July 6, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Catalytic Converter Theft Stopped by Live Video Monitoring

In this video, we have a suspect attempting to steal a catalytic converter from a truck in a retail center in Houston, Texas. Unfortunately for this suspect, this property utilizes live video monitoring services. A team of video monitors noticed a vehicle trespassing onto the property during late hours of the night. A little later, the suspect exits their vehicle and crawls underneath a truck with a flashlight. Live video monitors immediately engaged audible alarms and voice recording and stopped the suspicious activity — The live video monitoring team also contacted and dispatched local authorities to come by and ensure the property is clear of unwanted trespassers.

Today’s Most Commonly Stolen Car Part
Catalytic converters are not a small inexpensive component that is easily replaced. Their popularity in criminal activities has grown exponentially as metal prices rise. There were more than 25 thousand incidents where this part was reported stolen between 2008 and 2015 alone! Catalytic converters can be removed in seconds using just about any type of hacksaw, which is why they’re so popular among criminals.

Where Catalytic Converter Theft Happens
Car dealerships used to be a haven for catalytic converter thieves, but most now have enough security and lighting making it difficult. We are now starting to see thieves shifting focus onto vehicles left overnight in dark areas like retail centers which lack proper protection against them.

Retail Property Solutions for Catalytic Converter Thefts
There are many different levels of security solutions that you can employ to improve the security of your retail center. However, some criminal activities require a proactive and reactive security solution in order to modify their behavior.

We recommend live video monitoring in conjunction with basic level security measures like access control, signage, and lighting.

Live video monitoring is a service that is often included or offered with managed video surveillance. Live video monitoring gives your retail property a staff of trained professional surveillance monitors remotely surveilling the property through the managed security surveillance system deployed.

If any potential threats or trespassers are detected, live video monitoring personnel have the ability to remotely engage alarms on the intruders and dispatch law enforcement if necessary.

Live video monitoring is more effective in both performance and price than onsite security guards. Video is recorded 24/7, more areas of the property are under surveillance, and costs only a fraction of the price of security guards.

For more information about managed video surveillance for your retail property, contact SentriForce today.


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