July 2, 2024
Hate Crimes

Congressional Hearing On Growing Hate Crimes Targeting Religious Groups

May 02, 2017 C-SPAN News
The Senate Judiciary Committee convened a hearing on ways to address the increasing number of religious hate crimes in the United States. The special counsel for religious discrimination within the civil rights division at the Justice Department testified. Other experts including the police chief of the Arlington, Texas, Police Department and a religious hate crime victim also appeared before committee members.
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  • @NihilioFit June 30, 2024

    Self-Hate Crimes.

  • @JebBlack2010 June 30, 2024

    End White Guilt.

  • @6thi874 June 30, 2024

    blah blah blah blah. If you're going to protect one church, protect them all. But first, discuss the separation of church and state.

  • @corktech June 30, 2024

    Riligous hate crimes perpetrated by opposing religious people manly christians but not all. Will these clowns ever admit it. No, would be my guess.

  • @Gothmatix June 30, 2024

    Dianne Feinstein is the epitome of hypocrisy. When someone paints a cross on a mosque. Where will you side. Vilify and shun all you like. Hate crime is the line you can't cross. It is hitlers mark. You may not cross.

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