July 6, 2024
Hate Crimes

I Can't Believe It Came to This: Rekieta Law's Case is Alarming

Rekieta Law is the online pseudonym of Nick Rekieta, an American lawyer and YouTuber who creates content focused on legal analysis and commentary, often related to internet drama, pop culture, and politics. He gained popularity through his coverage of various legal disputes and controversies within online communities.
Some key points about Rekieta Law:

Background: Nick Rekieta is a practicing attorney based in Minnesota, United States. He has experience in various areas of law, including business law and intellectual property.
YouTube content: Rekieta’s YouTube channel features live streams and videos where he analyzes and discusses legal aspects of current events, online controversies, and high-profile cases. He often collaborates with other YouTubers and online personalities.
Legal commentary: Rekieta is known for his in-depth analysis of legal documents, such as lawsuits and contracts, and for explaining complex legal concepts to his audience in an accessible manner.
Controversial topics: Rekieta often covers controversial topics and is not afraid to express his opinions, which sometimes lead to disagreements with other online personalities or communities.
Audience: His channel has a significant following, particularly among those interested in the intersection of law, politics, and internet culture.

It’s important to note that while Rekieta Law provides legal analysis and commentary, his opinions and statements should not be considered as legal advice. He often reminds his audience to consult with their own attorneys for specific legal guidance.

Innocent until proven guilty” is a fundamental principle in many legal systems, particularly in countries with a common law tradition, such as the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. This principle is also known as the “presumption of innocence.”
The core idea behind this principle is that a person accused of a crime is considered innocent until they are proven guilty in a court of law. The burden of proof lies with the prosecution, who must present evidence and arguments to convince the court or jury of the accused person’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
Key aspects of the “innocent until proven guilty” principle include:

The accused has no obligation to prove their innocence; it is the prosecution’s responsibility to prove guilt.
The accused has the right to remain silent and not testify against themselves (the right against self-incrimination).
The accused has the right to legal representation and a fair trial.
The court or jury must presume the accused to be innocent until the prosecution has presented sufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
If there is any reasonable doubt about the accused person’s guilt, they must be acquitted (found not guilty).

The principle of “innocent until proven guilty” is essential for protecting individuals from wrongful convictions and ensuring that the legal system is fair and just. It is a safeguard against the abuse of power by the state and helps maintain the rule of law.

The “court of public opinion” is a metaphorical term that refers to the collective judgments, opinions, and reactions of the general public regarding a person, event, or issue, particularly when there are allegations of wrongdoing or controversial matters involved. It is not a formal court of law but rather a concept that describes how public sentiment can influence the perception and outcome of a situation.

Key aspects of the court of public opinion include:

No formal legal process: Unlike a court of law, the court of public opinion does not follow a structured legal process, rules of evidence, or the principle of “innocent until proven guilty.”
Media influence: The media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion by reporting on events, providing commentary, and sometimes sensationalizing stories.
Social media impact: With the rise of social media, individuals can quickly share their opinions and reactions to events, leading to rapid spread of information and potentially influencing others’ perceptions.
Reputation impact: Being “tried” in the court of public opinion can have significant consequences for an individual’s or organization’s reputation, even if they are not formally charged with a crime or found guilty in a court of law.
Emotional responses: Public opinion is often driven by emotional reactions rather than a careful examination of facts and evidence, which can lead to a rush to judgment.

#metatron #rekietalaw #drama



  • @metatronyt June 22, 2024

    If you like my work and wish to support it please consider checking out my Patreon!

  • @AnotherDuck June 22, 2024

    I work in a kid-dense environment. One of the first things you learn is that the kids take priority over anything else.

  • @Vid7872 June 22, 2024

    you were riding shotgun to a woman?
    that says a lot about you

  • @DarknessGuard June 22, 2024

    Funny how his name is "Law" when he allegedly breaks so many at once but I'm no official so as long as nothing happens and nothing is proven there is nothing to say, except guy should be put under surveillance to not risk something really bad.

  • @dear_totheheart June 22, 2024

    Always admire how nuanced and gracious you decide to be

  • @chimpychimp4921 June 22, 2024

    Word of Wisdom for the win!

