July 6, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Does Nancy Pelosi Have Insider Trading Knowledge?

Nancy Pelosi is one of many members of congress who have benefited substantially from, what would appear to be, questionable stock trades. Are our lawmakers privy to trading information that the average American simply does not have? The Daily Wire’s Cabot Phillips dives deep into the many dubious stock trades from our representatives on Capitol Hill.

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#DailyWire #InsiderTrading #NancyPelosi #Pelosi #StockTrades #WallStreet



  • @justicewatch4602 June 22, 2024

    I tracked this. There is still no proof. All inside info becomes public. Plus they have to report their trades in 45 days. Just line up the time lines. Please work harder with your vids. It looks deceptive.

  • @eddiewinslow7500 June 22, 2024

    So tired of this BS yet there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, they will always get away with this, politicians are scum and somehow people still think we have a choice or chance to change things through voting 😂 it's a big club and we aren't part of it.

  • @brother.teresa June 22, 2024

    No wonder y'all can't stand libtards. I'm on the left but I get attacked because I said Pelosi is corrupt. They can't take any accountability either

  • @usnchief1339 June 22, 2024

    Well, I have worked hard for 40 years and I also invest. I have a family and raised 3 children that are currently in college. I sure as hell don't have over $130 million in my portfolio. All elected officials should not be allowed to trade in individual stocks while serving. They have information that allows them to cheat the system. Why else would they stay in office for decades and leave insanely rich. They are all criminals. Term and age limits and they should get the same pay senior officers get in the military while serving. Serving should be an honor and not a thieving career.

  • @5150georgie June 22, 2024

    She passes down info to her drunk husband. She's a disgusting person.

  • @nelsons1129 June 22, 2024

    Clearly, their smart, after all, their in Congress. There’s nothing here, alls good.

  • @jamesburress2284 June 22, 2024

    How do I share this video on social media/Public forums?

  • @jamesburress2284 June 22, 2024

    They control the Stock market and Wall Street.

  • @jamesburress2284 June 22, 2024

    I don't trust Republicans or Democrats…Can't we find a party that actually represents their constituents?

  • @jamesburress2284 June 22, 2024

    I want in on her insider trading…Let's make some$$

  • @jamesburress2284 June 22, 2024

    Why did Martha Stuart serve time in jail?They do it legally!

  • @lukesalazar9283 June 22, 2024

    Also Jeffery Epstein and John McAfee didn't kill themselves

  • @markwood192 June 22, 2024

    Corruption starts at the top and leaks down into our entire country and society. If you believe we live in a constitutional republic then your a fool. Anyone notice the tax free foundations of the anointed . Start there and the politicians are just eating the crumbs!

  • @aarontennyson2102 June 22, 2024

    A gentleman once said about America – it's a meat market where senators and congressmen sell themselves to the highest bidder. Soviet Union failed to see this but China did.

  • @DavidJones-dna June 22, 2024

    this below comes from the definition of insider trading.. "Government employees who traded based on confidential information they learned because of their employment with the government". This people need to be under SEC investigation.

  • @tylerpeterson9873 June 22, 2024

    Daily Wire is on FIRE!

  • @melsop54 June 22, 2024

    These examples are WHY trading on the market can NOT be allowed while in office. To be able to trade makes your government position a cash making machine for your own personal gain. And THAT is why you see certain politicians, see Pelosi, fighting SO hard to hold their government positions. They make MILLIONS and MILLIONS being there.

  • @gigia741 June 22, 2024


  • @KitsapLady June 22, 2024

    You can't get rich in politics unless you're a crook ~ Harry S. Truman

  • @recklessprocess June 22, 2024

    HOW IN THE HELL DO I GET SUPPORT FROM DAILY WIRE? You clowns do not want paying customers! I tried to subscribe but your ROKU app won't let me activate it. and your tech support is nonexistent. There is no tech support. No one cares if you can access the service.

  • @bryanflake6858 June 22, 2024

    Does Pinocchio have wooden balls? Hell yes they all do it.

  • @geraldsandoval1113 June 22, 2024

    That's like asking if a bear shits in the woods!

  • @alikaostermiller June 22, 2024

    vote em out

  • @RussellsHouse June 22, 2024

    Y'all should put James Woods in a cool movie.

  • @JeremyDN June 22, 2024

    I have never trusted congress or any politician for the matter. They take an oath but to them it’s a FN joke. They get into politics to enrich themselves not serve the people. The American people have zero power in this country. Obviously we don’t get exactly who we vote for. They will never vote themselves term limits and every year they give themselves pay raises. They make 174K a year and they need a raise? I’m sorry but real hard working Americans don’t give a crap about congress. Term limits, seriously jail time for insider trading and cut their salaries down. They aren’t supposed to be there for life but they stay for 30-50 years. Screw them. I could care less if every one of them stopped breathing. I would walk right across them as they begged for help.

  • @TheAmericanMonaLisa June 22, 2024

    American oligarchs.

  • @Pseudoswede June 22, 2024

    But Pelosi has now “evolved her stance,” and is willing to proverbially pull up the ladder behind her…

  • @kamundy6394 June 22, 2024

    WELL DONE Y0UNG MAN 🎶🗽🇺🇸🔔🎶

  • @ottojamesclark8422 June 22, 2024

    Why does the still image the pigs chose show Shumer more than Pelosi, yet don't bring any evidence of Mr. Shumer doing any of the insider trading? Of course it's because you're propagandists! And are using a anti-Semitic innuendo. Even if not, it's propaganda.

  • @anonymousnobody153 June 22, 2024

    We can go back a little further to 9/11 and see how there was also insider trading before the attacks This should raise very serious questions of the narrative that was pushed to the public of what actually happened that day

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