July 8, 2024
Sex Crimes


Dr Disrespect admitted on Twitter that he was messaging a minor in 2017

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  • @pearse9116 June 27, 2024

    Dr Drake respect

  • @shawnwilliam4653 June 27, 2024

    Big surprise another right winger..

  • @doomy_doomy2225 June 27, 2024

    Twitch has a lot of issues. We lost DOC to finding out he is a pedo and we have Amoranth and the rest of the soft core side grooming minor males into their only fans. Twitch needs to go.

  • @paulburns7951 June 27, 2024

    Let me ask you guys something. Let’s take Dr. Disrespect fame and fanbase out of the equation. On what planet is it ok for a grown, unrelated man, to meet with a minor, for any reason, without their parents?

  • @tycoonterror June 27, 2024

    Dude went from .doc to .pdf

  • @simonlee498 June 27, 2024

    Allegly he's exploited a trans worker

  • @lsbgamer June 27, 2024

    You know, as someone who didn’t have a strong father figure in his life, I’ve looked out to others to provide words of wisdom, motivation, and people to help me fight through depression and trauma that I have been experiencing. The Doc was one of those people. Doc taught me to keep fighting, made me want to get back to the gym and better myself and just put me on a path of self improvement that I will continue to build on regardless of the outcome of the outcome of all of this.

    It’s really hard to see these figures turn out to be something that they aren’t. The Champions club was built on the frameworks that Doc laid out as a result of his online personality and it felt good to be a part of it. I wanted to show the world that I was #1 not just in gaming, but in my job, in the gym and in my role as a man in this word. We were all stunned when he got caught cheating on his wife but we were able to forgive him and move on to the business at hand climbing to the tippy top of the mountain (which is only halfway up) but these accusations are crazy and lead me to believe that this guy is literally just a fake character and not a representation of Guy Beam.

    I don’t know, maybe I’m a bit dumb for looking up to some social media figure for my recovery and lifestyle changes, but it hurts to hear these things about him.


  • Without reading the messages its impossible to determine. If no charges were filled it seems to indicate that the conversations were not directly sexual.

  • at this point dr diddyspect needs to just whip out the ukulele

  • @rainertentacle7573 June 27, 2024

    I guess it has something to do with most streamers and online personalities slowly going mad by getting brainwashed spending so much time on the internet surrounded by all this degeneracy (esp. at their personal discords). Since they are attention seekers anyway you have a big pile of bad people networking together. Assume every streamer/yter to be a bad person and you win most of the bets. We should abolish y'all as role models.

  • @jps072 June 27, 2024

    It’s called Grooming. Dr durtyfuck

  • @Robstafarian June 27, 2024

    Again, someone PLEASE tell Hasan why "CSAM" is the correct term and "CP" never has been.

  • @flamezodiac5736 June 27, 2024

    I think Twitch needs to release all Twitch Whispers I can guarantee 100% the men and women on Twitch that are being so phoney like Hasan, Pokimane, Mercs have all done things like this. Twitch needs to be investigated and If Doc goes down for not sexting just talking to minor which most celebs do btw in fan bases. Then they should all go down! Realise all Whispers lets see who else is being a Fake Phoney!

  • @hankyboy42594 June 27, 2024

    “2 and a half timer”

  • @endoroki June 27, 2024

    Hasan looking huge

  • @saucedupmelo June 27, 2024

    You should talk about Cody Ko

  • @rundmv6534 June 27, 2024

    JFC i hope Hasan never does anything like this

  • @tydiscope5781 June 27, 2024

    1st off I don’t agree with Dr Disrespects actions whatsoever but what is the point of pouring salt in the wound. Forget Dr Disrespect for a moment, his wife and family have been through enough. He screwed up… really badly screwed up… but don’t make other peoples lives worse because it’s not their fault it happened to them it’s the Docs.
    Log off of the trash talk culture and think of the people that actually didn’t have anything to do with it that lives are now forever screwed
    Used to kind of like you :/

  • @rbrick3685 June 27, 2024

    Inb4 Hasan scrubs the comments again

  • @newport100s June 27, 2024

    11:56 you my guy are a helicopter. Nick is the one who said that.

