July 4, 2024
Hate Crimes

Islamism & Immigration Is OUT OF CONTROL – Matt Goodwin | heretics. 67

Matt Goodwin talks about the perils of Islamism, the loss of social cohesion and the panic we’re about to enter as immigration spirals out of control with the election coming, and Farage, Reform & Labour fighting for seats.

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Matthew is an academic, bestselling author, pollster, and speaker known for his research on: politics, populism, elections, voting, public opinion, Brexit, Europe, academic freedom and more. He is Professor of Politics at Rutherford College. He talks about the point of no return in immigration.

0:00 Matt Goodwin Highlights
1:30 Matt Goodwin’s ‘Annoying’ Views
3:30 Matt Thought This Was Disgusting
6:00 Do We Blame Students?
9:20 Free Speech By Force?
12:00 How It FELT To Be Cancelled
15:00 The Shocking Facts of Immigration
17:10 Housing Madness
20:00 Social Cohesion is OVER
21:50 Why Do Governments Want Immigration?
24:00 An Era Of ‘Managed Decline’
27:30 Australia’s System
29:05 Point of No-Return? Islamism
31:30 Toxic Islamo-Left Alliance
34:30 Identity Trap
36:00 Do We Need Immigration?
38:50 Do We Pander to the Woke?
41:00 Gender & Why We Don’t Trust Experts
42:30 Woke is a Useful Term, but This Is Better
45:30 Woke Has Only Just Gotten Started
48:20 We’re Living Through Radicalization of Elites
51:30 San Franciscans to Texas, London to Kent
54:10 A Heretic Matt Admires

#immigration #antiwoke #heretics



  • @andrewgoldheretics July 2, 2024

    Will Farage & Reform win? Can net zero immigration help or is it too late? Let me know below, and hit like & subscribe! Sign up to my new substack: http://andrewgoldheretics.substack.com

  • @stevedriver1476 July 2, 2024

    Australia is becomming a calyphate

  • 💯 agreed! Great , honest, Frank discussion based on truth! How refreshing, thanks Andrew and Matt.

  • @Oleg-dv4ch July 2, 2024

    Democracy it not means be stupid and open your house for potential enemies…

  • @tragedy-and-comedy July 2, 2024

    We the peaceful immigrants noticed and warned about this nearly 30 y ago. The west was already in virtual signaling modus back then; patronizing minorities. With time the ungrateful minorities have taken over. Surprise! Now neither we the peaceful immigrants, or the Jews, or the owners of the west have anywhere else to go!

  • Why immigration? Why not invest the money in your own families, instead of giving it to foreigners?
    Take an honest look into who is really behind allowing this invasion? Politicians that are not opposing it are obviously traitors, but they are not the driving force behind it.
    The immigrants are tools, they are, for the most part, not aware that they are being used. They are led by their greed, many of them ungrateful and criminal, but the strings are beiny pulled by others. The traitors, that are helping with the destruction of our countries, need to be removed from office and held to account, the media, that are telling lies, omitting important facts and destroying democracy have to be either abolished or staffed with people who love their respective country and people. No more affirmative action hires or similar nonsense.
    In no country in Europe were the people ever asked, if they agreed and allowed to let millions of foreigners in. That couldn't happen in a real democracy. Ergo, all these people that came, are here without permission by the sovereign and all citizenships were given without permission. The UK is a constitutional monarchy, but doesn't 5he king have the duty to protect the people of England?
    Every people has the right to defend its homeland. There may be disputes about some regions belonging to another country etc., but traitorous governments refusing to fulfill their basic duties have lost their legitimacy. They are obviously not working for the benefit, protection and future of their people. Who has so much influence in so many countries?
    It's quite obvious for everyone to see.
    The US government refuses to protect the borders and all the dangers to their citizens, resulting from it. Hundreds of thousands of Americans die from drugs, millions live in the streets. German or French governments don't care if their citizens are murdered or raped by people that shouldn't even be in the country. But when Israel wants to mass murder Palestinians, they all come running and help. It's obvious whom they are working for. And no, there are honest Israelis and a lot of the people murdered on the 7th of October were murdered by the IDF, but the mainstream media are not reporting on it. They try to sell us lies to justify the 9 month bombi g of a defenseless city, the deliberate starving of civilians and they repeat ridiculous atrocity propaganda. Just as we have the right to defend our homeland, so do the Palestinians. Israel wants to make it about religion, but they have driven Christian Palestinians from their homes just as brutally. Relative to their percentage of the population even more Christians than Mohammedans.
    No need to bring religion into it. A people has the right to defend its country from foreign invaders and they are within their rights to resist ethnic cleansing. Israel helped with the creation of Hamas. The PLO was secular and it is hard to make a case against a people defending their homeland. Hamas is religious and is better suited to tell people in the US that Israel is fighting crazy religious fanatics and spin the truth. Christian and Muslims should not let themselves be used for the benefit of others. We should not let us be driven into a war. If the political will is there, everything can be returned to lawful, democratic ways. The immigrants can be deported, if they refuse to leave on their own. Taxpayer money should not be given to people who shouldn't even be in the country. Criminal foreigners can be returned to where they came from and Israel can be sanctioned and ostracised for its crimes. There are all kinds of sanctions against Russia, although the Minsk agreements were not kept. Why are there not sanctions against Israel for waging war against a people, that doesn't even have an army? People, who are not working in the interests of their own country, who are even using their country's resources to finance foreign wars, should be removed from office and put before a judge. Afterwards they can go to the people they have caused so much misery and enjoy their gratitude.
    Nothing will get better, if we keep letting liars speak and keep silent ourselves for fear of getting called, right-wing, nazi, islamophobic, racist, antisemite etc..
    We thought that our politicians wouldn't betray us in such a colossal way. We thought they were crooks, but not genocidal criminals. We were wrong and they've put us all in danger. They have betrayed us, caused the death or injury to millions, increased the cost of l8ving deliberately, they have even started to tax the air with the C92 taxes. It will only get worse, if we continue to sit still
    The Irish have to defend their island, the Scots should have a leader who doesn't complain about them being too white, such an impertinent, arrogant racist foreigner should be deported right away. The English should take their capital back and an English prime minister, an honest one, for a change. the Germans sho7ld have a government not hostile to them and provoking Russia for no reason, Poland should not fall for US lies again etc. etc..
    There's a lot to do, but our goals are honest, for the good of our people, just and necessary, unlike what we were forced to endure for the last 9+ years.

