July 6, 2024
Sex Crimes

ImAllexx: an internet “nice guy”

Alice’s statement —

Links to the clips —


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  • @rinared9 July 3, 2024

    I only clicked because of your boobs 😂

  • you're super hot are you single?

  • @SylviaTulane July 3, 2024

    The clip of him saying he’s going to bash her head into the wall is so scary

  • @wididididididi8693 July 3, 2024

    I was iffy of hi, ever since the slack situation. I got the ick from that.

  • @mackenziedill4175 July 3, 2024

    I miss your longer videos

  • @megwhydoesitmatter July 3, 2024

    damn i used to watch him too so much and then got weird vibes

  • @xomalayna8800 July 3, 2024

    I haven't watched him in years so seeing this was CRAZY

  • @smokywaterstudio July 3, 2024

    The thing is he didn't just get this way overnight. He had to always be this way and after hiding it poorly, he let it out

  • @nadja.87 July 3, 2024

    Never accept disrespectful behaviour, like name-calling, from your partner. (This goes for both men and women)

  • @SweetD40oz July 3, 2024

    Crazy Frog was made by a dude named Alex. Coincidence? 🤔

  • It sounds like he hates her. #4Bmovement #TeamBear

  • @Sideshowtat July 3, 2024

    The “n*gga” was craaaaaaaazy. I mean the rest was crazy but HUH??????? And she ignored it too? Is this casual speak with them 💀

  • @Sideshowtat July 3, 2024

    I also got a weird off putting vibe for literally no reason and stopped watching. Interesting ! 🤔

  • @GODCONVOYPRIME July 3, 2024

    Nice boobah.

  • @thebeigesheep6132 July 3, 2024

    Didnt someone say he called his gf the nword? Is she black?

  • @amoodyfrog July 3, 2024

    the videos that I have seen are disturbing, he is unhinged and I feel for his ex girlfriend. abuse is not cute

  • @plurpee. July 3, 2024

    I'm soooooo distracted…

  • The similarity of their names is confusing,and strange.

  • @07Flash11MRC July 3, 2024

    Just men showing (and now also telling) how they openly feel about them. Just more proof that feminism is still needed for at least 300 years until we may finally have equality between the s€xes.

  • @lolzo2251 July 3, 2024

    I also watched him and then got a weird vibe and stopped, knew something ain't right

  • @ALIEN-DUDE July 3, 2024

    Since zaptie i lost so much respect for im alex

  • @user-tq5uz9pk4l July 3, 2024

    I noticed that Alice’s texts to her parents say ‘yesterday’ and ‘today’ I find that odd because 1. The means while she was still with him she was deliberately creating ‘evidence’ like she was creating her files against him while she was still with him, also in the texts we can see that Alex said he needed to break up with her because he needed to sort his stuff out on his own but then Alice manipulated him by saying ‘really *her nickname for him*’ and it was manipulative to use her nickname for him and then she said ‘you don’t mean that’ so then he was manipulated and he stayed. Also in one of the texts the start of the conversation was cut off (assuming because it was Alice provoking him, to get his reaction and to use his reaction to smear his name, which is common tactic that abusers use) Alice said ‘get a head check’ and Alex then said ‘because you decided to pretend I made it up??????’ And then Alice said ‘No? Made what up’ which is SO manipulative, she obviously knew what he was talking about it was clear they’d just been talking about what ever it was that she was telling him he ‘made up’ and then Alex said ‘oh my god, I’m going to fing k*ll you I’m going to break your neck’ and then Alice said that her clearly abusive behaviour ‘is not abusive at all’ that’s abuse!!?? Alice so clearly provoked him and then he reacted, he said harsh things that were a bit extreme but he clearly said them to express how frustrated and hurt he was that Alice was gaslighting him and trying to point him out as ‘crazy’ and she was telling him that something that had happened had not happened?? As the other commenter said Yes Alice slapped Alex first, yet she interestingly added the information that she slapped him first the END of the documents?? That was SO manipulative!! Because that was important, she made out that Alex pulled her hood first like she made out he was the one that made it physical but then she contradicted herself because that wasn’t true as she slapped Alex first, also she didn’t say sorry for slapping him she told him that he deserved it and she justified her bad behaviour by saying ‘what girl hasn’t slapped a c*nt’ another interesting thing I noticed is that Alice said that after her and Alex would argue he would ‘act as if nothing had happened’ but then she caught herself out in lying about that as she then shown a text from Alex where he said ‘i'm very sorry about yesterday and i know i crossed a line when i was angry, it isn't right to do no matter how mad i am and im sorry i went that far’
    So he did apologise and he did take accountability but she said that he didn’t and that he ‘acted as if it never happened’ but from what I’ve seen that’s what she did/is doing not him!!?? In the texts she also (before he said that she was lucky to be with him) she said ‘you’re so lucky so lucky’ to be with her, and he said ‘I’m so not I’m so not’ then he seemed to have reacted and made similar comments to her but then she got away with her comments to him but then he gets all the blame put on to him for having a reaction?? Also we can see a lot in Alex’s texts that he was upset because she’d ignore him or give him the silent treatment, she said that when she was sad he’d be horrible to her or shout at her, but yet again she contradicts herself and proves that that’s not true by showing the texts from Alex where Alex says ‘I was literally asking you questions and you kept going silent, like what is that about?’ So she lied because he clearly did try to ask her question and to show that he cared but then she would just give him the silent treatment, it sounds like they were sat together and she was just giving him the silent treatment and then he got blamed for getting upset over that?? Then Alex text and said
    ‘then i tried cheering you up you said i'm annoying’ Alice then replied and said ‘chill out’ (she was being manipulative and gaslighting him here, she wasn’t taking accountability and she putting the blame on to him by telling Him to chill out when he was upset about Her problematic behaviour.) Alex then got angry as she’d clearly provoked him as she did in all of the texts by invalidating him, gaslighting him, lying to him. But then Alex got blamed for his reaction and for being angry?? I feel like everyone is just jumping on a bandwagon to support Alice and every one seems to be making excuses for her and everyone is just believing her story that just doesn’t add up and she gave no context to his reactions like she didn’t show what she’s said before that lead to his reactions, she then after all this told Alex that he was the abuser for having reactions, Alex was clearly then manipulated and he put all of the blame on to himself and he sent her an apology crying and seeking her approval/forgiveness but then she used this clip of him being manipulated by her to make him look bad. I just don’t believe it fully to be honest, she seems manipulative and calculated.

