July 6, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Facebook: Volunteer FBI Informant, exposes probable cause Facebook sex trafficking network

Facebook: John Lasheras, Volunteer FBI Informant, exposes probable cause Facebook sex trafficking network
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd

I am sincerely grateful for you allowing me to have the platform to plead my case before the people of the world, where I had been so suppressed by the media, conspiracy shows, social media platforms and other outlets to express my trepidation and immense pain I have been through.

I feel like I will be vindicated and justified for the pain I have been through.

The suffering, the trials and the road to glory in the name of God in the highest, are yet to begin.

John Lasheras
Contact Information
Tel: 551-482-6232
Email: [email protected]



  • @OmniversityTV July 1, 2024

    Facebook: John Lasheras, Volunteer FBI Informant, exposes probable cause Facebook sex trafficking network
    By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
    WATCH ON TRUE TUBE  https://youtu.be/drcRHjmufqM
    ACCESS NEWSINSIDEOUT ARTICLE: https://newsinsideout.com/2019/12/facebook-john-lasheras-volunteer-fbi-informant-exposes-probable-cause-facebook-sex-trafficking-network/

  • @TheGggg321123 July 1, 2024

    It was so nice of Linus Sebastion to hire this guy.

  • @babettekern7161 July 1, 2024

    This girl was probably a sex worker or someone messing with him. He never even met her. We never know whom we are texting with , unless we are doing face time.

  • @bullishharvey8793 July 1, 2024

    The guys not lying I guess. Zuckerberg donated 100$ million dollars to Newark, New jersey

  • @judithleopold8602 July 1, 2024

    The main problem here is that even though our planet has received the 'internet' at the required time for very important and specific reasons to assist our 'Spiritual Development', 70-80% of our planet is still ignorant, enjoying themselves with keeping their heads in the 'dark sand' as it's their comfort zone. We're in the 'Information Age' for a reason!

    Unfortunately ignorance, 'sleeping' is giving more and more power over us to these failed, stuck, dark races to carry on doing what they 're doing with our planet since millions of years.

    These failed, very-very stuck, dark races invented ALL religions many-many thousands of years ago, when they realized that they seriously FAILED and – their vainness' took over – to interfere, distract, mislead, block, etc. the required growth and development, which is the main reason of the '3rd Dimension of Duality' which can only be reached after a certain level of Spiritual Development. They are selfishly recruiting more and more Spiritually weak, mislead, prostitutable entities as they still think that 'life/existence' is about quantity and not quality. They still think that it's the only way for them to stay on Planet Earth by misleading, lying, providing 'soulless technology", etc. to certain groups/races on our planet. However, 'Thank Goodness' The Planet' is very close to the 4th Dimension and there are a few 3rd Dimensional Planets -already prepared – where the ignorant, failed sleepers and their 'brain-washers' – here I refer to the failed dark races – can carry on with their pathetic/desperate failures. Oh well, 'ignorance' has a price to pay. 'Universal Fundamental Principle': Cause and Effect. There never were/are coincidences/accidents in the Universe, everything happens for a specific REASONS.

    Isn't it interesting that we're living in a very, very sick, fraud 'MALE' dominated world since many millennia. 2/3 of our planet think males are above females, just look at sick fraud religions, etc. What is their 'world' about? Wars, powers, etc. SICK, SICK, SICK, etc.

    Today who is a whore/slut/prostitute? Who? Mainly females. Now, let's go down to REAL details: what do the 'prostitutes' do? Sell their bodies for money to provide sexual pleasure.

    What is our so called 'physical body'????? A vehicle that carries our soul/spirit while here for purpose.

    However, honestly, who are the REAL CHEAP WHORES, SLUTS, PROSTITUTES?????? Those who sell their SOULS not their UGLY physical bodies – mainly men in politics, religions, science, etc. as the list is way too long. So called 'Life' is NOT real, it's an Illusion for growth, development via experiences.

    As William Shakespeare – pen name – alias Sir Francis Bacon very wisely summarized:

    "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players, they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts; his acts being seven ages."

    Sir Francis Bacon was one of the most well educated guys of our planet – back in history – because as the 'Non-Official' son of Queen Elizabeth I. he was well educated, invited into the most secretive, mystical, etc. institutions of our planet. His main work was the 'King James version of the fraud so called 'holy????' Bible. Wake-up! It's never too late.

  • @thomaslynch5849 July 1, 2024


  • @ilovemymum777 July 1, 2024

    John Talks too fast for me to fully comprehend what he is saying. He needs something to calm him right down, he seems to be living off his nerves poor guy

  • @anthonybarrett7456 July 1, 2024


  • @maxmonroe9461 July 1, 2024

    thanks Alfred

  • @robynlance4571 July 1, 2024

    I'm sure there is! Dont post pictures of your children and grandchildren either!!!!!

  • @marjorykephart4700 July 1, 2024

    This video was deleted in my Gmail. I had to go to YT and look for it.

  • @roguecow9632 July 1, 2024

    I'm so sorry to hear what you've been through: really wish you the best. I found evidence of trafficking on youtube and twitter: while on George Galloway show chat during Epstein discussion, youtuber shouted out names of a few of us who were bringing new info on trafficking networks and links to govt.. I looked at this youtube site & he had two videos of children that were kind of disturbing, as if he were interviewing them for other viewers. A twitter follower working in Syria with White Helmets had several followers who either looked as if they worked in sex industry or were trafficking women. This is really hell we live in, isn't it?

  • DARPA , CIA , Remote Targeting, Remote Influence, Black Ops, Database, puppet Mark Zuckerberg, D.E.W( Directed Energy Weapon) which interacts remotely with anti- psychotic drugs FRICKING HELL( Psyonic events) high ranking Reptilian entities…SIRI is a spy, Crime Cartel: Facebook.

  • @jigold22571 July 1, 2024

    Biofeedback machines in current stock are open ended in intelligence development. ..analysis of Intelligence Quotient s every 100points…

  • @boskybosky8730 July 1, 2024

    They use newark airport to traffic children

  • @boskybosky8730 July 1, 2024

    Get off the phycotropic drugs man. They tried to pit me on resparitol and many others you dont need them. They are using them to dicredit you.

  • @boskybosky8730 July 1, 2024

    Lock st and central ave Newark NJ is in the hood. Why was Zuck there?

  • @naykidd14420 July 1, 2024

    I just learned about facebooks experiments, on 61 million users. to study if they can effect elections.https://www.nature.com/articles/nature11421report results from a randomized controlled trial of political mobilization messages delivered to 61 million Facebook users during the 2010 US congressional elections. The results show that the messages directly influenced political self-expression, information seeking and real-world voting behaviour of millions of people. Furthermore, the messages not only influenced the users who received them but also the users’ friends, and friends of friends. The effect of social transmission on real-world voting was greater than the direct effect of the messages themselves,

  • @edoye3314 July 1, 2024

    En español pa cuándo don Alfred 😭😭😭😭

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