July 7, 2024
Property and Financial Crimes

Identity theft! Hundred thousand ID cards remain valid after being reported as lost…

On May 10, 2016, Julian Delvina appears to have entered a bank and paid 821$ for customs clearance of a BMW X5 car.

The bank invoice paved the way for the registration process of the vehicle entering the Albanian market.

This is what results from the documents stored in the Regional Directorate of Road Transport Services file, while the truth is completely different.

The car was smuggled in, its data was falsified during customs clearance while Julian’s ID card was used.

Continue with the full investigation:

Investigations by the Tirana Prosecutor’s Office revealed the fraud with the forgery of documents.

The expertise act of his signature, requested by the Tirana Prosecutor’s Office proves that: “The complete undersigning, name surname signature, is fictitious.”

In early 2016, Julian reported losing his ID card to the police, while the people who found it made payments and used his ID for smuggled goods.

According to the police, over 268,515 thousand ID cards and biometric passports have been reported lost / stolen by citizens in the last four years.

But institutions such as banks, notaries, money exchange, microloan institutions, etc., do not have an online registry to verify the validity of ID cards.

The State Police and the Ministry of Interior confirm that the only measure they take is “changing the status of the ID card in the TIMS system as stolen or lost”.

Although ALEAT was reluctant to give us an answer, their employees stated that they “deactivate the chip of the old ID card, but the physical copy of the card is valid until its expiration date”.

This means that counterfeiters can use a stolen ID card until it expires.

Some 268.515 lost ID cards and biometric passports can potentially be used for criminal purposes, while the security system of the 28.2 million $ contract is out of order.

According to former Prosecutor Gentian Trenova, the inability to immediately verify the validity of the card “creates space for abuse and commission of various criminal offenses.

Meanwhile, online platforms developer Erion Elezi states that, “failing to invalidate the ID card immediately after it is reported as stolen, creates space for its use in cybercrimes”.

The alarm is also raised for the patronage database with the personal data of 910.000 individuals.

Prosecutor Trenova: With those data, profiles can be created in e-Albania; expert Elezi: business can be opened from e-Albania and dirty money can be channeled and laundered.


1 Comment

  • @luchackcadler1438 July 4, 2024

    That is reason why International ID, are dangerous information leak on poblic. Prone to criminal hackers.

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