July 9, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Children for Sale: Texas' Trafficked Kids | Unreported World

Unreported World follows the private detective and armed bounty hunters trying to rescue teenagers from Houston’s sex trafficking underworld.

Reporter Yousra Elbagir follows the heart-breaking search of one mother looking for her daughter Kristen, who was trafficked into prostitution when she was just 15 years old.

The city of Houston, Texas, is at the centre of a sex trafficking crack-down. There are more reported cases of child sex trafficking here than any other city in the United States.

And across Texas it’s estimated there are at least 80,000 children and young people forced into the industry in recent years, usually by people they know. The problem has become so bad that Texas is now the first state to make buying sex a felony, punishable by at least 6 months in prison.

Producer/Director: Liam O’Hare
Series Producer: Andy Lee
Executive Producer: Ed Fraser
Production Company: Channel 4 News

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  • @lidove8170 June 19, 2024

    The u.s is the head of child trafficking world wide.

  • @KrisRamirez-gq7vy June 19, 2024

    What are Kristen’s rates 🤔

  • @KrisRamirez-gq7vy June 19, 2024

    Talk about low budget escorts 😂😂😂😂

  • @Any_Halfs June 19, 2024

    Is bissonet still the spot where all this happens, asking for a friend

  • @elizabethmouton5045 June 19, 2024


  • @syedjahangeer6448 June 19, 2024

    How many people are here from taxes

  • @raulsanchez9795 June 19, 2024

    I think Houston have a grooming technique thru offline/online mobile devices that may lure anyone to wrong place of any age. Keep your children off phones in Houston.

  • @Acto22 June 19, 2024

    US DEMONcrat antifa terrorist party never expose their friends…..
    Demoncrats are very dangeruous not only to the country,people,nature but to other peoples countries.The only votes they get is from the usual suspects that live on the fole and get free projects…and public jobs and demented people who dont like to hear the truth.

  • @BAFM510 June 19, 2024

    Elite need their adrenochrome

  • @Mdx90843 June 19, 2024

    Where? Is there any new stock available

  • @DannyWhitaker-ip2vk June 19, 2024

    Crazy to hear this disgusting garbage happening in America, I always heard of this as a problem in Asia. I’m sure the cops could handle this if they really wanted to, but they don’t. Stuff has really gone to shit I guess.

  • @Tillnextsunset June 19, 2024

    Have they found Kristen yet? 😢

  • @Ninjanerd214 June 19, 2024

    This is so scary 😭

  • @Xhopp3r June 19, 2024

    Watching this video, and reading similsr stories in the comments, and being a former runaway child myself, although never had to deal with this side of life, has stirred up mixed emotions within my heart.

    I feel super sad that this has happened and is happening to so many people.

    I felt super angry when I heard in the video that Texas made buying sex a felony with 6 months in jail.
    That is not enough deterrence. The punishment should be 10 years in prison, at the very least.

    I felt my anger growing when I read in the comments that LEOS, , judges, and other persons involved in the legal system, also participate in this evil.

    For such persons, the punishment should be at least 30 years in prison, without the possibility of parole.

    Ironic to see these politicians on tv saying no one is above the law, when clearly some people are.

    May Jesus return soon and reset this earth. It has become way to evil.

  • @pintubhavana June 19, 2024

    Uncle sam,it is difficult to figure out, what is stage managed propaganda and what is real

  • @JRRod-yc8em June 19, 2024

    I used to live in SW Houston in the late 90s to early 2000s. It used to be a lot worse.

  • @SergioPorras-ig7up June 19, 2024

    These sick bastards let it happen, and investigate what they already know , and once the girl is no longer looking good then they rescue them

  • @ML-ov7wo June 19, 2024

    Check the white house

  • @ericperez2067 June 19, 2024


  • @marktaylor2855 June 19, 2024

    We are all slaves to the system sad for these children never have a chance at normalcy

  • @Christisking1911 June 19, 2024

    Lord have mercy upon these children, and women caught up in this life. I pray they get the opportunity to turn their backs to this life, and one day live a life of fulfillment with God. I too as a drug addict and drug dealer was around many women who sold their bodies. I never knew or saw any underage girls, but this is probably because the people knew I was as moral as a drug dealer could be. God truly saved me from a 15 year long opiate addiction, so I pray for those in any kind of terrible condition of the soul like this. It is truly heartbreaking, and one of the most devastating things a child or woman could go through.

