July 6, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Delaget webinar: How to stop employee theft without firing anyone

In the QSR franchise business, it’s no secret that employee turnover rates are higher than most other industries. This makes the firing process even more difficult when situations call for it. Because theft usually starts small, it can be hard to identify it right away. Delaget Guard tracks, compiles, and presents data that doesn’t seem to add up so you can easily access and determine the best course of action. This webinar explains in greater detail just how Delaget Guard can help you stop employee theft without having to fire anyone. Visit delaget.com/guard to learn more.


1 Comment

  • @jessicabuck5089 July 4, 2024

    Um no, if the theft has gotton that bad , you have a whole ring , there's no way to stop it without firing. Once is a mistake and training issue. But clearly you can she an issue of same problem occurs. Especially is they selling merchandise in town. Sorry but no.

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