July 8, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Bungie Dev Responds To HACKING Controversy In Apex! HUGE BREACH!














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  • @markkuuss June 17, 2024

    dmg is not a "dev"

  • @Pontooniak96 June 17, 2024

    It was a bad move to stop players from matchmaking, but major publishers selling a game that literally cannot be played past the boot screen should be illegal. I own Titanfall on PC and now it’s rendered absolutely useless. Almost like people who bought Destiny 2’s expansions in year 1… 🤔

  • @jordzoolzen344 June 17, 2024

    The fuckin nerve of dmg for him to scold hackers when he and his shithead devs can’t even implement an anticheat after years of players begging for it. Shameful.

  • @Shahmane666 June 17, 2024

    the hacker has to have crazy skills in order to hack and infiltrate the game to the extent of putting their own message in the game that all players can see while blocking everyone from playing

  • @Shahmane666 June 17, 2024

    What really sucks is that Titanfall 2 was just gaining traction and attention again (rightfully so, the game's a fucking masterpiece) after a few years of being left on the sidelines, and then a hacker came and basically razed the whole game, ddos-ing servers and streamers, making it virtually unplayable, and now it's even affecting Apex. I support the cause of trying to save Titanfall 2, cause Respawn has been giving all of their attention to Apex, even though Titanfall 2 has a smaller but growing loyal fanbase which deserves more attention, but hacking and messing with the game to this extent probably isn't the best way to do so

  • @Shahmane666 June 17, 2024

    AHEM, ima just leave this here

    B A K E N

  • @CharlieSnipp June 17, 2024

    kinda pathetic that dmg says all this over apex getting hacked for less than a day but says absolutely nothing about titanfall being literally unplayable due to hackers for YEARS

  • @Brawneteer June 17, 2024

    Yeah nah mate, EA and Respawn are mostly in the wrong here. They knowingly let an unplayable product sit on the Steam store and continue to rack up sales, and have been flat out ignoring the community that wants to play their game. I don't agree that attacking Apex was the right move, but it needs to be understood that a certain point of desperation has been reached, and the pressure needs to be put on EA and (primarily) Respawn to fix the issue and deal with the no life neckbeard who's been trying to ruin the Titanfall franchise this whole time.

  • @drakebarry6308 June 17, 2024

    Give the good hackers jobs or at least consultant positions. Turn your enemy into your strongest ally

  • @uncletentacleez9037 June 17, 2024

    This is what has to happen to destiny for bungo to get their shit together 😂

  • @warNeverchanges947 June 17, 2024

    At this point just kill Destiny 2 on pc, return to console, PC is just full of cheaters anyways

  • @oryx9100 June 17, 2024

    Look at valorant I am mid immortal/high immortal and in the whole year I prob saw 3 obvious cheaters, only 3 vanguard is doing a great job at getting cheaters out

  • @kwazipeters4698 June 17, 2024

    Console is master race. Pc is just to toxic with the hacks.

  • @Calamity_Leo June 17, 2024

    They need to trow the book at them, hacking is terrorism in USA laws, and the ic3 it's an international felony, if you throw the book hard at them they will stop

  • @Qouth June 17, 2024

    We think of these cheaters in Destiny as an epidemic of cheats.. but what about Team Fortress 2? TF2 has been plagued by thousand upon thousands of bots that casual is literally unplayable, you're forced to play community servers. And it really destroys my heart to see my most beloved game to be down in the dumps like that.

    And I really don't want to see what's happening to TF2 happen to Destiny, cause that would really REALLY suck.

  • @isthissmoov8290 June 17, 2024

    Sounds like Quria

  • @imholdenon June 17, 2024

    Damn hackers be pulling the quaria move

  • @mvichigo June 17, 2024

    Here a crazy idea might be illegal but what if a game scans for cheat software on a pc every time the player logs into the game

  • @cordyl6748 June 17, 2024

    As crazy as this sounds I left destiny 2 a long time ago and started to play apex for 2 years, and now this happened I guess both games are connected in some way. I hope both games have better fixes and updates. Making it have more fun and secure.

  • @philipeer5772 June 17, 2024

    For reference tf1 is supposedly unplayable cuz some hackers made it literally impossible to join any server at all but ea just keeps selling the game without any notice that you literally can’t play the game at all

  • @onlyfansgaming6167 June 17, 2024

    I have to get a whole new modem and what not cuz of hackers making my whole internet access unusable

  • @darrynclark8489 June 17, 2024

    imagine actually working on a decent anti cheat.. pvp is dead for me cause of this bs

  • @zentropoetic June 17, 2024

    yeah, bow to this and it send the wrong message- sure. but transparency goes a long way, maybe don't pretend everything is great when it isnt.

  • @dacgbuiltrite June 17, 2024

    Titanfall has been hacked for a year or two , look into it

  • @MomImSus June 17, 2024

    There would never bea game thats unhackable its only a matter of time before its broken into

  • @and1chewy1 June 17, 2024

    Your right right now destiny only has cheaters but this only proves what can be done. Pc's are great for graphics and fps but just opens the door for these kinds of things.

  • @fireflakes1783 June 17, 2024

    Cia level security could still be hack they need to just Sue cheaters and hackers and make examples of them

  • @Fatchosen June 17, 2024

    I’m with saving titanfall

  • @heinrammsteiner5898 June 17, 2024

    Honestly if someone cheating in Pve content I could give less of a fuck I only care if people are cheating in pvp

  • @brandondean5680 June 17, 2024

    Mean. It's good they wanna get awareness spread about titanfall but not hack apex locking everyone out of the game. That's just way to far. Sucked not playing apex until 11 at night 😭

  • @enderbacon5278 June 17, 2024

    i dont agree the hacking completely, but saying that attacking wont get you point across when it got the point across is so dumb, they have been complaining for years about the game being hacked and nothing, cod is still being hacked, apex still has hackers that play, all main stream games have them, and we want them gone but unless it cuts into profits these devs dont give 2 shits

  • @chanboy2524 June 17, 2024


  • @fotis3v480 June 17, 2024

    Good we need much more of this. Hit em where it hurts their wallets.

  • @joshualongoria9105 June 17, 2024

    Easy fix for destiny 2. Must buy the game to play pvp

  • @SublinePro June 17, 2024

    I mean surley they just need a program that actively checks stats used. Ie. This machine gun fires are x rpm if this gun fires x+rpm insta ban no questions asked

  • @SublinePro June 17, 2024

    It's impossible. If u make a statement like this game is unhackable. Its an open invitation for the best of the best to prove then wrong!. Only way is hardware ban for the hackers

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