July 8, 2024
Cyber and Organized Crimes

Human trafficking in Israel | Inside Israel

Israel is one of the biggest human trafficking hubs in the world, according the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Both foreign workers and Israelis are vulnerable to human trafficking. How could this have happened? Well, Israeli activists believe that the regime in Israel is allowing it to by failing to seriously tackle it.



  • @TSoulx June 28, 2024

    Sorry but this is biased and inaccurate tailored to demonize Israel. I have personally researched this horrifying world-wide phenomenon in detail:
    – The translation is often incorrect
    – Yes, the issue exists but has been cracked down on with much success over past 15 years
    – crimes are heavily penalized
    – its often Europeans who are the puppet-masters, not Israelis- and often poor girls from Ukraine
    – The issue is nowhere near what it is in countries like Romania, Albania, malodova, etc
    – this exists all over the world including Arab countries Egypt, Lebanon, and wealthy ones like Dubai
    – you should look into what Israel has done to combat prostitution and trafficking it’s great

    The people doing this stuff are sick people who deserves the worst punishment no matter who they are or where they come from!!!

  • @Nevertobebad June 28, 2024

    And they keep getting away with it.

  • @weisshalivniwine June 28, 2024

    What a bunch of crap.  Israel allows refugees into their country on work visas for a limited amount of time.  Then they go AWOL , have kids, and then expect the rest of society to take responsibility.  I feel sorry for the kids but the parents are to blame, not Israeli citizens.  Why not talk about the actual SLAVERY going on in Saudi Arabia.  You won't hear about that from the UNHCR or from this arab lady.

  • @goldon5909 June 28, 2024

    This is disgusting 🤮🤮🤮

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