July 7, 2024
Hate Crimes

IT’S GARBAGE: Ben Shapiro defends his controversial position on rap music

In a hot-button topic with many of his fans, Ben Shapiro is teased about his position on rap music and why he feels so strongly against it.



  • @DailyWirePlus June 21, 2024

    WATCH THE FULL SPEECH HERE: https://youtu.be/QF7OvV3yXG4

  • @bleu_chzst924 June 21, 2024

    Its not music never has never will be. Its noise and fatherless behavior

  • @Molix1981 June 21, 2024

    Yes, it's pure garbage in all it's glory..

  • @natwhite1679 June 21, 2024

    Rap hurts the ears and offends the mind.

  • @yeOldeThorne June 21, 2024

    I usually wouldn't agree with Ben Shapiro, but he's absolutely right in this one. Jazz is vastly superior to rap, more specifically hip-hop.

  • @EliezerKatz June 21, 2024

    My money like lizzo my pockets are fat😂😂

  • @mikemontemurro8088 June 21, 2024

    Rap is definitely not music. It is just incoherent ghetto babble.

  • @devilsrejects7058 June 21, 2024

    Rap is garbage.

  • @ajoydas-Watch-It June 21, 2024

    They say music can alter moods and talk to you, well can it load a gun up for you, and cock it too? Well if it can, then the next time you assault a dude, just tell the judge it was my fault and I'll get sued. (Eminem)

  • @voicesofdust4749 June 21, 2024

    The Jew makes a convincing and even respectable argument against the very music his brethren have helped push into every ghetto and white suburban home and made incredible amounts of wealth from; this still does not excuse Ben Shapiro for being born.

  • @macaryl95 June 21, 2024

    Rap is better than jazz

  • @OnlyScienceRules June 21, 2024

    Despite the fact that Shapiro is a superstition preacher of ancient religious dangerous nonsense, he is absolutely right about rap music.

    The only things that rap music inspires is hate, criminal behaviours and activities, racism, victimhood mentality, hate, violence, degradation of women, toxic machismo, superficiality, and glorification of it all!

    There are very good reasons why the genre is generally looked down on and ridiculed. It’s not good music, if it is music at all. And there are very good reasons why many of these “rappers” end up dead and imprisoned. They’re literal gangsters, working for bigger, gangsters who produce their hate inspired, violent, toxic, corrosive, corrupting, degenerative, vainglorious, vindictive, pestilential, malevolent, malignant, narcissistic, antagonistic words. They are drug and human traffickers, murderers (yes, literally) bullies and scum that contribute nothing to society, let alone to civilisation as a whole. Rather, they hinder the maintenance and advancement of civilisation as an enterprise. As evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins points out perfectly, “There are a countless number of people who could have been born in your place, who could have been much better than you and me, and who will never be born, because you are here in their place. Who the hell are you to boast and be so frivolous?”

    You rap music “fans” (“fan” being the short and mutilated form of the word “fanatic”) don’t even know the fact that before deciding to turn to rap, your favourite hateful criminal who rapper, Shakur, was going to be a ballet! Only idiots can glorify such people and their terrifyingly scary, extremely negative, uncivilised, primitivist, simple minded, churlish, tribalist words and music, deliberately designed to be that way.

    The boy is in the video is an example of that tribalism, primitivism, simple mindedness and idiocy, because self evidently, he doesn’t even realise the fact that he is being judgemental and inflammatory himself, all because someone (in this case that someone is Shapiro) criticised rap music and exposed it for what it is. People like that young man don’t deserve to exist due to the very same reason already mentioned: They contribute nothing to civilisation, and exist only because they were born in the first place, living wasteful, frivolous, carefree, mindless, self absorbed little lives, leaving behind no legacy whatsoever!

    People should be filling the time they have (it’s not “their own@ time, it’s just time they’ve got at hand for being here) with scientific knowledge and enquiry, artistry, creativity, learning critical thinking skills, scientific enquiries, exercising, commuting, sharing, contributing, building, learning, reading, writing, and other creative pursuits. At his age, a young man should be doing those things rather than wasting time, energy and resources by attending a Ben Shapiro lecture and ridiculing himself in front of others by talking gibberish defending “rap music” and being so mindlessly judgemental and antagonistic towards Shapiro for criticising it. Absolutely aggravating and ridiculous, unacceptable behaviour on the part of that young man!

  • @ritas1977 June 21, 2024

    And in 2024 he became a charting rapper.