  • @GucciLuchi July 2, 2024

    I’m a single english man in my late 20’s, I’ve worked in education for 10 years and have a degree. I can’t afford to move out of my parents house, I can’t find a job that pays well enough, my local town is not safe anymore, I’m struggling to see what this country has to offer me tbh

  • @jerzydrzewi July 2, 2024

    Mamy nadzieje, że UK wzbgaci sie o imigrantow z Azji i Afryki ktorzy zastąpią Polakow

  • @GucciLuchi July 2, 2024

    Import the third world, become the third world

  • @soniafell3133 July 2, 2024

    Before 2019 BLM was started so you wouldn’t say anything about thousands coming into your country. This is why racist was started to be said. In my 69 years I have never seen this word used so much. And it’s a 21st scam

  • @virginiaweir-hj1rt July 2, 2024

    Mass immigration was a sop to business who want to flood the country with cheap labour and ensure the workers never got to a position of dominance.

  • @RobertRedford77 July 2, 2024


  • @davidnorton7437 July 2, 2024

    Spot on assessment Mat. I do believe the west as we know is finished.

  • Millions of unassimilated low-skill workers just in time for AI to make most redundant. Brilliant.

  • @sawsee8482 July 2, 2024

    Paid Zionist mouthpieces,

  • @veenabaruah6239 July 2, 2024


  • @findingPerdition July 2, 2024

    White males need to grow a backbone, you owe 7th century pseudo-Arab Fascists and their woke useful idiots nothing. Learn from Chinese on how they are dealing with this death cult

  • @jhljhl6964 July 2, 2024

    Islam seeks a world ruled by caliphate. Don't fool yourselves. Islam means submission, not reason.

  • @ed7519 July 2, 2024

    Share this with everyone.

  • @mariaashot5648 July 2, 2024

    Calling the EU "not a real democracy" is intellectually dishonest. Your democracy is a Constitutional Monarchy. There are different kinds of democracies on the Spectrum of Democracy. I'll tell you who is not a democracy: Russia. The EU is very much a Democracy and while you were members of it, it maintained your agricultural sector much better than you do all by yourselves, post-Brexit.

  • I agree where I live in Glasgow Scotland the white people are being outnumbered, and there are more and more Eastern European people here too, we are all sick fed up with this, and you say anything you are called a racist. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  • @Hoodat426 July 2, 2024

    Absolutely spot on Matt. Islamic fundamentalism is not compatible with western civilization nor will it ever be. The question is why is it being forced on the native british people? How do you build a future with oeople who do not share your values. It is not possible for à country to thrive with parallel societies who have different identities and goals. Islam isxan extremely pervasive ideology which roots itself in the political arena. Taking over towns 1 by 1 and putting their own laws in place. See for yourself 1st hand how this is done. With failing birthrates one can only assume that it wont be long before the uk will have its 1st Islamic caliphate and sharia law the order of the day. Unless things change radically and soon. Im afraid the island that stood the test of time fought for by brave british Patriots will be no more.

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