July 7, 2024
Sex Crimes

Discussing Sexual Assault Claims Against Brett Kavanaugh – Part 1

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women. We discuss the psychological reasons women are reluctant to come forward about being assaulted.



  • @swimhard500 July 4, 2024

    Where is Olivia Benson when you need her ?

  • @shamaoliver7989 July 4, 2024

    Men also get harassed and assaulted. It's a shame its sickos in this world that prey on innocent people and when I hear stories like this, I get mad at the parents because how you're not paying attention to your daughter or son? Are they that caught up that they can't see something is going on with their child? It's so sad.

  • @neoluvhimbi7805 July 4, 2024

    Jeannie is having the feels i feel bad for her and everybody else that was a victim

  • @faithouma5205 July 4, 2024

    I have been hated and treated unfairly by my family of no relation, ever since i was raped by one of the sons. I have no one to tell because i"m an orphan and even if i opened up no one would believe me.

  • @dharmawannab July 4, 2024

    I agree with Jeannie….I froze then I acted. Told an adult and told to never to bring it up again they would deal with it…..nothing happened to the man who abused me. Not even 29 years later has anything ever happened to man.
    But I have faith God will take care of it in His time.

  • @madenaknight214 July 4, 2024

    Ingnore it no…Just don't tell us, to be in denial. Yet so quick to raise your hand 3:23

  • @refentseroxanne July 4, 2024


  • @riverasheba807 July 4, 2024

    I got raped by my aunt’s husband for 4 years (13-16). She didn’t believe me.

  • @suzannadrew790 July 4, 2024

    You guys misunderstood, what the president had to say. He was encouraging her to come forward and say something.

  • @tcoleman6167 July 4, 2024

    Jeannie you looked so pretty! The dark brown hair is stunning on you!

  • @abigailrenee2027 July 4, 2024

    Why they not finish Donald trumps tweet

  • @michellec8642 July 4, 2024

    I swear Jeannie you are so strong. I mean to tell your story nonetheless but then to go on national T.V. and do so. You're so strong, brave and courageous. I mean as a fellow sexual abuse and assault survivor, I commend and look up to you so much, and I'm so sorry with all that you've endured, and I agree with you with the fight or flight, because with me in the moment when my assault happened to me, I froze. Then afterwards, I didn't say anything until my dad confronted me and asked me if my abuser had done anything to me, again I froze. I was so paralyzed with fear that I don't remember if I vocalized anything but I do remember just nodding my head 'yes' and my dad then immediately storming off in anger. I was so scared that my dad was mad at me, I even looked to my mom and asked "Is dad mad at me?" I'm grateful that my mom looked at me and said "No honey, I mean is he disappointed that you felt so scared that you didn't come forward sooner and say something, yes. (which I can understand that) But, is he mad at you for what happened, absolutely not." I mean it made me feel a little better knowing that he wasn't mad at me for what happened to me. But looking back, I wish I had the strength to look my dad in the eyes and tell him exactly what happened to me, instead of him finding out himself.

  • @jasaelmairena4570 July 4, 2024

    I told my therapist I was sexually abused by my stepfather and I was attacked by my family
    They told me I ruined my family, why did I keep quiet, I was lying, I was an evil little girl etc
    I felt so ashamed I said It was indeed a lie to just let it go and at 12 I took blame for something it was not my fault , this happened ages 6 yrs until 9 years
    At 17 I came out again and my mother refused to believe me, I tried calling her to explain to her and she hung up the phone on me and stayed with my stepfather
    I am 29 now and my mother has yet to apologize
    Keep in mind my stepfather died of HIV
    He cheated on her
    By the glory of god
    The one who gave birth to me has no HIV

    I have grown to hate lies and I just don't open up to people 100%
    I rather walk away than deal with things
    I have gotten hurt many times
    And I chose to be alone

  • I was watching the African news and there was a story were a 5 year old girl was raped by the 23 year old son of the landlord. And she was so scared to say anything. When the mom came back she was giving her daughter a bath and the girl was screaming mom my private parts hurt stop. And it so shocking to me that people these days are getting away with this and any one that has done this to a woman or child should be put in jailed on

  • @jasminemiller4340 July 4, 2024

    Hey for anyone who sees this I'd just like some advice. For my school there's this thing we do called the gti where students go to learn a specific thing like CNA or medical terminology and other things like that. So getting on the bus to go I sat by myself. Long story short this guy comes and sits next to me, he talks to me and asks to be friends and to be nice I said yes, and we talked for a little bit and then that was it. Sometime when the bus starts moving he starts to lean towards me getting closer and I lean away as close to the window I can get. But he keeps coming closer. And there are times when he backs off when I push him away or tell him no, but he always does it again and when he does back off he'll touch my hair, one of those times however he tries to kiss me and I have to push him off and tell him to please stop. But he continues to do things. I try and look around for anyone else on the bus to see if someone notices what's happening so they can help me but no one does, no one hears me telling him to stop because I'm too quiet too scared to move or be any louder than I am. So he continues and he puts his arm around my waist and grabs my breast and squeezes to which I again push him away and tell him to stop but he tries again and again and then goes and says "Oh come on" in frustration after I push him away again.  After that he just sits there disappointed, while I'm trying as best I can to get away from him which is impossible in my position by the window, so all I can do is cry and wait until the bus gets to the gti. I tell one of my friends in my CNA class once I get off but she doesn't seem to care which makes me question whether or not I should tell anyone. Once I get home I cry and sob and search on Google to find some answers to tell me what I should do. There are steps to take which I do I tell my sister and we agree to go and report it to the office the next day. Long story short we go to the office and we file a report they have me write down what happened and while I'm doing this I find out that I'm not the only girl he's done this to which makes me cry even more. After I'm done writing they tell me they'll take care of it, so i trust them to. But I still see him in the halls sometimes. He's still here and I don't know why. I'm afraid to ask them why he's still there cause they might think I'm making a big deal about it. With him doing that to me on the bus there should have been plenty of evidence on the cameras as proof. I don't know what to do, please help.

  • @tondridavis3041 July 4, 2024

    The weight Jennie mai has put on looooooks sooooo goood on her 😍😍😍

  • @2029killtime July 4, 2024

    Relatable 😕 #tried to speak got blamed and forgotten about.

    Makes me feel like what’s the point in opening up when you’ll just get hurt even more

  • @kaylenejantjes8113 July 4, 2024

    One of the reasons why Donald Trump is such an insane choice for a president is that he has no social skills when comes to social issues (probably except when it comes to business deals). It's been so long and he still says stupid stupid stuff and someone needs to let him know that words have power! Tweets like that give more validation to the perpetrators of sexual assault maybe even more so because it's coming from the president of the United States of America! 😧

  • Wow … 😪

  • @hlatino03 July 4, 2024

    The USA has a very stupid President…..Not my president…that A-Hole needs to be impeached.

  • @AZ-mq8oi July 4, 2024

    How preposterous! To presume someone guilty of an allegation that most likely didn't occur. Such insanity should not even be aired.

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