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Fired Ramsey employee breaks her silence to News4

For the first time tonight, the woman at the center of the controversy swirling around financial guru Dave Ramsey is breaking her silence.




  • @steve-on3234 June 22, 2024

    You are stupid by signing a morality clause.

  • @loungydoc June 22, 2024

    Must READ: these are almost always the case where the “do as I say and not as I do” resides. Look closely and whoever is trying to lay the law is always doing what they say not to do. It’s almost like a laughable subject on how common this is.

  • @Mr.Mister1974 June 22, 2024

    What federal law did they break. My understanding most states are at will, and pretty much can fire you for anything.

  • @mattmullenix June 22, 2024

    just an old whiner

  • @michelefisher5171 June 22, 2024

    Everyone knows he’s a Christian. That’s not a cult.

  • @michelefisher5171 June 22, 2024

    It didn’t break your soul. That’s ridiculous.

  • @r6ppygbx13 June 22, 2024

    Did she not know who she was working for? She definitely signed a morality clause. Theres no way Dave doesn’t have everyone do them. She’s just looking for a big payout.

  • @mattdelany6799 June 22, 2024

    Jesus’s mother was not married when he was born.

  • @teamFI2019 June 22, 2024

    This employee's values do not align with a Christian organization. My question, how did she get through their rigorous hiring process.

  • @martinfamily546 June 22, 2024

    I feel there’s more to this story. Way more.

  • @carlariggs525 June 22, 2024

    like Dave is the superior being when it comes to morals and standards. If he feels he is qualified to judge the majority of people who have had pre-marital sex; then he had better read the bible again. People need to draw the line with their employer when it comes to the employer dictating what a person does after working hours. I hope she gets millions from this fool

  • @acajudi100 June 22, 2024

    The brown lady on his show is his side check.

  • @Nonya_Business44 June 22, 2024

    His company his rules.

  • @altimax9091 June 22, 2024

    I like the show just to hear all the stupid people stories …

  • @MzShonuff123 June 22, 2024

    She went to work for someone she knew was like this but is angry because now she’s been impacted

  • @thetaekwondoe3887 June 22, 2024

    I don't get why people would work for a company whose rules/beliefs/standards they don't agree with. It's like those people who wanted Christian companies to make their wedding cakes as a homosexual couple. Why, out of all bakeries that are out there, would you expect a Christian bakery to do it? Find a company that's okay with your lifestyle and I'm sure they'll do a fine job. There are tons of other jobs out there. I guess I'm horrible. I don't really feel bad for her.

  • @jennifersmith3671 June 22, 2024

    she had no problem going to media. She denied a payout which most people take because she wants to consider herself a whistleblower when we live in a generation where a lot of people are promiscuous and it’s affects the work area. It’s just a fine line that they’re toting, I do not believe a company should be able to tell you what to do with your sex life at all do I believe you should be married and pregnant yes but I have no right to impose that on somebody else

  • @elliebellie7816 June 22, 2024

    So, it's kind of like working at a bank where you sign an agreement stating you will be fired for stealing money then when you steal money you get fired? So you sue the bank.?

  • @Myfamilyaccount2006 June 22, 2024

    If he stated in the beginning then it is what it is. It’s not about being in anyone bedroom but it’s about his moral and values. If your company have none then that’s you but that’s his company he do what he pleases. He’s practicing practice what you preach. You can’t tell your kids don’t be drunky yet you pass out every weekend drinking case after case of beer. That’s a hypocrite. Ppl have to accept many things and a lot is weird but no one says anything bc it fun and easy and sinful but when something have morals and really doesn’t look bad on you sleeping around getting prego ppl have a problem with that. Yup evil becomes good and good becomes evil it’s proof the Bible knew it before time.

  • @JoeSmith-jd5zg June 22, 2024

    Ramsey has no accountability; he is an entertainer, not a fiduciary. He spouted off a few months ago that an 8% withdrawal rate is reasonable. However as someone who always claims the moral High Ground he had an obligation to tell people that if they're going to follow what he said that day, they need to be expecting to fail around 45% of the time on a typical 30-year retirement based on historical evidence. But Dave isn’t a fiduciary, he’s an entertainer, so what the hey. I know you can say well history is no no indication of the future; but it's all we've got and to ignore it is as stupid as people who ignore National History or political history. (Not to mention Dave cites the market history regularly) So, he could have put it another way and said "if you took this advice over the previous 68 completed 30-year rolling time horizons, YOU WOULD HAVE FAILED 45% OF THE TIME." That's objective, that's factual, and most importantly, that's critical for moral High Ground Dave to have done. In statistics a p-value 95% confidence interval is somewhat standard. For medical studies often 99% confidence interval is warranted. NEVER is a p-value 55% confidence interval tolerated…except when "shoot-from-the-hip" ENTERTAINER Dave Ramsey decides it meets his purpose. If Ramsey stuck to his high moral principles, he'd fire himself, but those high morals are only in play when it serves his agenda. He was so outraged that George Kamel put out that 3% withdrawal rate "trash"…but but he's still on the show. Why? Does Dave agree with propagating trash? If anything, Kamel is reasonable and Ramsey's assertion is "trash." At a minimum, he could own what he did and address it…but not Dave, it would bruise his fragile ego. According to Ramsey, he's made many dumb mistakes; however, the last one he made was in the 1980s.

