July 5, 2024
Hate Crimes

Israeli Influence Campaigns on U.S. Campuses Investigated with Journalists Lee Fang and Jack Poulson

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  • @alexandertosa4993 June 27, 2024

    Great show!

  • @FilofeiNomura June 27, 2024

    The foundation of America is Judaeo- Masonic. Only fools would deny that!

  • @mouksb2000 June 27, 2024

    The amount of surveillance imposed kn college students and all this time and money invested in trying to shape and control them is nauseating. Even more gross is that it's focused on pro-Palestinian students and organizations or merely Muslim or Arab ones. Beyond that is the fact that a foreign government hostile to US interests in many ways…is spending and investing and collaborating with US Govnt n NGOs to the tune of tems if not hundreds of millions of dollars collectively on lawfare and on censorship and trying to break the back of the BDS Movement. Problem is though…it's wayyyy too late
    Most students that are very active or just supportive of the GLOBAL Palestinian Solidarity Movement are NOT gonna switch up n are very well read and informed. I mean Meta can be trashy all it wants n censor it's platforms …unless you can BAN independently owned n operated media outlets or burn books n gag scholars, legislators, REAL journalists and subject matter experts…they won't prevail. They will make things hard n difficult n unpleasant n nasty n financially harsh….but they will NOT change the mind of any student who opposes US imperialism and settler colonialism. It's too late. You Can't UNRING the bell of headless babies cradled by wounded fathers n women giving birth/csectiins on dirty bombed out hospital floors s without anesthetic n same for children being amputated n doctors being tortured n aid workers being bombef in yheir office n banning AL Jazeera n detaining n torturing 9000 Palestinians, many women n kids. Letting newborns die cuz you refuse to allow fuel for invcubators…bombing tent cities n raping detainees to death….starving people to death….40k dead….and over 100 000 wounded n disabled….21000 missing kids….NO ONE WILL EVER FORGET…so go ahead n ban TikTok n see what happens on Election Day n ban protests or encampment or boycotts….it is TOO LATE. We. All. Know and NO ONE…can unsee what they say since Oct 2023….and NO ONE gives AF about any BS hasbara coming out of Israel. Even Haaretz trashes the Israeli hint for its lies. We shall not drink the Kool aid they haven't.

  • @samuelallen167 June 27, 2024

    Of course Israel bashing is hipp, report on ALL influences on Campuses like Quatar & Co!

  • @soup100 June 27, 2024

    but when you call this stuff out, you're called an "antisemite"

  • @geoffreylachner6779 June 27, 2024

    The combination of unprinicpled Wall St multimillionaires/billionaires ie criminals who do not "work" but manipulate and use conspiracy/collusion inside information , criminal schemss becom fabulously wealthy, then to take that money to manipulate University administrations etc. They would also attack BDS campaigns influence etc.

  • @lilajason3704 June 27, 2024


  • @aynhiayraadr6599 June 27, 2024

    Israel owns america.
    America is lifeless and gone, forget it

  • @zg-it June 27, 2024

    I'm not ashamed to say that the fake private college I went to that is now completely corrupted and captured was a waste of time for me in my life. We were fooled into thinking colleges had value for everybody, they only have a value for spoiled rich kids or people who are forced to go there for regulation. It is a terrible system. Let's take as many young people as we can and delay them from entering the work world or getting real life experience, and now we have those people in our real life and they're terrible.

  • @space_jesus_13 June 27, 2024

    We are witnessing complete capture of the world's number one superpower. It's crazy how Americans are brainwashed to see this completely normal

  • @shadow.banned June 27, 2024

    He criticizes Zionism, trans activism, and vaccine mandates. He raped me.

  • The Backbone of the US and UK and EU policies and Social culture is Corruption, do you argue????

  • @MaryLou5239 June 27, 2024

    Believe it or not, in Germany it's the same on universities. I don't know what groups are behind it but they have big influence on politicians and presidents of the universities. It would be interesting to inverstigate it.

  • @rajdevarapalli4346 June 27, 2024

    Such an organisation can also be found in other successful far right religious groups.

  • @hopesy12u4 June 27, 2024

    Are we sure it isn't the united states of israel? Are we sure we're sure? Cause: 14:45

  • @jamesclark5093 June 27, 2024

    So all of ben Shapiros college speeches was to push Israeli propaganda. People are still subscribed to his stuff too. Smh

  • @tumbleweed1976 June 27, 2024

    Thank you all for the conversation.

  • @user-xc2yc3vz5e June 27, 2024

    the fallen revealed, fail n fall

  • @janweaver3112 June 27, 2024

    Great show.

  • @WW3_Soon June 27, 2024

    College and university students are encouraged to report instances of antisemitism on campus.

  • @user-uv3yc5bn7o June 27, 2024

    "Influence" ? Is that what you call it ? Well, it does sound a lot nicer than Militant Control.

  • @m33ro. June 27, 2024

    Free the USA from israel.

  • @luisdavidllense2293 June 27, 2024

    National security is at stake. This is dangerous. Foreign actors shouldn't have this much power over our government.

  • @Lp78Ch June 27, 2024

    YouTube algorithm bots are censoring comments heavily today. I wonder why!

  • @wildfood1 June 27, 2024

    Foreign influences on U.S. campuses?

    The Soviet Union has entered the chat.

  • @mbii7667 June 27, 2024

    Sick and tired of all these Jewish tactics

  • @wiggi9339 June 27, 2024

    How could any government on earth be deemed incapable of wrongdoing?

  • @eugeniaberdali9711 June 27, 2024

    But of course you can boycott or whatever any country except Israel. Israel is America. America as you imagine it is gone. It now is the FAT COW providing Israel with anything it wants. Taxpayers are just pawns. Israel has free medicine and education while we do not. Same super interference is happening with the army. Bye bye America, hello Israel (because the name America will be banned in a few years as anti-Semitic! )

  • @meekoosh June 27, 2024

    We know who the fascists are

  • @peterlouis712 June 27, 2024

    Since money equals speech the door is now open for foreign countries and actors to influence American policy freely.

  • @jamesdozier3722 June 27, 2024

    So many people have nothing better to do than sit around and scheme to manipulate other people. What a waste.
    Stuff like this tends to backfire

  • @lyndeen June 27, 2024

    That doesn’t sound benign at all. This is not good at all. Public education centers that don’t allow free speech. Really not good.

  • @amania9254 June 27, 2024

    Why the Apartheid Israel lobbyists are not yet registered as Foreign Agents whom they are?

  • @sarahfern7128 June 27, 2024

    Please also look at the suppression of free speech about Palestine in high schools. Also, on a separate note, there are some officially US registered "charities" which fund illegal West Bank settlements, like One Israel.

  • @kaizen960 June 27, 2024

    Free America from evil AIPAC.

  • @BobJohnson648 June 27, 2024

    I doubt that dossiers are limited to college students

  • @ahagamama June 27, 2024

    The Hillel chairman seems to be speaking in hebrew – is that right?

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