  • @abelanc1090 June 21, 2024

    Your the whitest dude on the planet of course you dont like it. But that means he is absolutely ignorant about it.

  • @robd1859 June 21, 2024

    Ben shut that little punk down

  • @darkblaze373 June 21, 2024

    i hate this scumbag but i agree with him that rap is absolutely trash

  • @Obabasu June 21, 2024

    Hip Hop is dead.

  • @UnchainedEruption June 21, 2024

    Honestly I rather agree with Ben. I think rap belongs categorically more as a kind of rhetorical art form, one that lands on the edge of music, but I don't think it goes far enough. At least, if it is music, it offers the bare minimum of musical expression. You get one short phrase, one bar of music, repeated over again for the entire song, and it's not even the primary focus. It's just the background, with the rapper rapping over that music, not singing it. And half the time, even that one short phrase isn't even the rapper's own creation but is just sampled from somebody else who is a real musician.

    Unlike Ben, I think rap can be good (on occasion), though I'm not a fan, but does it really count as music? Eh…I don't think so.

  • @Decadent_Descent June 21, 2024

    Never thought I'd agree with the Shitpiro on anything.

  • @SeniorZileppe June 21, 2024

    rap is garbage. in 2016, it was new and exciting, and now it's overdone and just makes me feel off now because none of it makes sense. what they say doesn't make sense. the way they dress is tacky and ugly, and overall, you can't look up to a rapper. 60s/70s/80s/90s, not 2000s, is where music is at its peak.

  • @user-mv3nc1vq6g June 21, 2024

    I mean it is what it is. Some don't like rock …but alot of people do … almost anyone loves it ..but hey it is his personal choice. His choice is not gonna do or change anything at all but hey ..it's just his personal choice …same thing …I love hip-hop..but not all rap songs or videos or it's getting hard …to defend it😂😂

  • @allen7986 June 21, 2024

    Everything having to do with black folk have always been intensely scrutinized and critically assessed by racist white folk since they were herded off slave ships. The bodies, facial features, hair, sound of their voice, their feelings, attitude, everything little thing. The onus was always on black folk to do whatever they could do to be acceptable to white sensibilities. The wide spectrum and ever expanding rap genre is getting the same negative treatment racist whites applied to Rhythm and blues, until Elvis Presley suddenly showed up.

  • @allen7986 June 21, 2024

    It took time for me to appreciate rap music. It hard for me to understand and take in all the words. Then gradually i started hearing the melodious and clever word play of rap songs i could really get into. I realized there were rap songs i liked very much and others i didn't like at all. I then realized 'rap' was a version of centuries old limerick. On 'look at me now' by chris brown and guest artists for example have a 'rap off' that has them speed rapping that is very clever and funny. I play it regularly.

  • @StonedDragon-kj1di June 21, 2024

    Also there's no instruments or singing

  • @shlokwaghela9560 June 21, 2024

    Aged so well

  • @DarkestVoid June 21, 2024

    Nerdy fuck really got offended over that lmfao. Rap is music but it’s not good music. Or at least 99% of it. Eminem is the last good rapper.

  • @FullKarenMusic June 21, 2024

    😭 Where's the world's smallest violin? Oh there he is!

  • @FullKarenMusic June 21, 2024

    I'm critical of most pop rap…but hip hop is diverse and can be genius. There must be an exception he's not been exposed to. Generalizing and dismissing an entire genre is arrogant and ignorant. I can't say I think too highly of him in general either.

  • @Preus-by8ru June 21, 2024

    This clown’s statements aged gracefully. 🤣😂

  • @Rukiman_no16 June 21, 2024

    This has aged nearly as well as polio.

  • @jakelarose8635 June 21, 2024

    Well with Ben featuring in a rap song now this is hilarious to watch XD

  • @genesis204 June 21, 2024

    Now he topping the rap charts

  • Call it a hunch But I’m guessing this video will be resurfacing soon

  • @edravago8202 June 21, 2024

    He's not enjoying rap but he nailed it the first time he did.

  • @newjerseylion4804 June 21, 2024

    So this comment is just when his rap came out.

  • @aboi9865 June 21, 2024

    That aged well

  • @necromancer6405 June 21, 2024

    Hey y'all xD.

  • @justinmercado1185 June 21, 2024

    Ben is the best rapper

  • @anonanon-mx5wg June 21, 2024

    lol rap music is all about sex violence and gangster culture

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