  • @IvanBarsch June 22, 2024

    I don’t know anything about the whole case with Nick but I have one disagreement with you, on what you said about guns.

    I believe that rather than keeping guns out of the reach of children (at least once they’re old enough to understand) that it’s better to teach them how to handle them safely, and of course be very careful and strict with them.
    I’ve been using guns since I was two, but I wasn’t allowed to touch them without a parent’s permission and help until I was nine or ten, and it worked out great for us.

  • @obscuramask7435 June 22, 2024

    The officers involved did watch his streams for evidence, law enforcement is watching his videos. What he doesnt online and on video does matter.

  • @obscuramask7435 June 22, 2024

    Watch Kino Casino, theyve basically gone frame by frame of Rackets downfall. All the evidence is there. He deserves jail time.

  • @junebug4004 June 22, 2024

    I am sadden that EVS is defending Nick choices here.

  • @donnaq7626 June 22, 2024

    What exactly is a content creator? I know it's a new term, but please explain.

  • @MrMightyZ June 22, 2024

    Metatron, you’ve got a great channel IMO but maybe he’s driving drunk?
    Maybe he’s driving drunk with his kids in the car?
    Maybe he’s leaving firearms around the house?
    You read that his kids said some things?
    Metatron I have my own understanding of anger, I was a bouncer for years, but don’t let anger make you savage.
    This was very polite and legally sensitive way of saying “Oh yeah? Well you suck, buddy, you’re a disgrace” it was polite and legally sensitive smack talk.
    I don’t know what it’s like to have people misunderstand, misjudge and attack me on YouTube, it must be wearying, but I know a nasty “F U” and that’s what this was. Don’t let them take you down to their level.✌️

  • @Crumphorn June 22, 2024

    Hi Metatron, as usual I always love your videos but this one is the most pass-agg thing I have seen on the internet in quite a while.

  • @teddykayy June 22, 2024

    Nick is totally boned but why is this brother who talks about history talking about him?

  • @piotr7805 June 22, 2024

    I really find rise of the anti-culture through the last two-three decades absolutely disheartening. The rampant hedonism and attention that being rude gets you is really bringing us down.

  • @jacobhuff3748 June 22, 2024

    I can't speak for people who've been through this but I have seen how my mother side of the family came out because of toxic family conditions. Fortunately we were raised by my father in the early years, so I count my blessings.

  • @Metonymy1979 June 22, 2024

    I have no sympathy. He was a judgemental jerk to everyone else. Holier than thou attitude. Mr. Family man turned into a republican alcholic drug addict human trafficker.

  • @magyarbondi June 22, 2024

    OK, so this Rekieta bloke is a lawyer who is a junkie and also defends gun violence?

    …And you wonder why the USA is all effed up.

  • @evancooper7336 June 22, 2024

    Brother is straight edge af

  • @Terran.Marine.2 June 22, 2024

    Thanks for your content @The Metatron

  • @trippyzero8612 June 22, 2024

    Jeeeeeez! I wasn't expecting to see Rackets stuff turn up here of all places.

  • @neatwheat June 22, 2024

    I don't get it. Who could possibly hate the Metatron and why would he be the topic on a Youtuber-attorney's channel?

  • @basildraws June 22, 2024

    He’s as cocky, arrogant, and irrational now as ever. Maybe more so. Complete denial of reality and handing the prosecution a win on a platter with his big mouth. If that’s the alcoholtalking, then guy has a SERIOUS problem. We’ll be seeing him on the sober motivational speaking circuit in a few years….

  • @o0alessandro0o June 22, 2024

    Influencer is descriptive, not prescriptive. Influencers are people who have a platform, and through that platform change other people's mind. Social media believe that person X ignorance is worth the same as person Y's knowledge. Youtube loves to suggest to me videos of Neil deGrasse Tyson. Tyson is a science communicator, and legitimately an influencer. But the kid in his mom's basement who makes roblox videos and convinces other kids to eat glue is also legitimately an influencer.

    Troublesome? Troublesome.

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