  • @OperationValhalla June 27, 2024

    Really makes me question who his affair partner was at twitch-con. Was that another minor, or an adult, can we even trust his side to be honest about it?

  • @Oreo.X.Gaming June 27, 2024

    dude this was back in 2017 bro – honestly i really dont give a shhh – this doesnt pay my rent…who even cares unless ur NOSY as hell and love looking into other peoples lifes. Do you KNOW wtf is happening in GAZA right now? Do you KNOW how these piece of shhh corps are fn over the american people – wtf is this? this is pure trash

  • @Helix_22 June 27, 2024

    MSM is not to be trusted period. Even when thwy tell the truth you must take everything they say as a lie and do your own research. Mine lead me to the belif that the Doc is a pedo because he himself told us that…. Speaking to a minor in an inappropriate way makes you a pedo, period.

  • @OneSadSouljah June 27, 2024

    I would like to submit Dr ChildrenSext as another name

  • @JoePeepee June 27, 2024

    Jail Bait
    A female who is under the age of consent but who dresses, acts and appears as if she is over the age of consent and who does nothing to correct that impression when she is bedded.
    "Keep away from that, it's jail bait."

    Always ask for the age, if she confirms jail bait, jutsu the F out, if she lies then that's not your problem…

  • @princesspupcake1269 June 27, 2024

    His face when he reads that text is like Bush receiving news about the second plane, lmao.
    And oh boy, I am SO shocked another right-leaning chud has been outed as a predator, awh man this is SO sad bro.

  • @sacredrider June 27, 2024

    Dr Disrespect.pdf

  • @Sagittariusastar182 June 27, 2024

    Go on perma vacay and never come back, take those pedo sympathizers with you. Idk maybe create your own island where people like you can go to and stay there for life.

  • @sacredrider June 27, 2024

    Was he "sexting"? Or is that an allegation? Cuz he says I didn't do anything inappropriate, which I am not sure whether to believe or not.

  • @FrAsSBrAsS June 27, 2024

    now imagine what we dont know yet

  • @aclown36 June 27, 2024

    Dr Disrespect was ratio'd so hard that Cyanide and Happiness roasted him😂

  • @tylerbeckwith5331 June 27, 2024

    I tried to tell em yall.

  • @Mr.Sr.Jr. June 27, 2024

    Hassan is such a bitc h. He loves the Drama/loves to kick someone as soon as he feel so you can get away with it.

  • @betterffd June 27, 2024

    Costa Rica is quite specific.

  • @pr3historic647 June 27, 2024

    18:10 Well, the real answer is that he didn't do anything illegal according to him and evidence we have (even assuming messages were more inappropriate than he lets on). That's different than soliciting cp or sharing inappropriate images with them like kick streamers. Not in any way justifying. I wish that shit was illegal, its just not tho.

  • @tormentorox1 June 27, 2024


  • Dr Disrespect The Age Of Consent.

  • @omnitricks29 June 27, 2024

    .doc –> .pdf

  • @Shwonak June 27, 2024


  • @ForrestMccroy June 27, 2024

    Literally who is this person? How is he relevant? I’m so confused lmao

  • @connorisswole June 27, 2024

    welcome to the pride community MAP

  • @ModestCube100 June 27, 2024


  • @nathanchalmers2244 June 27, 2024

    Let's not get it twisted Doc is an idiot but this clown isn't really any less of a goofball lol

  • @ImABadTeammate June 27, 2024

    .doc converted to .pdf

  • @Chuckles2109 June 27, 2024

    Dude thinks he was the 1st.😅

  • @user-vk9dd9ow6k June 27, 2024

    All of y’all switched up on doc SOOOO fast 💀. That’s actually insane to me. Genuinely, I feel bad for your family’s and loved ones your gonna fuck 💀💀💀💀💀

  • @FxckRacism June 27, 2024

    Good to see Hasan not try to be anything other than an Arab

  • Rabid transphobes try not to be creepy weirdos challenge [impossible]

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