July 3, 2024
Sex Crimes

James Franco discusses recent sexual misconduct allegations

James Franco has said the sexual misconduct allegations made against him are ‘not accurate’. Speaking on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the actor commented on the criticism he received after wearing a Time’s Up pin at the Golden Globes awards. He told Colbert: ‘I can’t live if there’s restitution to be made. I will make it. So if I’ve done something wrong, I will fix it.’
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  • @tammydow6112 June 29, 2024

    …i think its classy….and says sooo much that he didnt want it to effect real women whove been assulted coming out…says alot about his character…for sure!

  • @featherface June 29, 2024

    Idk why but I believe him!

  • @GeoffVentures June 29, 2024

    He’s on Epstein’s flight logs so…. it would not surprise me

  • @Blitz-ww8kh June 29, 2024

    Poor guy having these women lie about him

  • @jeansimard6944 June 29, 2024

    Take responsibility for my actions… He's responsible for me peeing my pants a few times

  • @flyandshy00 June 29, 2024

    You saw his movies? Making out with teens, movies full of naked teens, sexual perverted stuff. A pedo rapist.

  • @georgexatz4162 June 29, 2024

    He is too funny to have made such a thing

  • @brandonpolansky9724 June 29, 2024

    If you make a mistake in the past you obviously CAN'T get over the Past but this guy is NO Brett Kavanaugh who gets a pass and nominated for Supreme Court judge but James Franco is finished and to be honest that saying You need to put the past behind you is such BS!!! I learned you CAN'T get over the past unless you're Brett Kavanaugh??? WTF???

  • @russellpeters2763 June 29, 2024

    Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! Beware of crazy vindictive women, This poor guy's career and reputation has been destroyed.

  • @maxsamieff2240 June 29, 2024

    Or maybe you shouldn't push Tommy Wiseau so rudely that night.

  • @maxsamieff2240 June 29, 2024

    Well, I guess the more power, money and fame you think you have, the more creepier you become.

  • @stevenmarkoll552 June 29, 2024

    What a story, James !

  • A law should be passed making sexual allegations illegal

  • @erlindabrunt June 29, 2024

    I like him!

  • @bigman4407 June 29, 2024

    This is so stupid. There's a reason men have penis and women have vaginas. Penis is for penetration. Men are the aggressors its in our dna. But ofcourse raping is very very wrong and there should be punishment for raping and forcing a women against her will. But sexual misconduct could mean anything. Sometimes we men get so horny and say the wrong thing to women like " wow, you got some nice big milky titties i just wanna squeeze them." yes thats wrong, and both adults should handle it in an adult fashion. Back in the day if i guy said something like that he would get immediately slapped by that woman, and it will be the end of story, or she would say something smart and vulgar right back at him. American society is getting soft & screwed by all of this. Soon Men gonna be woman like or become woman(like Kaitlyn Jenner) and woman gonna be men like but still have a womb cause you're still a woman. Anyway leave James Franco alone, unless he raped a woman or did sexual misconduct to a minor, there is no problem.

  • @gogot1541 June 29, 2024

    isn't he an English professor or something? after did/didn't the verb should be in present simple, why did he use the form for past tense of read?

  • @monarch_ua June 29, 2024

    Veteran organizations of the United States are shocked and outraged that Obama sold the historic embassy building in London. From where they were given orders to fight for the freedom of Europe against Hitler. They demand to arrest Obama, for the betrayal of America. The profit of JPMorgan fell by 37%

  • @Patzenviking1993 June 29, 2024

    this is becoming a joke

  • @sppsports2449 June 29, 2024

    In 2018 you can't even approach a woman without being accused by 90 thousand people of sexual misconduct and harassment. Let's focus on actual victims, not the people who cry the loudest and provide 0 proof.

  • @ara-pf5zx June 29, 2024

    he was always sleazy

  • @AlexChipman June 29, 2024

    I wonder when it will be Stephen Colbert’s turn to have his sexual assault history made public. No evidence yet but it wouldn’t surprise me

  • @felipe3354 June 29, 2024

    He’s looking down too much

  • @christinalange3280 June 29, 2024

    He and other falsely accused actors need to sue these people taking advantage and ruining careers.

  • @TheBob1901 June 29, 2024

    Trial by Twitter… not the way to go. I remember that sexual abuse trial in Toronto in 2016, when all 3 female complainants were alleging that a well-known radio host had abused them. They won in the court of public opinion. But when in an actual court of law, when objective evidence was presented, all 3 female complainants were exposed as liars, and the guy was declared not guilty. You can get an entirely different outcome if due process is followed.

  • @0prahTV June 29, 2024

    we caught franco red-handed. He's finished

  • @giamartinexx5789 June 29, 2024

    At least he's being clear n facing it not like all the other cowards

  • @VigilanteVegan June 29, 2024

    If a man offers you a contract that states X amount of dollars for 2 nude scenes – and you AGREE to that contract – and SIGN that contract, you can't turn around some time later and say, "Harassment! Franco said I had to do at least 2 nude scenes!" It doesn't work like that. Guys like Franco and Louie CK are being lumped in with actual harassers for consensual agreements where women use words out of context to make the man sound like he committed misconduct when they know damn well they were into it at the time.

  • @alittlebitofjessica June 29, 2024

    I believed it happened, I just don't think it was non-consensual. Like, woman, you agreed to go out with James "Fuckboy" Franco, what did you think you were going to do–read a rosary?

  • Not much confidence in his tone

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