July 7, 2024
Hate Crimes

EU wants to read your PRIVATE messages – but outrage STALLS final vote

The EU council of ministers has failed to pass a very controversial new regulation known as Chat Control. It would require apps like Whatsapp, Signal and Telegram to scan private messages before they are sent to the receiver in an attempt to combat the spread of unlawful content on these apps. The proposal by Swedish commissioner Ylva Johansson would allow all pictures and videos sent on these apps to be scanned and it would put an end to fully private and encrypted communication in the EU. In the council, the vote failed (but barely) due to the resistance of Germany and some other member states that argue that this is a huge and non-proportional violation of the basic right to privacy in the European Union.
#chatcontrol #privacy #Europe



  • @greatscott369 June 27, 2024

    Nobody voted for them

  • @IanDarley June 27, 2024

    This has NOTHING to do with CSAM, it's about opening the door to spying on political dissent.

  • @stevesipson3097 June 27, 2024

    Looking like Brexit weren’t so bad after all

  • @ilsevanheerden4976 June 27, 2024

    Worth it to stop child sexual abuse

  • @andersstook3273 June 27, 2024

    They truly are disgusting authoritarians.

  • @carlarthur4442 June 27, 2024

    They always use these excuses to impliment laws to impose there will on peoples freedoms , they do the same with the theory test for a driving licence, in the name of road safety, even though it hasnt stopped people having mishaps , what about the grooming gangs here in the U K , nothing much getting done about that .

  • @carlarthur4442 June 27, 2024

    Weve left the E U here in the
    the U K, start writing letters again , these Bds have no right to snoop on peoples lives, its bad enough that the D W P can snoop on pensioners bank accounts. To much power these people have . What happened to freedoms , the E U need investigating themselves .

  • @rashabelgrade June 27, 2024

    They already read your messages, now they need a law that will cover it legally.

  • @jasontadema5034 June 27, 2024

    To combat dissent to the globalist agenda.

  • @setaripantheon8801 June 27, 2024

    Meanwhile: We can't see Bidens messages about Ukraine and "Non Profits"…

  • @fredneecher1746 June 27, 2024

    The EU: Theft is bad, so let's check everybody's bags, all the time.

  • @genma986 June 27, 2024

    100% against this dystopian bullshit. These people don't give a shit about saving the kids, what they do care about is power and oppressing their citizen.

  • @pieinher67 June 27, 2024

    They are doing it already mate. The rest is just theatre.

  • @roblloyd1879 June 27, 2024

    Dystopia rules, OK!

  • @barbaraanne8186 June 27, 2024

    Well what do you expect there are so many comunists now its not funny no that is just an excuse to bring in this I’m so shure over the years ai should have developed something to stop this only

  • @kubhlaikhan2015 June 27, 2024

    The only reason they want to read your ideas is to censor and suppress them. NATO is not a democracy – it does not want free speech.

  • @opabinnier June 27, 2024

    Just a minute, why are EU documents still done in English? Surely English was automatically dropped after brexit took place? What about Ireland, you say. What about Ireland? They will tell you their language is Gaelic; it is an insult to them to have to use English- has the EU no sensitivity whatever? I am shocked at this discovery. God in Heaven… English?!?!?!?!?!

  • @user-mr8xm7sn9r June 27, 2024

    More reasons to dissolve those communist dictators.

  • @alanbrown7155 June 27, 2024

    They always use thing like that, when in fact it's they who need there private communications looked at. It's a long the same lines as the DWP in the uk, they want the ability to snoop on your bank account in the name of fraud.

  • @sabinek.5386 June 27, 2024

    At first we want to read the private communication between v. d. Leyen and Bourla, causing world wide injuries and deaths

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