  • @fahadmahmood8656 June 19, 2024

    Why the cops are not doing this and the good Smartian have to do cops job.

  • @godschild6172 June 19, 2024

    Always check for new kids in the area. Many are sold through networks. Networks take over small communities. They are libraries, hospitals, schools, and cult churches. They start small then infiltrate themselves into government to bypass local laws and policies.

  • @harleycrouch4129 June 19, 2024

    Solution. Install undercover police to pay to sleep with these girls and pay them but then just look at them in the eyes and ask them if there ok and convince them to seek help then arrest the ass hole behind it

  • @ginnycleary-zq2pu June 19, 2024

    In TEXAS we do get a lot of "ALERTS" KIDNAPPING of children, both little girls & boys (from infants to teenagers). Every month all over our state. Our officials NEED TO IMPROVE OUR SYSTEMS in this state concerning children and women. Too many young women have disappeared and NEVER BEEN FOUND. ALL RACES various backgrounds. On college girl went jogging in her parents home neighborhood and never returned home. Never found. Another young mother in her early 20's went to do errands and never came home and has NEVER BEEN FOUND. Leaving a toddler behind. "Sad and disgusting", and as I've said we need to put pressure on ALL OF OUR OFFICIALS, GOVERNMENT SYSTEM, MAKE CHANGES ASAP. God be with you all.

  • The American federal government is the biggest trafficker of children they control the flow of kids to be sex trafficked

  • @nicklausmisiti5204 June 19, 2024

    Only idiots try to say this is voluntary and empowering. No one does this by choice. The ones that say they do are exploited to the point they can't make rational decisions.

  • @mberryfr June 19, 2024

    Why do people keep having irresponsible, unprotected sex? THIS is the result!!

  • @MilkandHoney13914 June 19, 2024

    Don’t trust anything HPD says. They’re all Freemasons and don’t care about anything except themselves.

  • @jamesbeachsr.4330 June 19, 2024

    Question. How do you know that the Authories are on the right side of the law? Do you ever think that child and drug traffickers go and become law enforcement to control the ungodly business? When s good person reports a bad person and they the good person themselves become the bad person? What the hell is wrong with this kind of thinking? Think about it deeply!!!!

  • @AmericaFirstFLL June 19, 2024

    This is Epstein USA.

    In a death spiral.

    State Government answering to corrupt Judges and their lawyer pals. Acting with unlimited power and judicial immunity.

    It’s natural that the Prosecutor, Detectives, Police, CPS, Mental Health Facilities, Hospitals, Non profits all play along to victimize.

    Once crimes are being committed, anything goes so the natural outcome is the sexual exploitation of the children.

    It’s gross.

    I know.

    My now 22 yr old daughter was raped 13 times during high school. The police laughed in her face while I paid $6000 per month child support and my daughter was kept from me. They knew she was fair game in their sick system.

    Now, there is an active case against George W. Dixon of 309 Little Miss Muffett Lane Key Largo Florida for the sodomy of my 5 yr old daughter over a 6 month period between 8-2023 and 2-2024.

    The entire State of Florida is setup as a child sex trafficking haven.

    It’s happening across the Nation.

    Look at the Brad Lamb case out of Texas. The more they cry for help, the more the system victimizes.


  • @KU-nu4vn June 19, 2024

    😔😥is very sad

  • @KU-nu4vn June 19, 2024

    this is very sad in destroyin business is very dark people and durty mens perverts their 🐖

  • @KU-nu4vn June 19, 2024

    this guy has no rimores in repents

  • @skinnyway June 19, 2024


  • @sonnyboy5566 June 19, 2024

    The richest American town.

