July 7, 2024
Hate Crimes

Hate Crime Investigation Opened After Ropes, One With Noose, Found In Trees At Oakland's Lake Merrit

Andria Borba reports on FBI getting involved in hate crime investigation of ropes found hanging in Lake Merritt trees in Oakland (6-17-2020)



  • @JarrodButali June 19, 2024

    Far more white ppl were hung than anyone else. What a weird clown show. Eggshells around violent blax…

  • @JiNKA June 19, 2024


  • @oneking1391 June 19, 2024

    We need a black mayor for Oakland.

  • @AFDK80HD June 19, 2024

    LOL oh man people are noosing their minds…i mean losing…oops

  • @rootsoftheland9040 June 19, 2024

    Lol what an idiot! Exercise equipment!

  • @AllanLaal June 19, 2024

    @0:43 looks menacing. dont you have shots of the actual thing? … wait.. is this the actual thing?

  • @surfstarcc1 June 19, 2024

    So climbing ropes are racist now… 😂

  • @zaneriley316 June 19, 2024

    Leftist…..burn down city blocks with bad intentions, then praised by media. A black man hangs ropes in a tree for outside recreation. Media/elected officials clutch their perls in horror.

  • @ricovali9245 June 19, 2024


  • @gardenlady2041 June 19, 2024

    Why didn't you state the man who put them up was BLACK ?

  • @gardenlady2041 June 19, 2024

    You can burn, loot, beat and even murder but the FBI is jumping on these noose cases.

  • someone get this insane lady out of office.

  • @volumedealer2716 June 19, 2024

    No more women in Government.
    This woman is fucking insane.

  • @lizp5004 June 19, 2024

    These were swings &exercise equipment hung by a black man. Lol. The mayor &Co. are the TRUE racists, causing "harm" to black ppl by amplifying a fake hate-crime. It doesn't matter that her intent was to be "anti-racist", bc – PER THE MAYOR, HERSELF – INTENT DOES NOT MATTER, so she needs to be held accountable😏👌🏼
    "There are 2types of racists: racists & anti-racists"

  • @carybaxter274 June 19, 2024

    the Mayor is a fool. The ropes were put up by a black man for an entirely different reason. The mayor wants to virtue signal, so she says it doesn't matter what the truth is; she's going to investigate it as a hate crime anyway. She says "the harm was done". No it wasn't. Idiot.

  • @dracov6664 June 19, 2024

    all lives matter

  • @dalej1 June 19, 2024

    Idiocies like that are normal in communist countries, so get used to it.

  • @GanjahKDF June 19, 2024


  • @cv600rr June 19, 2024

    My neighbor threw out some white sheets and it made me think of the KKK. CALL THE FBI!!!

  • @patrickgrengs8552 June 19, 2024

    Honestly …. these folks really need to find a hobby, cultivate a purpose … get a life. There are no nooses here… however, there are some painfully paranoid, insecure and delusional zeroes that have a lot of time on their hands.

  • @dnaka723 June 19, 2024

    Formal term " mob panic"

  • @edcar61 June 19, 2024

    They are not nooses. They are exercise equipment and swings that kids have been playing on for months. The mayor is an idiot. Shame on this mayor, and shame on the press for continuing to report this faults store. Please people find out the facts for yourself. The ropes where put up by a good intention black man to get some exercise, that is all.

  • @illegitimatefilm June 19, 2024

    This is what happens when the demand for racism exceeds the supply. – Razorfist

  • @PistolPC007 June 19, 2024

    Huh… what…. those aren't nooses! Maybe the mayor should visit the Boy Scouts for knot identification. FBI "you're kidding… right?"

  • @pokretny June 19, 2024

    Is that onion news?

  • @wrlord June 19, 2024

    "Oakland City Parks doesn't tolerate hate." "Intentions don't matter."
    Y'all might want to get on the same page.

  • @wrlord June 19, 2024

    First of all, how is it disconcerning? Secondly, disconcerning is not a word.

  • @jmp4177 June 19, 2024

    Typical irresponsible, reckless journalists and politicians. It wasn't a noose, nor did it even look like one. But there were some ropes and handles that were put up by a black guy as a community swing and for exercise purposes. They dont care how much damage to our country they do, and it doesn't even matter if its fake news or not. They just want to get out their quick political, racist news narrative for the day, and then move on to the next one.

  • @tigerbalmespresso June 19, 2024


  • @specex June 19, 2024

    Effin lying media and government officials. The irony of ironies is that it was a mixed-race guy from the neighborhood and the locals were using it for exercise equipment. The lying media just keeps getting caught in their own lies. Not a single picture of a noose… oops!

  • @josephv8786 June 19, 2024

    The mayor of Oakland spoke about removing these terrifying racist symbols . While standing in front of what resembles timberlands hanging tree…WTF WORLD

  • The feelings of the community are no one cares .

  • @whoi0078 June 19, 2024

    JUST WHEN I thought things couldn’t get more ridiculous and here we are. It literally took me 10 minutes to find anything on the web that even showed the rope, thus this video. That isn’t even close to looking like a noose. Ridiculous.

  • @MrMooseMovies June 19, 2024

    Disconcerting scene?
    What is disconcerting is the idiocy of SJW’s and how over reaching their virtue signaling has become.

  • @KeepinItRealAllDay June 19, 2024

    DEFUND the police!!!!!

  • @mandoist June 19, 2024

    In addition to working towards equality on all levels, for all colors and creeds, let us not forget some of these recent victims are not stellar citizens. Therefor placing them upon pedestals for days and weeks at a time in the media is counterproductive.

    Tell their story, show the injustice by the few bad police, reveal the poor training/tactics in police departments, and more.

    But do not lose sight of the fact that most of these recent victims, though needlessly murdered by authorities, are not to be made Martyrs!

  • @xteric1 June 19, 2024

    Seriously. Wtf kind of news is this?

  • @rbzsfg June 19, 2024


  • @RTKing-tv8eo June 19, 2024


  • @SteveinSanFrancisco June 19, 2024

    It looked like a climbing rope to me… ¯_(ツ)_/¯”

  • @kerryreynolds308 June 19, 2024

    They "investigated" and immediately found out it was a black man from Oakland (interracial, black/filipino). He installed them months ago as climbing ropes for Oakland kids and adults. (Why did YouTube cross this sentence out below?)

  • @kerryreynolds308 June 19, 2024

    Outlandish story they "investigated" and immediately found out it was a black man from Oakland (interracial, black/filipino). He installed them months ago as climbing ropes for Oakland kids and adults- all stuck in Shelter-In-Place– to climb and swing on. Notice you never see the one that allegedly looked like a noose. This is completely being used as a propaganda tool to point to boogiemen with nooses. Authorities always sounding the alarm. She even says – Racial Violence, Terrorism – in the report. This was none of that.

  • @wjohn9778 June 19, 2024

    Next, there will be a march ,demanding cutting down all the trees in Oakland.

  • @scottchrisman9975 June 19, 2024

    Where was Juicy Smollet? How many times have we been through this?

  • @beamreach7015 June 19, 2024

    Walk it back Libby. You're trying to double down on a mistake you utter moron.

  • @723lion June 19, 2024

    Just another day in Oakland

  • @milesmayhem5440 June 19, 2024

    Libby Schaaf asleep at the switch as usual. Grasping at straws.

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