Angela Craig went into life support on March 15, 2023, in Aurora, Colorado. Prior to her death, the police initiated a homicide investigation, assigning a detective to her case. Hours after Angela was declared dead, her husband, Dr. James Craig, was arrested and charged with her murder. He pleaded not guilty. The arrest traces back to a suspicious package delivered to James Craig’s dental office five days before Angela’s death, which is assumed to be the premise of the allegation against him.
The couple had married in 1999 and moved to Aurora where they raised six children, fully engaged in local community life. James Craig ran a well-known dental practice, Summerbrook Dental. The story of Angela Craig’s mysterious ailments, her subsequent death and James Craig’s suspicious package are to be featured on “48 Hours” by Natalie Morales.
Steffan Tubbs, a former radio host, stated his disbelief upon learning about James Craig’s arrest for his wife’s murder. As a journalist of over 34 years, Tubbs described the arrest warrant as the most thorough he has seen and launched a podcast, exploring the case after getting to know Craig while working on radio ads for his dental practice.
Angela Craig’s health problems began on March 6, 2023. Her symptoms included a feeling of dizziness, slow reaction and impaired focus. Her husband took her to the emergency room. After being discharged, she returned after a few days with her symptoms worsening, at which point she was admitted to the hospital for a series of tests. During her stay at the hospital, a package marked ‘potassium cyanide’ was delivered to James Craig’s office, which, according to the arrest warrant, was opened by a staff member out of ignorance of James Craig’s instruction.
Detected symptoms of cyanide poisoning in Angela led the nurse on duty to report to the police who subsequently launched a homicide investigation. As the medical situation became graver, Angela went on life support. The warrant highlights a strange phone call between James Craig and Ryan Redfearn, James Craig’s business partner, regarding the suspicious package. The text from James Craig to Redfearn in build-up to his trial left a plea for silence regarding the ongoing case. James Craig’s trial for murder is scheduled to begin on August 8, 2024. In the meanwhile, speculations run high as defense attorney, Skye Lazaro, raises questions about the possibility of James Craig wishing to kill himself using the cyanide and Angela’s cause of death.
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Do you think the dentist was involved or just an innocent victim?
I highly doubt the dentist was involved. Jumping to conclusions without evidence is irresponsible. Lets not point fingers until the facts are clear. Accusing someone without proof only adds unnecessary drama to the situation. Lets wait for the investigation to unfold before making assumptions.
Do you think the dentist was the target or just a random victim?
I highly doubt the dentist was targeted. Its more likely a random act of violence. Lets not jump to conclusions without evidence. Random attacks happen all the time, unfortunately. Stay rational and wait for the facts before speculating.
Who would have thought a package delivery could lead to a murder investigation?
Why would someone send a suspicious package to a dentists office? So bizarre!
Maybe they were trying to make a statement. Dentists are often associated with pain and fear, so maybe it was a symbolic act. Or maybe it was just a misguided prank. People do strange things for attention.
Who knew a dental office could be at the center of a murder investigation? 😱
This whole case sounds like a plot straight out of a crime thriller!