  • @robertchristner4510 June 19, 2024

    is it only girls being trafficked

  • @jeffgriscoa8131 June 19, 2024

    Having the borders open doesn’t help!

  • If sex wasn’t so glamorized and made to be the “epitome” of the human experience.
    & if sex wasn’t thrown in our faces through the media and music day in and day out and even society as a whole views having sex with random people you don’t know as “normal” & views waiting some time before you have sex with your partner as weird. Tells you everything you need to know.

    Sex work then sex trafficking would just completely die out. It would die out if we viewed sex as more sacred and meant to only be shared with your partner that you made a strong connection with, not some stranger you met an 10 mins ago or 3 days ago.

    It’s just very strange because animals in the wild, BEASTS only mate during the mating season, once a year.
    And humans are so deranged they can’t even stop jacking off to porn for a Single week. humans are so deranged and maniacal they can’t even control themselves.

    It’s just crazy. But Notice how there is no term to label someone who fantasizes about sex too much as having a mental disorder. That’s just called a high libido which is “good.” Or it’s often seen as normal to think about sex often.

    But any other disorder where you ruminate on one thought too often is considered a mental disorder. Like suicidal thoughts/depression/anxiety just as an example.
    It just really goes to show you the vast grip and effect the sex work industry has on not only the people but how society perceives and accepts sex.

    If society’s view on sex was changed and we saw it as sacred the sex industry would be over in a snap. But it won’t happen because they are the very ones who will shape society’s perceptions on sex and how it’s received.

    I for one don’t watch porn or anything sex related because I know many of the women even men are treated like slaves.
    Like someone’s whole life was stolen from them, their own damn life the one thing god gave them.

    I stopped watching porn a long time ago because I found out a lot of those women/men in those videos are trafficked or are straight up being raped.
    They are literal slaves. Beaten, & forced into sex slavery then stripped of their human rights and defiled on camera for you to press play too so you can jack off for 10 minutes.

    Their whole life was stolen from them, they’ll never see their families again or friends.
    A Very sick industry.

  • @1997LT1Camaro June 19, 2024

    This reporter is a moron. I don’t agree with trafficking, but the way she talked to people is ridiculous.

  • What I can’t understand is why is it possible to just go down some specific street and find the hookers. Why is this allowed? Why are the police not stopping this? As long as the police and prosecutors look the other way this activity will not stop, they are part of the problem and part of the system of sex trafficking. I also believe that trying to normalize/legitimize porn and prostitution by calling it sex work is also part of the problem. There should be a stigma to these activities! If women are attested for prostitution they should have to go into a program to help them get out of it or jail! Yeah it sounds awful to “lock up a victim “ but we do it to addicts to try and help save their lives, this is something that will save the lives of these children!

  • @mythoughts2355 June 19, 2024

    Slaves no matter how you put it or perceive it. Not a pimp a slave owner.

  • @Diamond-jk7ob June 19, 2024

    The guy that said he doesn't like being a called a sex trafficker but sir thats what you are 😒

  • @adh1997 June 19, 2024

    16:07 only a minimum of six months in jail😅 should definitely be more than that, not only in Texas but everywhere else.

  • @jazz10169 June 19, 2024

    Dear Jesus🙏🙏🙏🛡️raise up an army of people who will rescue those trafficed 👑💝🙏🙏🙏people had my life in their hands once threatened to kill my family here in Australia 🤔l pray people's eyes R opened to the evils of this world😭😭😭🛡️🙏🙏🙏

  • @scal5134 June 19, 2024

    I once worked as a outward bound’s mountaineer in the UK with ‘disadvantaged young people, I once had a young female disclose she was being abused and filmed by her uncle and his sick pals.
    I fed it back and 6 months later my office got a call to pass a ‘thank you’ to myself as the police smashed a pedo ring and they all got years in prison.
    I have a daughter and thankfully she’s an adult now. I would have gone to jail if any sicko had so much had stirred at her for I deemed too long! The way this World is now protecting these dirty old bastards is just sick and the US seriously losing its respect and status as the Worlds ‘No1. Standard bearers…’
    Those days are long gone!

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