July 8, 2024
Sex Crimes

Discussion | Concerns over false rape accusations

16 Days of Activism kicks off today. The focus is on ending the scourge of gender-based violence. But, what happens to those falsely accused of abuse? Recently a pupil at Hoerskool Kriel in Mpumalanga committed suicide after being accused of rape. The Commission for Gender Equality is concerned. We discuss it with commissioner Lindiwe Ntuli-Tloubatla. #DStv403



  • @randomsoul00 July 5, 2024

    So it is not india specific
    Women are doing it everywhere

  • Anonymous July 5, 2024

    A study in 1994 by Dr. Eugene Kanin of Purdue University concluded that 41% of rape allegations in America are fabricated.[1] Kanin's study covered a 9 year period and was conducted with the cooperation of civic government.
    The Orlando Police Department made an appeal for false rape allegations to stop because they were putting a stress on police resources and creating a climate of undue fear.[2]
    The Baltimore Police Department reported that 30% of rape reports received proved to be false.[3]
    The Innocence Project reports that the primary crime for which they secure the release of wrongfully convicted individuals is rape.[4] 153 of 268 exonerations, 57.1%, noted by the Innocence Project, were convictions for rape.

  • Anonymous July 5, 2024

    We need a false rape accusation registry. Half of these women are serial accusers.

  • @Sipho_Thenjwayo July 5, 2024

    Those without standards always create double standards

  • Why does she sounds robotic and shows no concern about the topic she is talking about.

    No offense, I've seen better speaker who can show concern in their speech.

  • @sandilemfeka4658 July 5, 2024

    These ladies still talks about GBV even when a you man has committed suicide for being falsely accused of rape. Can we not be hypocrites for once and stop talking nonesense.

  • @obedmartinezmusic July 5, 2024

    First let me say as a man that I fully understand that there have been men that have committed acts of sexual violence against women, and in my opinion those men should be killed or at least punished to the fullest extent of the law! But in regards to this case and many cases that are similar there needs to be a forceful point made, that no one regardless of gender, man or woman cannot make such claims and feel that it is ok. Too many times in America I have seen similar cases where a woman makes such a claim against a man, destroys the man future, and in some cases has the man sentenced for many years to ultimately find out it was a LIE! Then to insult the establishments of law even further are given sentences that are an insult, compared to destruction of the young man's life! It is a double standard, which is not fair. In this case this young woman should receive a serious sentence for the crime she committed! Again I repeat I fully understand that men have done horrible things to women throughout our history and continue to do so, those men should be killed!!!!! But let us not forget cases such as this, a man was accused of raping a fellow student, his shame was such that decided that all he had left was to commit suicide!!! And all she had to say was that she was joking, how sad! My heart goes out to all women who have experienced such atrocities and also to those men who have been falsely accused of such crimes! A beautiful young life that was taken far too soon over a lie! This world is in trouble and may God have mercy on us all!

  • @tamimarash5998 July 5, 2024

    She should be charged with murder

  • Why is she smiling? Is it pleasurable for her?

  • @Sanguo3 July 5, 2024

    Bottom line she murdered him with her words. Premeditated murder

  • @JP-bj2sb July 5, 2024

    At least the girl was honest enough admitting her lie. Most women don't do it and nothing happens at all. A lot of innocent men go to jail or put an end on their lives only because feminists have declared war on men / boys.

  • @charlvanrooyen447 July 5, 2024

    So what she is saying in a nutshell is that nothing will happen to this young woman…but at least she and her department are very sorry for this young mans death.i suppose thats ok then.

  • @antonioyeats2149 July 5, 2024

    Fact is most rape allegations are false. It takes zero evidence for a women to get a man convicted in court and a landslide of evidence, a fortune and an act of God for a man to clear his name. 🤷 what else is new?

  • @annamahlangu2289 July 5, 2024

    that girl must be jailed for murder

  • @edmondopowell July 5, 2024

    should be doing a life sentence for killing him.

  • @mafioso6779 July 5, 2024

    They need to come and open offices in soshanguve, i think alot of women can be arrested there for such things

  • @SurfersCornerMuiz July 5, 2024

    Men are prejudiced, time to fight these feminazis, that enable liars to destroy men that reject them.

  • @toyotagaz July 5, 2024

    Long story short
    The false accuser gets off free

  • @skmoreg July 5, 2024

    too late

  • @bigmac3049 July 5, 2024

    Women lie all the time.

    The bible warns all men.

    If you listen to women you will suffer

  • @duffydon1741 July 5, 2024

    What a nonsensical interview and an empty gong making noise


  • @sello09875 July 5, 2024

    The nothing best about that weak constitution

  • @no.commonsense July 5, 2024

    They must be jailed an slashed with a whipp for lies

  • @Maria63756 July 5, 2024

    That was defamation it's not right

  • @luyandazulu7395 July 5, 2024

    Men we are on our own. All these organizations are anti-man.

  • @ashreenanaidu9790 July 5, 2024

    She is so devious as if she didn't allow it if they had sexual relationship it should not be called rape she allowed it in the first place may be cos she got into trouble for some reason so she said its rape to save herself….bullshit

  • @ashreenanaidu9790 July 5, 2024

    Rip young man

  • @sanelemwandla121 July 5, 2024

    Well , that's it. Well all know nothing is going to be done. Our justice system is good with nothing

  • @sibusisokheswa1989 July 5, 2024

    These are the campaigns that are killing boys, me and sending men to jail

  • @purity4554 July 5, 2024

    Well oiled criminal justice? Which country is she referring to?

  • @nkosisithole2254 July 5, 2024

    She's saying a lot of things but ultimately she saying absolutely nothing.

  • @bandilemaphala4578 July 5, 2024

    Doesn't sound like there are serious consequences for females lying about such..

  • @space2space283 July 5, 2024

    this woman is talking nonsense lot of mens are in jail for rape that they did not commit,you should have broaght a men

  • @justiceseeker3081 July 5, 2024

    Thank goodness the raging insane Sisulu isnt anywhere near a position where she can implement chemical castration ….

  • @unanorman5597 July 5, 2024

    My sincere condolences to the family this girl should be in jail she must be charged for falsely a use this poor boy bcz she's the cause of the boys death and she's going to live with this for rest of her life she must b taught a lesson

  • @mnqobidube2345 July 5, 2024

    Shouldn't she be arrested for causing his death, i think if you cause someone to commit suicide you should be arrested

  • @sinosaffer8015 July 5, 2024

    Anyone that falsely reports a rape should be treated like a rapist.

  • Did she say "Well oiled criminal justice" ? Stop lying whoever your name is

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