    So, let's say Billy Bob listens into good old Dave’s show and Billy Bob he knows a little but not much, so he goes to the expert Dave Ramsey. Billy Bob retires January of 2000. He follows Dave Ramsey's advice that he heard because of the guy talks to millions of people he must know. Billy Bob has a million dollar portfolio so he takes out 80,000 in that first year and then adjust for inflation every year beyond that. Billy Bob goes broke in the year 2009 – now Billy Bob is sleeping on a park bench. But let's just entertain some more Dave Ramsey wisdom where he says if you're smart like me, you'll get 12% on your Investments not 10 like the market. Okay so we'll take the same scenario and we'll pretend that Billy Bob is as smart as Dave Ramsey (and the only person in the world smarter than both of them is Warren Buffett) so we're going to bump him up 2% every year over what the market returned. Dave said you can get 12 so if you bump up every year by 2% you're as good as Dave Ramsey. Well it's 2010 instead of 2009 that Billy Bob is broke. You think Billy Bob's going to praise Dave Ramsey now that he only has to sleep on the park bench for 19 years instead of 20?

    Now, I'm not saying everything that Ramsey says is incorrect. A lot of his advice is reasonable…and it better be pretty good if you're talking to millions of people. However, when he screws up he screws up big time. He always claims the moral high ground; as such he had the obligation to let his millions of people know that in that case, in a typical retirement of 30 years, you will end up broke nearly half of the time, and in some cases within a decade. If anyone really believes he had no duty to say something to that effect, s/he needs to stop worshiping at the alter of Ramsey.

  • @KubaGrygowski June 22, 2024

    His company his rules. Not your business

  • @mvp019 June 22, 2024

    Hey Dave: "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." – Proverbs 16:18

    There is NO way Christ is on board with that level of arrogance and self-righteousness. That is EXACTLY how the Pharisees acted.

  • @KiatheGymRat June 22, 2024

    See I knew it people! Dave Ramsey is such a disgusting human being. Know do you get my point I was making all these years?

  • @JonathanMurray June 22, 2024

    When work tries to rule your private life (and you're NOT in the military)… work is wrong. Dave Ramsey has some good ideas, but he's living in a fantasy world and like most fanatics, cherry picks the parts of the bible he likes and tries to impose his fantasy on others. Freedom of is also freedom from.

  • @ronedwards5413 June 22, 2024

    I never cared for him

  • @isaacscott1063 June 22, 2024

    Insulting people is biblical but he does it EVERYDAY

  • @valenteleanos4774 June 22, 2024

    The e-mail said you were “classless” and that broke your soul????? Really? I got news for you lady, your soul is going to be in absolute shambles if you ever leave your echo chamber…

  • @linuxnerd96 June 22, 2024

    Dave Ramsey is definitely a cult. He gives wrong information about credit cards and building credit.

  • @RicardoFinnigan June 22, 2024

    Don’t work there if you don’t agree

  • @fireflymary9269 June 22, 2024

    The American Christian Taliban wants to run all Americans this way

  • @qwerty-gc8tn June 22, 2024

    Keep your Iegs cl0sed lady

  • @steven_dekok June 22, 2024

    If you work for a religious organization, they have every right to require you to adhere to their moral standards. Even non-religious companies often have a moral clause. But, on a federal level, you still cannot fire a pregnant woman, regardless of her marital status, due to her protected class. He should have waited until after she gave birth and then phased out her position. Additionally, she turned down what looks like a severance package in favor of a "hopefully" larger payout from the courts. She will most likely lose this one as Dave has an excellent legal team. Not a huge fan of Dave but his strategies for getting out of debt can't be beat.

  • @Jedi391 June 22, 2024

    His private company, his choice. She also has choices and with them come consequences.

  • @FBA-Renaissance June 22, 2024

    GET MARRIED!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @FilmPunk June 22, 2024

    So Dave what are your repayments?

  • @fudogwhisperer3590 June 22, 2024

    With the many methods of birth control, its pretty much negligence to have an unwanted pregnancy. Seems to me she called his bluff and now regretting it, filing the lawsuit in retaliation.

  • @JohnShreve-hw8zm June 22, 2024

    God forbid Dave Ramsey sets standards for employees

  • @janwillard6708 June 22, 2024

    Unless she was having sex at work I think their policies are insane.

  • @thuglife-po5ys June 22, 2024

    I dont see nothing wrong

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