July 7, 2024
Sex Crimes

Ex-Hillsong member: Church covered up my assault | NewsNation Prime

A day after the founder of global megachurch Hillsong stepped down amid swirling sexual assault allegations, a former church member says church leaders have been quashing sexual misconduct complaints and allegations for years.

The church’s founder, 67-year-old Brian Houston, resigned Tuesday night after an internal investigation found that he had breached the church’s code of conduct with two women who accused him of inappropriate behavior.

The church is known for its Grammy-winning songs and A-list celebrity members — including Justin and Hailey Bieber and Chris Pratt and his wife Katherine Schwarzenegger. In recent years, it’s also received negative attention for a series of sex abuse scandals.

“If you have a core group who is committed to keeping abuses or assaults in the church quiet, that’s not who should be leading your church,” said Anna Crenshaw, a former church-goer who said she was assaulted by a church staff member in 2016.

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  • @home8630 June 20, 2024

    I don't know why people from overseas expect Hillsong and Brian Houston to appologise to them, when they treat Australia and Australians that way. A lot of the time, USA Christians and the world help them abuse us and silence our voices, but we have a way of making known what is needed to be known, silence our voice and our silence speaks and communicates along with our pain, suffering and tears for everything we have had to endure and no one cared. By the way, sometimes there is no going to police or the governement or even media or home family when abuse and ped*philia is everywhere. NO going to the schools either. But you have to stand up, not be silent and keep on speaking and communicating, until the light and understanding comes, and it all ends. There is no justice for the victims, just leaving them on their own, further silencing and isolating them. There is also no healing coming through, its blocked, because the truth covered up and needs to see the light of day. Get rid of the criminality out of the systems including church. Anna has now taken it to court. By the way if the criminality of abuse extends to the police, where do you then go? Corruption in the legal system? then what.

  • @BYGODYOUARESPECIAL1 June 20, 2024

    disgusting fake Christian leaders.

  • @jessimms3316 June 20, 2024

    Doubtful that this happened out of the blue. Somewhere along the line they did the little unbiblical stuff and it grew into the big ones like this scandal.

  • @dutchstreetpreacher June 20, 2024

    I was in Hillsong for a couple years. When i wanted to attend their college in 2019 in Sydney, the LORD showed me clearly NOT to attend. The bank account code started with 666 and also did my college student number involved 666. I never attended! Instead the LORD sent me back to Holland to preach the Gospel on the streets. Stay away from false teaching folks!

  • @tdeancline June 20, 2024

    A friend of mine attended that church for years, they don't take kindly to any type of criticism or correction. Lord expose all churchs involved in wickedness!!!

  • @SuperSoldier26 June 20, 2024

    Hillsong is more of a business and enterprise than a church or a house of God

  • @SuperSoldier26 June 20, 2024


  • @SuperSoldier26 June 20, 2024

    5:276:02 ugh!! This makes me sick. Brian Houston is painting Jason Mays as the victim and Anna as the offender which is despicable since Jason Mays attacked her

  • @SuperSoldier26 June 20, 2024

    I feel so sorry for Anna Crenshaw

  • @SuperSoldier26 June 20, 2024

    Hillsong is clearly an organization that protects their own

  • @SuperSoldier26 June 20, 2024

    4:375:17 Oh my God!!!!! AFTER WHAT JASON MAYS DID TO ANNA AND HE'S BEING PROTECTED FOR IT??!! WHAT THE F*** AND THAT'S SOME BULLS*** MAN!!!! And no way was that a hug, this was an assault on Anna Crenshaw

  • @SuperSoldier26 June 20, 2024

    I feel so bad for Anna Crenshaw and everyone affected because of Brian Houston and the other offenders

  • @SuperSoldier26 June 20, 2024

    How despicable

  • @anoushkanaidoo4482 June 20, 2024

    "Much drunker than he should"… what the heck are so called church leaders doing drinking to begin with?! Disgraceful!

  • @corbenikgaming7688 June 20, 2024

    What is it with Catholic Churches and their Pastors nearly always being sexually predators? They give real Christian Churches a bad name. For that reason and for the fact that they add religious practices that are not scriptural I don’t consider Catholic Churches to be Christian, same goes for some other denominations because they add things to the Bible and change others. As for the drinking thing drinking Alcohol isn’t a Sin even Jesus drank Wine, but getting drunk is the man should have never drank enough to become intoxicated in the first place.

  • @lelisgraves8743 June 20, 2024

    I cant believe this people who pretend to be godly!!! But if someone is little by little crawling my body I garante he will not have the chance to kiss my stomach!! If someone put his hand on my lap I will never aloud to go all do way to another part of my body it would have stopped right there and there!!

  • @Rain-uh4us June 20, 2024

    Poor girl he did something stupid oh my can you believe this guy give this man in his position another chance Is this Brian Houston serious is he joking . That is like saying you’ve abused a child oh come on let’s give him another chance he’s ok to be around kids. Wealth status greed oh it’s because I’m Brian Houston pride arrogance get over yourself sickening tell you what Brian give all your wealth over to the poor victims then preach you have not stood up for justice and truth poor victims

  • @Rain-uh4us June 20, 2024

    No sexual activity oh hang on he cannot remember to doped up but he was in there for 45 mins sounds just like his father oh he told me it only happened once to this poor kid. Wealth status does not prove you are innocent he most definitely in his position and a duty of care should have contacted the authorities he was responsible for not reporting his fathers heinous crimes. How many more victims are out there. True repentance is handing yourself over to the authorities not the church alone. Conviction is doing what is right you deserve-prison i he consequence of sin

  • @brotherjay4592 June 20, 2024

    I may be a prude but I find it problematic that Hillsong staff members seem to be inebriated on a regular basis.

  • @JohnDoe-1000xt June 20, 2024

    100 million anual proceeds..explains alot

  • @damianedwards8827 June 20, 2024

    Churches focus on talking rather than Helping people

    People literally Step over homeless people before walking into church

  • @dawaneropateni3887 June 20, 2024

    Bullshit everyone is very aware what they doing while being drunk.he shouldn't drink and Christian's shouldn't drink .DO NOT GET DRUNK WITH WINE BUT IN THE SPIRIT.NO EXCUSE.SO FULL OF SHIT. the lord change's lives.i believe our treasures are in heaven gods.love peace etc.we have to learn them here on earth through Jesus an the holy spirit.amen👍👍👍👍 money.fame.cant buy gods love.theres people out there that dont know Jesus.we need to sort our shit out .to be in right standing with the lord .thats why my sister left that church.bummer

  • @arnibarnie June 20, 2024

    It's gross how the abuser is being justified. Like he didn't do any serious damage to this woman. Disgusting. This is not what God would want.

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