  • @rangerman9241 July 3, 2024

    On a happy note, girl……😮 you look absolutely stunning in this video!❤❤

  • I’ve been in abusive relationships but I’ve never been told to k*** myself over and over again. I feel so bad for her😢 the manipulation, the name calling, the belittling, it’s really traumatic

  • @Nok112 July 3, 2024

    My ex boyfriend AND ex-husband both act like “nice guys,” libbed out.”, and both were HORRIBLY abusive to me. My ex husband like a martyr for women online, super aggressive advocate for communism as well; he was terribly abusive and horrible to me. My ex boyfriend was even more physically violent. (I am not a violent person and was tricked by their BS)

  • @ericaperalta8983 July 3, 2024

    Loving this look on you ❤

  • @2hyuniesungie1 July 3, 2024

    I think that she didn't want to be his mommy anymore… That's why he is so mad. He said in one of the recordings that HE was the one that had to make his own appointment and not her.

  • @nowirehangers2815 July 3, 2024

    lol the outfit is hilarious 😂
    God bless

  • @fireandsugar2625 July 3, 2024

    Ihope the rest of them arent like this : you know like memeulous and james marriot and will.

  • @jakedaly2718 July 3, 2024

    shut up shoulderls

  • @greeneyes7 July 3, 2024

    Not to make excuses for Alex whatsoever— but for context, Alex himself has stated on Twitch that, yes, he’s been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. So he’s very mentally ill and unstable, which is why he loses emotional control and splits on people (a term in BPD which means going hot and cold on someone, you’re either all good or all bad with no in between- either a goddess/god or the devil).

    Alex is very mentally ill, unstable, low in empathy, emotionally immature, abusive, and not ready to be in a relationship. Again, his BPD not an excuse- just some context on why he behaves the way he does. He’s an abuser and should be held responsible regardless.

  • @sparkidee July 3, 2024

    I watched him since he outed Paul Breach who actually is a n*nce and I enjoyed them vids. I just thought this Alex dude was an edgy commentator and was only a casual viewer. I have now unsubbed his channel. It's sad I didn't pick things up

  • @Drainhair July 3, 2024

    Outfit jumpscare

  • @anabellacoates4049 July 3, 2024

    i’m so glad you mentioned watching him and having this weird feeling making you shift from watching him cause i had that happen too. he just seemed different and i didn’t like it. shocking to hear that this happened to alice in the background. i hope she gets all the support she deserves at this time more than ever 😢

  • @ziya31 July 3, 2024

    I hate to be that person but I knew one day there would be something coming out about this guy. Now I’m not saying i saw him as an abuser years ago but when I saw him and the other eboys I was like i wouldn’t be surprised if something came out about him

  • @heavycloud6173 July 3, 2024

    i knew this was coming when he was exposed in colluding with weest on trying to frame that australian guy as a groomer

  • @alexacarrillo4339 July 3, 2024

    As a childhood and adult abuse survivor if you get a weird vibe about someone online not only listen to it but also look at your own life and consider that maybe you are picking up on subtle red flags that you have experienced in your own life. I have been amazing at picking out people like Alex online in general celebrities, or people I meet but have no connection with. Dang it I miss it in person with people I have to deal with because my trauma acclimated me to it and trained me to please abusers. Also remember there are no perfect victims.

  • @MalloriD21 July 3, 2024

    What on earth 😲

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