba, exploring his rise to prominence, his controversial methods, and the tragic events that unfolded in Hathras. We’ll examine the potential contributing factors to the stampede, including the lack of safety protocols and the chaotic rush to collect “charan raj” (the dust from Bhole Baba’s feet) as a form of blessing. Join Fresh Topic Reports as we investigate the circumstances leading up to this tragic event and the larger issues surrounding religious gatherings in India.


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