Minister of Home Affairs Aaron Motsoaledi has called on tourists who have overstayed their 90-day visit to South Africa despite applying for an extension to come forward for assistance. This comes after a leaked internal circular called on seasonal visitors, known as “swallows”, to return to their countries. The circular, dated December 21, was intended to guide officials at ports of entry on how to handle short-term visa holders who have applied for an extension but have not received a response. Motsoaledi clarified that the department did not intend to chase tourists out of the country and risk the collapse of the tourism industry.
In response to the backlash caused by the leaked circular, Motsoaledi contacted the Minister of Tourism, Patricia de Lille, to discuss the matter. Only one case was referred to the Tourism Ministry, and it was resolved to the satisfaction of the individual concerned. After examining statistics at ports of entry, it was found that five people at Cape Town International Airport had encountered issues due to being declared undesirable for overstaying their visit. The department has instructed officials to lift the undesirability status for those who have applied for an extension and present their receipt.
All ports of entry in South Africa have an electronic movement control system that records the date of entry for travellers. If a tourist overstays their visit, the system automatically declares them undesirable. Motsoaledi emphasized the importance of tourists who have applied for an extension and carry their receipt to come forward to the department so that their undesirability status can be removed. He also called on individuals in the tourism industry or other institutions to help identify tourists who may be affected by the circular, so their issues can be resolved promptly.
The minister’s goal is to ensure that tourists who have fallen into the category of being declared undesirable due to overstaying their visit are assisted promptly and efficiently. By working with the Minister of Tourism and relevant authorities, efforts are being made to mitigate the impact of the circular and prevent any further negative repercussions on the tourism industry. Individuals who have encountered issues at ports of entry in South Africa are encouraged to reach out to the department for assistance in resolving their undesirability status.
Overall, Minister Motsoaledi’s call for tourists who have overstayed their visit to seek assistance reflects the department’s commitment to addressing issues promptly and ensuring the smooth flow of tourism in South Africa. By clarifying the intentions behind the leaked circular and taking steps to lift undesirability statuses for affected individuals, the department aims to maintain a positive and welcoming environment for tourists visiting the country. Collaboration with the tourism industry and relevant authorities will be crucial in resolving any issues that arise from the circular and ensuring a positive experience for all visitors to South Africa.
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I wonder if this will affect tourism in the long run.
Do leaked visa notices really affect tourists or is it overblown?
Leaked visa notices can have serious consequences for tourists, leading to identity theft and potential fraud. Its not overblown – its a real threat that should be taken seriously. Protecting personal information is crucial for ensuring the safety and security of travelers.
I cant believe tourists have to deal with leaked visa notices!
Is this really a big deal or just blown out of proportion?
Why should tourists be held responsible for a leaked visa notice?
Tourists should be held accountable for their own documents. Ignorance is not an excuse. Its basic responsibility to keep track of important papers. Blaming others for your own carelessness is weak. Own up to your mistakes.
Why should tourists be responsible for a leaked visa notice? Seems unfair.
Do you think the visa notice issue will impact tourism in a major way?
Do tourists really need to worry about a leaked visa notice?
Why do tourists need to address visa leaks? Shouldnt it be fixed internally? 🤔
Should tourists be held responsible for a leaked visa notice? Seems unfair.
Why should tourists bear the brunt of a visa notice leak? Unfair!
Tourists should have been more careful about their personal information in the first place. Its their responsibility to protect their data. Dont blame others for your own negligence. Deal with it and move on.
I dont get why tourists should bother with visa notices. Seems unnecessary.
Should tourists really be held accountable for a leaked visa notice? Seems unfair.