July 3, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Democratic Proposal Could End Congressional Insider Trading

Why is this not already a thing? John Iadarola and Brett Erlich discuss a Democratic proposal to end insider trading in Congress on The Damage Report. Watch The Damage Report on YouTubeTV NOW:

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  • @terrywalk6162 June 27, 2024

    Stop that stupid song or I will quit watching. I will unsubscribe.

  • @joannephraim6849 June 27, 2024

    This is why they fight so hard to win. They're not in office to serve the America people; they're there for the benefits. This isn't anything new. Government has always screwed the people. How else would a low to mid 6-figure employee live an 8-10 figure lifestyle. #GreedDrivenGoverning

  • @dandales9003 June 27, 2024

    Don't worry they will find other ways of making a quick buck.

  • @mcfishyfirst253 June 27, 2024

    Republicans can’t live

  • @sandy-sd7jj June 27, 2024

    It’s about time, now how about stopping them from getting money from
    other sources that effect the course of the country, they should only receive their salaries

  • TYT improves the fluidity of its shows every day. The ethical snowball get bigger and bigger.

  • @jaelynn7575 June 27, 2024

    We need to do away with electoral politics and the Senate. The Senate is a huge barrier to progress. I'm no expert but it seems they block the will of the House all the time. Having 535 people in DC, plus state gov that varies from state to state, but that's hundreds more people, plus lobbyists, foreign interests, etc, it's no wonder nothing gets done!

  • @jaelynn7575 June 27, 2024

    Never forget! Kamala Harris did NOT prosecute Steve Mnuchin of One West bank that foreclosed on a bunch of homes in CA, even though it was stated by investigators, or Harris, that his practices were "suspect." If someone is looking "suspect" on the street b/c they looked at a cop "wrong," they get busted! WTF?! It's like we have a four-tiered "justice system" in this country, or maybe for every tax bracket, there's separate "justice systems."

  • @jaelynn7575 June 27, 2024

    Wow, I'm good. The day that Trump said that crap about tariffs ending with China, and the market dropped 800 points and then recovered, I said that someone needs to watch for insider trading! That Trump was clearly manipulating the market and some people profited off of that! Now, a couple days later, they are bringing up insider trading for the first time in a long time!

  • @liquidshark0 June 27, 2024

    martha stewart went to jail? is that where she met snoop dogg?

  • @spanaker June 27, 2024

    this is all wishful thinking. its not going to happen. not with this congress

  • Great show as always

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