July 6, 2024
Hate Crimes

Frederick M. Lawrence discusses hate crimes and free speech at Western Michigan University

Frederick M. Lawrence, CEO/Secretary of the Phi Beta Kappa Society discusses hate crimes and free speech at Western Michigan University.


1 Comment

  • @pd5826 June 29, 2024

    Intelligent humans who also possess the trait of human compassion, who are capable of thinking outside of religious boundaries, and who acknowledge the fact that all humans are of equal value, must condemn the war crimes & human rights abuses of the Israeli government against Palestinians over the past 50 years.

    Whoever condemns the terrorism of the Palestinian organizations must at the same time condemn the terrorism of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.

    — Yeshayahu Leibowitz

    Yeshayahu Leibowitz defined Palestinian terrorist attacks abroad against Israelis were: Terrorism against terrorism.

    Both Israeli and US leaders must be criminally prosecuted for committing and aiding and abetting these crimes.

    — Marjorie Cohn, Aug. 2014

    There's no good definition that defines Terrorism so that it includes what they do to us, but doesn't include what we do to them, which is usually much worse.

    — Noam Chomsky

    Israel can do just as much war crime as the U.S. allows it to do. If the U.S. were to withdraw participation in Israel's crimes it'd have to stop.

    — Noam Chomsky

    The balance of terror & violence is overwhelmingly against the Palestinians by Israelis.

    — Noam Chomsky

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