July 6, 2024
His Night Out Sparked Killer Conspiracies: The Strange Case of Riley Strain [True Crime Documentary]
Violent Crimes

His Night Out Sparked Killer Conspiracies: The Strange Case of Riley Strain [True Crime Documentary]

In March 2024, Riley Strain was on a pub crawl with friends on Broadway in Nashville. The 22 year-old left his last bar of the night at just past 9:30 PM. He seemed to vanish only minutes later.

Even with cameras retracing his steps through the city, there were gaps in his movements. Witnesses coming forward that could not always be trusted and clues being uncovered that raised more questions than answers. Amateur sleuths online began helping and hurting the investigation.

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Theme music by Audio Hertz, Luck Witch via YouTube music, lyrics by Frank Mizzy (YouTube The2ndStory)

#rileystrain #truecrimedocumentary #truecrimecommunity



  • @derekfutrell4908 July 3, 2024

    Honestly, white dudes have been leaving bars, disappearing, and being found dead in bodies of water since the Unsolved Mysteries days. It’s been around a while! One theory is that we (white dudes) often like to use water places to pee, accidentally fall in, and drown. Henry McGabe is an example of a black man this may have happened to also. No water in the lungs is super common, I hear it over and over and over in true crime drowning cases.

  • What happened to “No man left behind”….

  • @nemaluna July 3, 2024

    When are we gonna NORMALIZE not parting ways/leaving friends to go home by themselves? What is more important: drinking a bit more & have some laughs or having your friend alive & well the next day?

  • @sassymissm July 3, 2024

    What a shit fraternity. Yea, brotherhood and comradery 🙄💩

  • @kingpriapatius5832 July 3, 2024

    I DO NOT believe that he was intoxicated by alcohol. His drink had pills.

  • @starchildemon1 July 3, 2024

    so two "untrained" tiktok girls find evidence but trained law enforcement get butthurt when they're getting blowback about how they're "handling" this case. The blowback is absolutely warranted.

  • @SharonMartinez July 3, 2024

    Wow. 150 fellow students didn’t think it was important enough to stop their agendas and look for a missing fellow student. Also, he was so drunk appearing that he was asked to leave a bar but no one thought to take 20 minutes from their evening and walk him home and then return to the festivities. Btw, he appears drugged. One beer and two waters doesn’t do that to you. Absolutely heartbreaking. It doesn’t seem accidental to me.

  • @dieselgirl01 July 3, 2024

    How do you drown without water in your lungs?

  • @houseofsolomon2440 July 3, 2024

    😒 With frat brothers like that, who needs enemies.
    Those kids should be ashamed of such pathetic behavior.
    His "brothers" simply kept the party going while he went missing?…. shameful.

  • @karenhanania9014 July 3, 2024

    How can they rule it an accidental death by drowning when there was little to no water in his lungs?

  • @FatRescueSwimmer04 July 3, 2024

    I had my drink spiked/drugged while in Mexico and not long after two very pretty women came from no where and tried to get me away from my friends (they were successful) and almost had me in a Taxi cab when I realized what was going on I backed outa there and found my friends. Thankfully I already had a heavy tolerance to the drug they tried to drug me with LOL. Kinda wild a drug problem would possibly save my life. Wild

  • @Gorgeous493 July 3, 2024

    I don't know why watching your friend walk away after arriving together is so easy. You just do not do that under any circustance.

  • @tinadepratto603 July 3, 2024

    Idc if ur man or woman idc how smart,strong or street smart u think u are or ur popular n everyone knows n ur safe BULL💩 ALWAYS travel in pairs especially if bar hopping n liquor is involved ALWAYS travel together ppl need to Stop thinking their untouchable n nthg could ever happen to or ur town🙅🤦🤷

  • @diturner7247 July 3, 2024

    Common variables a hotel/club, being evicted, and the target ends up missing /murdered. There seems a pattern…

  • @scottwooledge6387 July 3, 2024

    Please don’t abandon your friends when they are drunk/stoned/whatever. Seen too many of these videos with circumstances. See that they make it home safely.

  • @Brettwhiskey July 3, 2024

    Nobody roofied this guy! Stop blaming the frat, college kids pre game, that means get drunk before going to bars! God knows what happened, Tennessee is dangerous.

  • @larrydirtybird July 3, 2024

    I remember my first year at NYU in 1990, my roommate and I went out and drinking and we got really hammered— him much worse than me. At least I could walk regularly and find my way. He couldn’t. He was stumbling and an easy target. At one point I lost him and freaked out, and tried to find him. I walked all around the East Village and couldn’t find him. I finally gave up and went back to our dorm. And there he was. I was so angry at him that I grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him against the wall. I’ve never forgotten that because I was ashamed of how reacted violently with him. But after watching this video, I don’t feel bad about it anymore. I cared enough about my roommate’s welfare to go looking for him. I was upset that he was lost. This poor kid’s frat brothers in Nashville, they didn’t give a shit about him. There’s nothing brotherly about them.

  • @robertotorino8862 July 3, 2024

    Years ago while at a nightclub my work coleage and friend hooked up with a gorgeous girl, long story short, she said she wanted to tie him up to have kinky fun then a man came in and rxped him, he was never the same and ended up in an asylum after trying to end his life numerous times, this put me off one night stands or at least tying each other up, they caught the girl because of cctv but it was too late as the victim jumped in front of a train

  • @amandareed5485 July 3, 2024

    Not that I was drunk.I didn't realize that I was drugged not drug

  • @amandareed5485 July 3, 2024

    And I knew something was often. I'm trying to get away from him and when I went somewhere. I didn't realize that I was drugged until I went to leave and the lady asked me Was I okay? And when I said yes I knew then that i had been drugged. I also thought of Riley strain. Because I was walking just like he was walking and then they didn't find anything in the system, but if he had a Bad Feeling about one of his drinks. Then there was something in it. I believe because I literally was walking just like him, but the guy found me. And thank God aint it and put me in the water? Just dumped me out at the store the night today and I'm 50 years old. It's not right but I will say. I thought about him because I was walking with my arm like that. And when I passed the cops were they were gonna pass me. I straightened up real quick because it's the cops. That's just what you do. When the guy was still following me around looking for me. I couldn't remember who he was. It took me a month for the guy at the store the give me information each week. I talked to text so if my words don't Come out right.That is why sorry.Thank you for listening

  • @megamind3285 July 3, 2024

    Poor kid 😢💔

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